1. #1
    The Patient Thalais's Avatar
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    LF Duo Partner Bot

    So I love playing support but I also enjoy the adc every now again.
    I want to find someone who wants to play a very powerful duo:
    Teemo + Twitch.

    Teemo = Support
    Twitch = ADC

    The amount of damage from psn just over powers early game along side a single ignite.
    The point of this team is to attack at level 2 and get a quick kill or two.

    Level 2: Teemo has Blind Shot & Toxic Psn, Twitch has plunge & ambush.
    Summoner Spells: Teemo = Heal + Exhast // Twitch = Ignite + Flash
    Teemo sits anywhere in the middle of the lane towards the enemy side of the lane and goes invisible, could be in bushes; lane; by river.
    Twitch either goes into bush or falls behind by tower and uses ambush to stealth. Attack from behind them. one will be by bushes and the other by river so they cant flash to either side for a quick run off.
    Attack to kill support first then adc.
    Twitch will start attack on support. Teemo will use blind shot on adc and focus fire the support. Twitch after 1-2 seconds will use ignite to reduce all heals/regeneration by 50% to increase odds of kill. After 3 seconds, Teemo uses Exhaust on ADC to prevent their damage from dealing even more.
    If all goes well, the psn will be too much for the support to live and first kill. Then focus fire the adc left if they haven't ran off, but since they have exhaust on, they wont get far. Teemo should have or be close to having blind shot off again.
    Twitch will use his plunge ability to finish off the support person and focus fire the adc as they try to run off.

    Starting Items:
    Teemo = boots + 1 ward + health pot
    Twitch = boots + 3 health pots

    After Bot is cleared, they finish lane and head to step 2 & 3.

    Step 2: Ambush mid lane or at lease push them back and either tower dive by twitch for the kill and flash out or kill before they get to tower. Next continue across to top lane which teemo + twitch + jungler will gank top all at once with top's help.

    Overall, possible kills is 4 for them. They head back and get their main items and finish the lane process by the 7 min mark most likely or just dominate their adc so they cant get kills which slows their game down.

    What do you all think?
    When life gets you down, stand back up.
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    When Blizzard makes you wait 1 more year and gives you a crappy D3 game with no end game content, horrible nerfs, & says the AH is the greatest thing to come to a D3 game, It's OK to nerd rage and never buy another Acti-Blizzard game again. I know I wont.

  2. #2
    What you describe is basically a kill lane.

    These are also easy to do with other setups, such as Pantheon/Xin Zhao. They do really rely on getting a lot of kills though. If the AD carry gets killed once, then towerhugs all the time and farms under tower, these kill-lanes start to suffer, and fall of late game.

    So basically it can work, and it can fail. The higher in ELO you go, the more often it will fail.

    I love playing kill lanes though. More action (:

  3. #3
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
    All I can say is that I'd love running into that team as Tristana / Alistar.

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