1. #4421
    And I am loading chunks again...

    This was my problem... I was using a mod called Geocraft, and testing ATG. and the combination of this made minecraft rechecking chunks all the time, and regenerating ore... and thus not being able to send it to the client... ATG also changed some ID's on the way making it so that noone other than me could connect to the server...

    I can also use the newest version of Mekanism. Well... My server can LOAD the newest version... My client have been able to do so for a long time...

    On the update note... I am glad that the game is evolving, BUT I do wish that Devs would sit down and find out together how to cooperate...


  2. #4422
    yay i back trace it. is nei plugins i removed it then i start minecraft and it started working just fine no problems for now

  3. #4423
    Quote Originally Posted by Owlmighty View Post
    Hello, am i the only one getting a crash when i look up the luggage from Open blocks on NEI?

    Oh sorry forgot the log.

    Time: 10/22/13 7:17 PM
    Description: Rendering screen
    	at net.minecraft.entity.DataWatcher.func_75683_a(SourceFile:79)
    	at com.emoniph.witchery.infusion.infusions.InfusionInfernal$ClientEventHooks.onRenderLiving(InfusionInfernal.java:105)
    REST OF LOG....
    Your problem is witchery V0.5.1.... You might want to test the update since it's 0.7 at the moment.
    Or remove it temporally. Or there might be an ID conflict.... Use this brilliant script by oldfarmerJoe to find them using perl.

    Hope this help
    Last edited by mmocbd6afd3c9d; 2013-10-23 at 05:49 AM. Reason: ID reporter added

  4. #4424
    Quote Originally Posted by camicio View Post
    What I'm expecting to happen is Mojang will release a base API with support for basic things, and third parties like Forge will extend it rather than compete with it. Even if their API isn't great, at least it means they're doing things like abolishing IDs from the engine.
    A good idea but reality is bug voted number 1 on Mojangs own Bugtracker (mob glitch into ground/fence) is still unassigned since a year (confirmed bug since Minecraft 1.4.2)

    mojang clearly has no good control over their own development. I would suggest to fix the highest voted bug with each snapshot before implementing new stuff.

  5. #4425
    If they could get rid of id's, they'd successfully get rid of 90% of player's issues...

  6. #4426
    they are kind of getting rid of item/block ids in 1.7 it will be a infinite list of ids not hard coded this time so id errors should be a thing of the past

    @laguy u need to reload the TC configs once in a while mate nearly all updates since 1.6x version have had new items and alike mate

    i have the latest version of it installed and have done the config for u mate

  7. #4427
    Quote Originally Posted by skedone View Post
    they are kind of getting rid of item/block ids in 1.7 it will be a infinite list of ids not hard coded this time so id errors should be a thing of the past

    @laguy u need to reload the TC configs once in a while mate nearly all updates since 1.6x version have had new items and alike mate

    i have the latest version of it installed and have done the config for u mate
    @skedone. What in the world are you talking about? The configs are using the OP listed version of Thaumcraft 4.0.2. And the config pack has those configs installed, mate. Next time check before you fire a shot across the bow.

  8. #4428
    Quote Originally Posted by skedone View Post
    they are kind of getting rid of item/block ids in 1.7 it will be a infinite list of ids not hard coded this time so id errors should be a thing of the past

    @laguy u need to reload the TC configs once in a while mate nearly all updates since 1.6x version have had new items and alike mate

    i have the latest version of it installed and have done the config for u mate

    If the list is infinite, won't that still mean that developers will have to choose sensible ID ranges? It'll be less likely to have collisions, but I reckon it could (and will) still happen.

    Unless all mods add the option to auto assign and/or only use one ID (like RedPower used to do), this will only make it less of a problem.

    I think the reason there is no mod api is because Mojang wants to be able to change their code however they want. They don't want to have to think about the issues that the Forge team is currently handling, namely keeping their API mostly stable. Forge abstracts this so the mods don't have to update everything for every release. I'm thinking the main reason here is the messy code that Minecraft was started with, which was never fully refactored.

  9. #4429
    @Olafski most mods do have auto assign now using the same system as azonor uses as its the best at finding and sorting its own ids

    pech was added mate in version 202 (just not in change log) i have had them seince then and there stuff is missing mate along with a couple of other things cant remember now what ones have a look mate .....and sorry i was trying to help as new version is out too and i thought i would update the config to that version for you save u some work for when fuzzzie does update later.

    if me helping is pissing u off that much lately i will gladly stop

  10. #4430
    LOAD"*",8,1 Fuzzzie's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Legion of Doom Headquarters
    1.6.4 Config Pack Download v3.5.9 : Main Download

    Config Pack Changelog : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6285302/
    Config Pack Block/Item ID Spreadsheet : [url]http://bit.ly/1aAlH1m[/url

    Version 3.5.9 - Oct 22nd 2013

    • added Iron Pressure Plates - Block ID's added, XEliteZ/IronPP.cfg
    • added RotaryCraft - Block/Item ID's added, Reika/RotaryCraft.cfg

    Mystcraft is supposed to be coming out today if the testing goes well. I'll do an update then.

  11. #4431
    If running gregtech mdyio added another hack against it "that can break worlds."
    mdyio's response on his thread - Intentionally breaking GregTech is not the goal. Stopping the bug reports about "invalid" ore dictionary entries is. With the way it was implemented, GregTech should still function normally, minus a bit of data.

