About us
We are a group of friends who back in cata had experience like 8/8 DS hc, after the guild we were in disbanded for all the right reasons just as mop came out some members decided to take a break, me on the other hand went into pvp just for some fun. After a couple of months these members came back and as a group we decided to make a guild called Aftermath. Pvp showed me a new side of the game as I was always keen on it but never took it on as much as I did with pve. In 5.2 we hope Aftermath will aim high in both pvp and pve, we need more members though to fill the teams and make this ambition come true. We are not a hard core guild and don't have any age requirements but we want you to be mature and take the game seriously, obviously still with enjoyment and things like banter but we want our guild to have a good reputation on our realm.

We are looking for members to aim high with us in 5.2 for both pvp and pve. We don't require you to do both as we will have separate teams but if you lack experience in one or have always wanted to try one then we'll be happy to help! To start we will be aiming for the raids we can from our team and aim as high as we can with the rbg's, we will slowly progress and aim for the thunder king in 5.2 and do hcs we can. We want players who will be willing to have patience with the guild whilst we still build up as we're in early progress but also to have the skill and dedication to become a great guild. If your interested in the guild then either get in contact with myself or visit the guild website (not fully finished) aftermath-bronzebeard.enjin.com/

Plans like Streaming
We would also like to start streaming on twitch once we are all set up and progressing pvp and pve, not only that but to also be making our own videos just like fatboss so we can show people the way we do things and what we're made off!

Current Schedule
We will be raiding on Thursdays and Sundays or Mondays from 20:00 until 23:00 server time
Pvp times for things like Rbg's are still being decided.