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  1. #41
    Global warming and the natural hot/cold cycles are both valid theories and I do believe regardless of which theory is true, we should reduce pollution. Calling people ignorant and stupid, however, does not make either theory a solid fact.

  2. #42
    Scarab Lord DEATHETERNAL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mall Security View Post
    But maybe you rahter a F6 Hurricane or a 8 point Earth quake to hit a few more times before you realise " OH Guess what, This is really bad, we should do something"
    I would love for you to explain to me exactly how human activity directly caused any 8 point earth quake. You are like Al Gore on steroids. At least his ridiculous claims only involve global warming instead of humans supposedly creating earthquakes (unless he has started claiming that too and I haven't noticed).
    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
    Revelation 6:8

  3. #43
    In the grand scheme of things I think we have far bigger problems, and the planet doesn't give two shits about global warming.

    Not really an excuse for not trying to "Go green" but I just don't see the point when the future of humanity looks scary.
    "In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance." Paradox of tolerance

  4. #44
    For anyone actually interested in the science and methodology of this, watch this series.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zantos View Post
    There are no 2 species that are 100% identical.
    Quote Originally Posted by Redditor
    can you leftist twits just fucking admit that quantum mechanics has fuck all to do with thermodynamics, that shit is just a pose?

  5. #45
    It is a fact that the Earth goes through hot and cold cycles, and that we are right on cue for a "hot age" - global temperatures and sea levels have been slowly rising for several thousand years (since the end of the last ice age actually). It is an indisputable fact that this has occured many times in the past, long before Humans even existed and again long before we were capable of creating greenhouse gasses via industry.

    The question is NOT "are we causing global warming?". The answer to that question is with 100% certanity: no.

    The question is "are we accelerating or exacerbating it?" Which is more than possible, however the truth is we simply do not know.

    We don't know how much our emissions are contributing; it could be a very small amount, or it could be a very large amount. What is most likely is that we are probably only contributing to about a 3rd of the planet's warming at the most, which is still an extremely large amount. The trouble is though that it is extremely difficult to actually determine how much we are really contributing because the results of any tests are scewed by the planet's natural warming.

    Without a doubt though we should be taking precautions and doing what we can to reduce emissions and greenhouse gasses, not only to try to alleviate the effects of global warming but for a myriad of other reasons too.

    Anyone who claims global warming doesn't exist is simply a moron.
    Last edited by Netherspark; 2012-12-10 at 08:48 PM.

  6. #46
    To respond to the original poster:

    I live in Iowa, and I remember when I was a kid, we'd get snow piled up to like 30+ feet (no I'm not joking) high from the big storage lot that our house was next to, because they're plow all the snow into one big pile at the edge of our yard. Every year it was like climbing a fucking mountain as a kid, it was great.

    But just because it seems like we're getting a little less snow (We're not, actually.) doesn't mean "GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL!!!!!"

    Sure I believe humans have an effect of the climate, that's a no-doubter, but even with all our carbon emissions and all of our ozone-damaging antics, I don't believe we've done much harm at all. I don't believe, unless we REALLY tried, we'd ever have an incredibly adverse effect on the earth on a major scale, but that's just me.

    So yeah, "Global Warming" is real, it's just not the mountain everyone likes to make it out to be.

  7. #47
    Merely a Setback Trassk's Avatar
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    An aunt of mine refuses to believe in evolution, that we all really did come from adam and eve.

    When you think how people refuses to believe in global warming, its no less mad.

    Infracted: Please do not bring religion into any discussions.
    Last edited by Pendulous; 2012-12-11 at 02:35 AM.

  8. #48
    I love all this global warming crap, hippies going round telling everyone that they're destroying the earth, that everything we do is bad for the planet.

    The cold hard truth is there are too many people on this planet...yet nobody has any answers.

    Well, i do...all you people screaming how much you care should do the planet the ultimate favour, just kill yourself to decrease the surplus population. But i guess you don't care that much about the planet, you're only saying it to make yourself feel better.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by Garkanh View Post
    well, here in denmark, we have, for the first time in 500 years, had 3 white winters in a row. I could use some global warming right now, it's freezing cold out there!
    Living memory is short, in the beginning of the eighties it was some hard winters. Very simplified the Northwestern Russia is "warmer" the than normal it allow loots of cold air to blow southwest and down on Scandinavia instead of the warm Western Atlantic wind as we normally get.

  10. #50
    The Insane Daelak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Netherspark View Post
    It is a fact that the Earth goes through hot and cold cycles, and that we are right on que for a "hot age" - global temperatures and sea levels have been slowly rising for several thousand years (since the end of the last ice age actually). It is an indisputable fact that this has occured many times in the past, long before Humans even existed and again long before we were capable of creating greenhouse gasses via industry.

