Just downloaded AsphyxiaUI and im really impressed with it, really big improvement on the standalone TukUI i was using previously, although as expected with all addon's im having a few bugs pop up. I will include SS of what i have noticed so far with details to follow, hopefully i'll be able to get some guidance on what solutions there are for the problems

This is a screenshot of my UI as the current version stands.

Link to the UI download page:http://www.wowinterface.com/download...sphyxiaUI.html

I Will list the problems i have here:

1. The message in at the top of the screen about the low res keeps popping up after every ui reload, even when i press accept it will not go away.

2. My target frame is stuck on the TukUI default frame and i dont know how to asjust this so it matches the new UI

any help with these problems will be greatly appreciated