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  1. #1

    Kaluak Fishing Derby

    I would post in another thread but don't want to risk getting infracted for necroing a thread.

    Anyway, today was my first shot at the fishing derby. I planted myself down in sholozar basin, not the center but the lake north of it. I managed to get about 7-9 pools of fish before it was announced that someone else had won. My question is, is there any tricks/tips I can get on how to approach the derby again next week and the weeks after? I heard that catching the shark is completely RNG but your chances are higher where there are more pools of fish.

    So anyone got any:
    • Locations
    • Tips/Tricks
    • Strategies
    • Myths

  2. #2
    Might be myth, but I always read that you should fish pools before the announcement. This is because the shark supposedly will only come from a pool that spawned after the announcement is made and the derby is live.

  3. #3
    Herald of the Titans Maruka's Avatar
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    I dont know if it is true or not but i always kind of had a superstition aswell that the shark will only spawn in new pools after the announcement. Hard to prove though.

  4. #4
    It's pure RNG, but it is a competition against other players, so you'll have better odds when there are few competing (like now, I suspect).

    I tried it three times. It was won within about 8 minutes each time. First time, I fished for the whole hour just wanting to see a shark, but never caught one. Second time, I was very discouraged. Third time, last weekend, breathless, I won.

    So I would say, if you want it, just keep trying. 8 minutes is not a long investment. (Well, it does take longer getting to Dalaran, making it your home and getting to the fishing area.)

    For what it's worth, I fished on the southern tip of Howling Fjord, on the ice with the seals. Quite a few pools nearby and as it is so far, no competing players.

    PS: the only in new pools spawning after announcement thing is a myth; I caught my shark from a pool that was there at the start.

  5. #5
    Idd luck is the main factor in the fishing derby. New pools thing is a myth, got my shark from the pool I decided was to be my starting point. I had terrible luck with this achi, took me like 2 years of trying to finally be the lucky one. Tips are the usual: make Dala your home, make a macro to hand in the quest, pick a zone with few peeps and lots of pools (my lucky one was Dragonblight), if your comp is a slow one: turn down graphics for a faster load time and never give up. GL

  6. #6
    Got mine from Lake Indu'Le from open water after we used all pool's. In wotkl many people tryed to do derby there, so pools gone quite fast when derby started.
    As someone stated above, its pure rng. Just keep trying and eventually you will get it. Oh, yea. And I have done derby many times before I won it. Im on high populated server so chances to win are very thin. Its just pure luck and fast reflexes to tele and hand over fish.
    Good luck!

  7. #7
    Other than controlling how many pools you have access to, it's 100% RNG.

    My fiancee won the Derby the first time she ever tried it. She fished the shark on her 2nd pool. Boom, Pirate Ring.

    I suspect that your chances of winning the Derby will probably be diminished now that everyone wants the heirloom ring for their upcoming monk alt, but as always the trick is to try and hope the RNG is on your side. Obviously setting hearth to Dalaran is essential, and Alliance have a TINY advantage. The biggest advantage you can give yourself is to put WoW on an SSD so Dalaran loads instantly if you get the shark...but getting the shark is the rub, I've never seen it after fishing for months of Derby.

    On an aside, I think that it is one of the most incredibly stupid and sh*tty things that Blizzard has ever done to put an heirloom item attached to a "competition" that is purely RNG. Vanity mounts, pets, an upgraded version of the fishing pole from the STV tourney should have been the rewards, not an item that will change gameplay for every new alt you roll.

  8. #8
    I finally caught that damned shark, after two years of trying…!

    Only to be beat out of the turn-in by mean milliseconds…!

    I am fishing away, looking at the time left on my 10 minute fishing hat boost, thinking that it is strange that no one has got this yet…

    I cast, and immediately feel that this is 'the one', and up comes the shark…!

    I am freaking out, hearth to Dal, hit the sprint out of the bar, click on walrus guy, choose the ring & am going to click the finish quest when I see another toon doing that hand washing thing out of the corner of my eye…

    And I lose…


  9. #9
    Personally I always fish around shores of Howling Fjord, I won't meet much people there on my server

    I don't participate often, just when I have time / don't forget / don't have a hangover; I caught the shark twice and was beaten twice... like 5 seconds till turning both times so good luck and dont give up

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by econ21 View Post
    It's pure RNG, but it is a competition against other players, so you'll have better odds when there are few competing (like now, I suspect).