    The question is NOT "are we causing global warming?". The answer to that question is with 100% certanity: no.

    The question is "are we accelerating or exacerbating it?" Which is more than possible, however the truth is we simply do not know.

    We don't know how much our emissions are contributing; it could be a very small amount, or it could be a very large amount. What is most likely is that we are probably only contributing to about a 3rd of the planet's warming at the most, which is still an extremely large amount. The trouble is though that it is extremely difficult to actually determine how much we are really contributing because the results of any tests are scewed by the planet's natural warming.

    Without a doubt though we should be taking precautions and doing what we can to reduce emissions and greenhouse gasses, not only to try to alleviate the effects of global warming but for a myriad of other reasons too.

    Anyone who claims global warming doesn't exist is simply a moron.
    The only times the earth has had an ice age are when continents above sea level drift to the Earth's poles, then moisture in the atmosphere cools on those above sea level landmasses, helping to lower the global temperatures which then goes on to affect jet streams, glacier expansion, and colder temperatures around the world.

    Currently we have just left an ice age however we still have ice and tundra on continents at our most northern most points yet it is melting and retreating at the fastest pace in the ENTIRE Earth's HISTORY.

    It is the pace of the warming, it is the pace of the expansion, and the continuing production of CO2 that is causing this, it is not natural.
    Quote Originally Posted by zenkai View Post
    There is a problem, but I know just banning guns will fix the problem.

  11. #51
    Void Lord Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimPaladin View Post
    To respond to the original poster:

    I live in Iowa, and I remember when I was a kid, we'd get snow piled up to like 30+ feet (no I'm not joking) high from the big storage lot that our house was next to, because they're plow all the snow into one big pile at the edge of our yard. Every year it was like climbing a fucking mountain as a kid, it was great.

    But just because it seems like we're getting a little less snow (We're not, actually.) doesn't mean "GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL!!!!!"

    Sure I believe humans have an effect of the climate, that's a no-doubter, but even with all our carbon emissions and all of our ozone-damaging antics, I don't believe we've done much harm at all. I don't believe, unless we REALLY tried, we'd ever have an incredibly adverse effect on the earth on a major scale, but that's just me.

    So yeah, "Global Warming" is real, it's just not the mountain everyone likes to make it out to be.

    False Analogy which in an of itself suggest you have a completly failed understanding of the cause or effect of global warming, you just figured two words together this is what it means, and the fact you don't seem to see it out your front door, makes it all an agenda.

    Infracted: Please do not insult other people's opinions.
    Last edited by Pendulous; 2012-12-11 at 02:40 AM.

  12. #52
    Global warming is NATURAL, we just speed it up a little bit!

    You know the world's been warming up for the last 2 or 3 million years since the last ice age began? We're actually still in it! It's normal! We'll die, that's it! The world was NOT built for us! We're just lucky we evolved to what we are! We're nothing special!

    Humans don't realize how small and unimportant we really are. People watch too many movies about heroes who "heal" the world ... what is there to heal? After all, the world we call home was formed out of deadly gases that would kill us in a second.

    So please stop it! Yes! It's been warming up for quite a while now and it's natural for our world! We can't stop it, because it's a normal process. This is not about saving the world, humanity just wants to save their sorry asses.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by phatpat View Post
    This isn't a statistical thread proving that scientifically, global warming must be true. However, it's just become so clear in my eyes that global warming has been occurring that it just seems obvious.
    How ,you say? I live in Canada, and I'm 21. When I was smaller (the age where you loved building snow forts and playing in the snow) I distinctively remember huge mountains of snow piling up in my front yard...I mean huge, 7-10 feet piles that had to be plowed consistently from my driveway. I also remember halloweens where there was snow ( although not every one).
    Fast forward to they past two years, living in the same neighborhood, in the middle of December....barely two inches of snow. Whereas 8-10 years ago there was probably upwards of 2-3 on the ground, with a mountain 8 feet high on my yard.

    Oh it's getting warmer but it has NOTHING TO DO with human emitting CO2 into the atmosphere. It's just natural proces which has been going on for millions of years. Example in 15th century in Europe it was so warm you could produce wine in frickin northern parts of continent, something we can't imagine nowadays.

    PS. The amount of CO2 human produce is nothing compared to other natural sources of CO2, it is nothing.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Endre View Post
    You know the world's been warming up for the last 2 or 3 million years since the last ice age began?
    The last ice age was actually as recent as 15,000 years ago.

    Humans don't realize how small and unimportant we really are. People watch too many movies about heroes who "heal" the world ... what is there to heal? After all, the world we call home was formed out of deadly gases that would kill us in a second.

    So please stop it! Yes! It's been warming up for quite a while now and it's natural for our world! We can't stop it, because it's a normal process. This is not about saving the world.
    The question was never if we were responsible for it. The question is wether we are making it worse.

