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  1. #21
    rogue/rl here - I think your order should be Resto Druid, tanks, Resto sham, warlock. Announce @ 15 stacks and pass.

    Kite around the edge and have the rogue and mage kill the 2 inside legs nonstop. Have the tanks solo the front leg that's on the outside. Leave the back outside leg up. This will give your rogue and mage time to make full use of their rotations. If your rogue can play combat, have them do it. If not, their main spec is fine. If they're assassination, have your shadow priest swap roles with them @ 35 percent and lust so they can push a full vendetta on the boss' hp. He should save shadow blades and pot for this. The rogue can also redirect/build full ruptures onto the boss' main body inbetween legs. At the beginning of our pulls I take the front inside and our fire mage takes the back inside so that we don't box out eachothers pots and cd's.

    When a leg dies it damages the boss for an amount equal to its starting hp. A lot of groups have problems because they try to 'focus legs' and end up with a bunch of people restarting their rotation a -ton- during the fight. This creates a situation where people are moving a lot and no one ever is doing 'full damage' (doubled) to the legs because they simply get boxed out by the thing dying so fast. Only having two dps on two legs, and tanks on a 3rd, allows players to maximize the damage from their rotation because it has enough time to start cranking. A decent rogue and fire mage should both be pulling over 100k on this fight.

    We haven't 2 healed this, but if your dps isn't good you won't make the enrage timer 3-healing. Can't give advice on 2heals.

  2. #22
    The thing that made the difference on our first kill was leaving the front leg that goes by the walls (aka the "bad position leg") alive to prevent mending legs from spawning there. We 3-healed the boss having one tank (me) soaking as Ret. We also had both tanks kiting.

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