    Actually, now is a pretty awful time to try this kind of thing, better to do it when a new expansion or patch(tier) comes out and everyone is buzy with leveling/gearing up.

  11. #11
    Actually, now is a pretty awful time to try this kind of thing, better to do it when a new expansion or patch(tier) comes out and everyone is buzy with leveling/gearing up.

    I always timed my participation not by where we were in an expansion, but by whether there was a major sporting event on that particular Sat / Sun. This might actually be a good time with the Euro Football on.

    I'd recommend Howling Fjord as well. I had good luck there.

  12. #12
    Immortal Raugnaut's Avatar
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    The best way to get the fishing done is to maximize the number of casts you fish it from. Most ppl who fished it up fished it within their first 10-20 casts. I personally won at 42 casts, at about 5 mins in. On a low pop server, Venture Bay in Grizzly Hills has the HIGHEST pool density outside of the Frozen Sea fishing spots.
    Quote Originally Posted by Moounter View Post
    I think your problem is a lack of intellect.

  13. #13
    I wanted to get "salty" title, and i tried most every week, for over a year, or more. I always fished in indule, I didnt go to new "pools". One freaking day it showed up. I was like !!!!. I rushed and turned it in. What was funny was 2 or 3 ppl sent me nastygrams/whispers afterwards.

  14. #14
    Just FYI I won Booty Bay today!

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ayashi View Post
    Actually, now is a pretty awful time to try this kind of thing, better to do it when a new expansion or patch(tier) comes out and everyone is buzy with leveling/gearing up.
    After I posted the opposite, I did have second thoughts. Maybe I got lucky because Diablo III had just come out, as it was eerily quiet that day. But I suspect the number of people logging on to WoW is pretty low right now. When MoP comes out, I suspect a lot of people will play and taking 20 minutes out to get a chance to speed up your panda levelling may be attractive.

    One thought: does this cross-server merging of low level zones mean it is going to be harder to get the ring?

  16. #16
    It's pure RNG, I always prefered the STV contest that I also won couple years back because it seems to prefer some form of planning rather than luck based cathing of 1 random drop fish within first few minutes.

    Also I would think that both of these must be a joke today because after so many years pretty much all serious anglers/achievement hunters must be done with it and the competition is minimal.

  17. #17
    I won fishing on the coast of Grizzly Hills, right at the east end, quite a lot of pools about there. But I think the main factor for me winning was that I did it on christmas day, so very few people around, though, there was one annoying little shit that decided to fish in the same pool as me, but I just flew away and caught the shark on that next pool.

  18. #18
    Stood in the Fire
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    Someone asked me the other day what I did to win so I'll take that same screenshot and throw it up here if you want to see it. Now people are saying you can get it in open water, and I never actually knew that and most of the people I was competing with at the time I don't think did either because we were all chasing pools. So while the distance seems like very far and alot of ground to cover, when you factor in we only did pools it's not so crazy.

    Flying mount to and from everywhere you go, dont run or ground mount and good luck.

    This was my route, and the picture is how I won. You could get it in 3 seconds but who knows. GL -- >

    Armory : Fear@Cho'Gall UI Screen : Elv UI Wow Progress : Vindictive
    Cpu : Intel I7-2600k Mem : 16gb Corsair Vengeance Psu : Corsair HX1050 Gfx : EVGA GTX 770

  19. #19
    Right now seems like a great time to go for it. Only took me 3 attempts to win the fishing derby. Winning week was fished in the western river section of Grizzly Hills. Set hearth to Dal, make a macro for talking the walrus and feel lucky!

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by fears View Post
    This was my route, and the picture is how I won. You could get it in 3 seconds but who knows. GL -- >
    Seems like a solid strat, though I'll check it out beforehand and maybe fish out the pools by Blue Sky a few minutes before the derby to ensure pool spawns in that location. I play on a high-pop server so even in this "dead time" there's still a ton of competition on the west end of the zone, namely Horde.

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