  15. #55
    Void Lord Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Endre View Post
    Global warming is NATURAL, we just speed it up a little bit!

    You know the world's been warming up for the last 2 or 3 million years since the last ice age began? We're actually still in it! It's normal! We'll die, that's it! The world was NOT built for us! We're just lucky we evolved to what we are! We're nothing special!

    Humans don't realize how small and unimportant we really are. People watch too many movies about heroes who "heal" the world ... what is there to heal? After all, the world we call home was formed out of deadly gases that would kill us in a second.

    So please stop it! Yes! It's been warming up for quite a while now and it's natural for our world! We can't stop it, because it's a normal process. This is not about saving the world, it's about humanity's arrogance.

    That is a theory based on no evidence, it has nothing to do with fact that clearly show since man has been on this planet specific points from about the begining of man to the industrial age, the fact you think a populations of 7 billion people has no effect on the earth, without any scientific knowledge is bleeding ignorance.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Amphora View Post
    I love all this global warming crap, hippies going round telling everyone that they're destroying the earth, that everything we do is bad for the planet.

    The cold hard truth is there are too many people on this planet...yet nobody has any answers.

    Well, i do...all you people screaming how much you care should do the planet the ultimate favour, just kill yourself to decrease the surplus population. But i guess you don't care that much about the planet, you're only saying it to make yourself feel better.
    We're not going to destroy the Earth. Not everything that we do is bad. Perhaps hippies really are going around saying these things, but then you're attacking hippies and not climate scientists. Unless of course, you're trying to equate the two in which case I don't know what to say.

    Too many people living on this planet is a "cold hard truth?" Since when was an opinionated statement on population size a fact? By the way, there are answers. It's out there if you want to see it. This reminds me of Michael Behe saying that there were no answers to how the immune system evolved, and then having a colossal stack of research piled in front of him which explained just that.

    This wasn't even a satisfactory attempt at trying to argue against global warming. At least other people in this thread are drawing on some science and observations to argue why they don't believe in AGW.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zantos View Post
    There are no 2 species that are 100% identical.
    Quote Originally Posted by Redditor
    can you leftist twits just fucking admit that quantum mechanics has fuck all to do with thermodynamics, that shit is just a pose?

  17. #57
    Brewmaster ThatCanadianGuy's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure that everybody SHOULD believe in global warming at this point. It's a natural cycle that has happened before. The key is whether they think we have a major impact on it or not.

    When I look at the melting Arctic, it makes me feel that we have something to do with it.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Mall Security View Post
    That is a theory based on no evidence, it has nothing to do with fact that clearly show since man has been on this planet specific points from about the begining of man to the industrial age, the fact you think a populations of 7 billion people has no effect on the earth, without any scientific knowledge is bleeding ignorance.

    Ignorance is not studying history of earth. Go and read how warm it was just 500 years ago or how cold it was 20k years ago. Natural cycles, go learn about that.

  19. #59
    Bloodsail Admiral Animalhouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daelak View Post
    No you and your volcano friend are completely wrong. CO2 levels have been higher than where they are now, but guess how long it took for that to NATURALLY HAPPEN. A span of over 10 million years. Guess how fast the C02 levels have been rising recently?, in less than 200 years.

    No, we are the cause of increased CO2 in the atmosphere, and the particulates that a volcano puts into the atmosphere is nothing compared to what the collective actions of seven billion primates put into the atmosphere every second since the turn of the last century.
    Prove your statement! Volcanos many times have caused more CO2 than all "primates" industry over and over core samples have shown. Much of this is absorbed over time by the oceans. It's a natural process.
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  20. #60
    Void Lord Doctor Amadeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garnier Fructis View Post
    We're not going to destroy the Earth. Not everything that we do is bad. Perhaps hippies really are going around saying these things, but then you're attacking hippies and not climate scientists. Unless of course, you're trying to equate the two in which case I don't know what to say.

    Too many people living on this planet is a "cold hard truth?" Since when was an opinionated statement on population size a fact? By the way, there are answers. It's out there if you want to see it. This reminds me of Michael Behe saying that there were no answers to how the immune system evolved, and then having a colossal stack of research piled in front of him which explained just that.

    This wasn't even a satisfactory attempt at trying to argue against global warming. At least other people in this thread are drawing on some science and observations to argue why they don't believe in AGW.

    NO they aren't that isn't science, looking out your window and making a grand assumption about the rest of the world and comparing it to scientist who have spent a liftime understanding and relating actual data and information.

    Ignorance and PC nonsense like this is does more harm than good, and the BELIEF that global warming is simply a natural cycle of the earth is no different than the belief the earth is 6000 years old ZERO NONE!

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