Thread: LFR Help Kit

  1. #1

    LFR Help Kit

    So, I've noticed many posts moaning about people failing in LFR or not knowing what to do. I thought I'd type a few easy instructions that may save a few people per fight and prevent a wipe.

    Obviously I've missed a lot of stuff out, but I wanted to keep it really short so people might read it

    Open up your macro window (/m) and make a macro for each boss. Then before the pull, push the corresponding macro and hope for the best! If you're the raid leader, go for "/rw" instead of "/ra" - or if you're like me, use "/s" because it stands out more when there's a lot of chatter.

    At least then you know you've tried to help


    Stone Guards
    /ra TANKS: Please tank the dogs on top of each other - so we don't get stunned.
    /ra HEALERS: Pop your CDs when the dogs energy reaches full.
    /ra DPS: Bloodlust/Heroism at the start. Stack up!

    /ra TANKS: Click on the crystals to get a special button!
    /ra TANKS: Use the barrier whenever there is big damage.
    /ra ALL: Get in the purple bubble if you see it!

    /ra ALL: Stack up on the boss!
    /ra DPS: Bloodlust/Heroism at 20%.

    Spirit Kings
    /ra TANKS: Do not charge in at the start. Taunt him to the group.
    /ra ALL: Stack on the tank for the first guy.
    /ra ALL: Avoid the marching soldiers!

    /ra TANKS: Face the boss away. Pick up the big adds.
    /ra ALL: After 'Draw Power' get onto the outside ring!
    /ra ALL: The floor disappears and you will die!

    /ra DPS: Killing adds is the priority! You can stun/slow them.
    /ra HEALERS: Pop cooldowns during the 'Titan Gas'.
    /ra TANKS: Avoid the boss combos, you can see a blue line where he will slash!

  2. #2
    Thats all well and good, however getting people to actually do these simple things is a monumental task in it's self.
    I was literally spamming raid chat to kill the adds on will of the emperor, Guess what happened ? 3-4 people bothered doing it.

    LFR is populated by stupidity, assuming that they can even read the instructions that you offer is a mistake.

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