    Tinkers construct code here -

    package tconstruct.plugins.misc;

    import java.lang.reflect.Field;

    import net.minecraftforge.common.MinecraftForge;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;
    import cpw.mods.fml.common.ModContainer;

    @Mod(modid = "TConstruct|PeaceOfMind", name = "TConstruct|PeaceOfMind", version = "1.0")
    public class PeaceOfMind
    public PeaceOfMind()
    for (ModContainer o : Loader.instance().getModList())
    if (o.getModId().toLowerCase().contains("gregtech"))
    /** Explicit permission: http://forum.industrial-craft.net/in...457#post121457 */
    ModContainer mod = o;
    Field ann = FMLModContainer.class.getDeclaredField("eventBus");
    com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus googlebus = (com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus) ann.get(mod);

    Class clazz = Class.forName("gregtechmod.common.GT_OreDictHandler");
    catch (Exception e)
    System.err.println("Cannot unregister GregTech");

    " By the way, you can delete this feature, it's called PeaceOfMind or something in the plugins/ directory in the TConstruct file."
    This info and link to thread is displayed in game when you log in, im newer and cant post links....
    Just a FYI
    Thanks for keeping thread up to date
    Last edited by iTraumatik; 2013-10-23 at 04:06 PM.

  12. #4432
    You DO know why Diyo did that right?

  13. #4433
    coz gregtech mod is a piece of shit that screws over other peoples mods

  14. #4434
    If they can get rid of id's that would be nice. Personally I'd prefer a solution that when they update minecraft it won't kill mods in the process... lost so many mods to updates it makes Jesus baby cry. Most modders are just normal people, work, school, family and what not, they don't generally have time to update a mod when a new minecraft update comes out. This is what annoys me the most with minecraft.

  15. #4435
    well forge is working towards that and i get the feeling that when cpw works that out then it will be in minecraft they started adding the api sorry his api into minecraft a few versions ago lol

  16. #4436
    To stop the bug reports that are because of having gregtech installed. But if it truly does break worlds it is wrong and that is why i posted, FYI. I like what gregtech adds to ic2 and that is why i want to learn all of it.

  17. #4437
    yeah each to there own just never seen the point in it my self it just makes things take longer not harder and adds new problems every bloody update same with the ue stuff but at least GT stuff is documented to some degree lol UE stuff they just go here u are u work out what u do with this

  18. #4438
    Quote Originally Posted by skedone View Post

    pech was added mate in version 202 (just not in change log) i have had them seince then and there stuff is missing mate along with a couple of other things cant remember now what ones have a look mate .....and sorry i was trying to help as new version is out too and i thought i would update the config to that version for you save u some work for when fuzzzie does update later.

    if me helping is pissing u off that much lately i will gladly stop
    I do appreciate your assistance Skedone, however I am still having problems figuring out what the problem is. First you are referring to version 202, do you really mean version 4.0.2?

    I did some testing and really can't find out what you are talking about. Here are the blocks/items that are different/missing between your config file you sent me (which I know you said is for 4.03a) and the current 4.0.2a TC config file in the pack.


    Here is what I tried. Deleted my existing 4.02a version of TC and the config file. Reloaded TC 4.02a and let MC have mod build a new config file. I then checked the newly created config file against the config file in the v3.5.9 pack. There are no missing blocks or items that I could find and none of the items above show up.

    Then I deleted my config file for 4.02a and let the mod build an entirely new config file again using the 4.02a TC version and compared it to the config file you sent me. The items above are missing.

    I then again deleted the config, loaded TC 4.03a and let it build a new config file and the items above showed up. But that is because it is a 4.03a config file and the mod pack is 4.02a. I really looks to me like pech and the other items in that list only were added in the 4.03a version of TC. Maybe I am doing something wrong and you can tell me what I am missing.

    Somehow I have a feeling that we are talking apples and oranges here and I am just not in sync with what you are trying to tell me.

  19. #4439
    Quote Originally Posted by Olafski View Post
    If the list is infinite, won't that still mean that developers will have to choose sensible ID ranges? It'll be less likely to have collisions, but I reckon it could (and will) still happen.

    Unless all mods add the option to auto assign and/or only use one ID (like RedPower used to do), this will only make it less of a problem.

    I think the reason there is no mod api is because Mojang wants to be able to change their code however they want. They don't want to have to think about the issues that the Forge team is currently handling, namely keeping their API mostly stable. Forge abstracts this so the mods don't have to update everything for every release. I'm thinking the main reason here is the messy code that Minecraft was started with, which was never fully refactored.
    As per ID comments, and please note, I'm not a java programmer, I just follow/read tweets and watch videos from a lot of the modders and they have explained this in their videos a few times:

    How it will work now is it's based solely off of names. A loose example is block.OreTin (there is more to the name than that, but this is the important part of the name). How MC works now (1.6) is OreTin for mod A has an ID of 1 and mod B an id of 37. The OreDictionary in Forge says "Hey, ID 1 and ID 37 are both registered as OreTin, therefore, they should be treated the same!". In 1.7 Mod A has OreTin and Mod B has OreTin, the game now automatically pairs them, using the base texture from whichever mod is loaded last OR the texturepack, whichever is applicable. It's all going to be based off of names now. Basically, the OreDictionary will probably disappear for the most part, with the exception of still registering something like "Zinc can be used as Tin", a mod author can register Zinc under both Tin and Zinc, so it can be used in any Tin recipe and any Zinc recipe.

    AKA: No more ID #'s, it's all based on names. Therefore, in theory, no conflicts.

  20. #4440
    Yeah config I upload was for latest version as I said this was so when fuzzzie posted it later today itcwoukd give u a heads up and save some time. As for other blocks that's weird as when I did it, it had 3 or 4 id mismatches and yeah I ment 4.02 lol anyway read pm please dude

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