Poll: What's the most difficult healing spec to play atm?

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  1. #1

    Most difficult healing spec atm?

    Hello everyone,

    I got the inspiration for this thread in a discussion in the Priests' forum. I 'd like to as you the following:

    According to your experience (that means no "I think" or "I heard", just judge according to what you tried in first person), what's the most difficult healing spec to play at the moment and why?

    Of course I'd like to know your reasons (difficult mana management? Many buffs/CDs to watch?). Before answering, just consider that I do not want to know which spec is better for end game content or which is OP, but which one you feel more challenging to perform well.

  2. #2
    Having played all the healing specs, I find resto druid difficult, since I love covering everyone with hots. This of course sucks for my mana. While I can do regular modes decently, I'll wipe us a billion times on a heroic mode. Also I overheal the hell out of everyone since I'm terrible, once again, with my hots.

    I also find holy priest difficult under stress, ie raids where everyone drops to 20% ish. Too many spells, not enough time, panic sets in.

    Also, 4.3 hpal inb4 LoD/HR radiance nerf with haste build was fuggin awesome. Just had to add that.
    Last edited by Zues; 2013-01-01 at 06:22 PM.

  3. #3
    The Patient edlike's Avatar
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    I think it really varies based on a few factors and the encounter. It's very difficult to say which is MOST difficult because there isn't a spec which is markedly harder than the other specs.

  4. #4
    If you mean perfect play I would say druid or paladin, if you mean ok play I would say druid or holy/disc priest. Shamans are like a holy paladin but without anything they have to micro manage so they are in general pretty easy.

  5. #5
    Druid atm, the need to play almost perfectly to even get middle of the pack results.

  6. #6
    I have all healing specs at 90 and have healed since BC, so clearly only my opinion should matter in this thread.

    Easiest - Hardest

    Druid > Hpriest > Shaman > Pally > Monk > Disc

    Also none of them are hard.

  7. #7
    cant believe how many ppl answered disc priest its like the easiest healing class ever, absorbs doin all the work, u dont even haveto know how to heal to pull amazing hps and topping meters with disc

  8. #8
    Anyone saying disc is insane.
    I'm playing disc as a main and even if you suck you'll still keep up with the other healers. And if you're good you'll heal 10-20% more than everyone else.
    There are many things you can do to increase your output but with just spamming PoH you'll top the healing meter no problem most of the time.

    Holy Paladin is kind of strange. I never really know if what I'm doing is the correct way to heal but it's not hard to keep up either.

    Holy Priest is hard atm if you want to keep up with the rest of the field. And since I didn't play other specs in raid I'll go with this one.

  9. #9
    If we're talking PvP, the most difficult healing spec would be restoration druid cause the skill cap is far higher than other classes. There are only a few druids in the world that can master the healing to the point that it's viable in high ratings. It's not just about having lifebloom on a target like Power Word: Shield, it's about using all your forms to maximize your healing and CC.
    - Paladins have 2-3 stuns and 15 sec interrupt.
    - Priests have a fear.
    - Shamans have wind shear and Hex.
    - Druids have fear, stun, incapitate, cyclone, disorient + symbiosis. They can CC within all DR's.
    If you want me to start with specific druid abilities this wall of text would be even bigger. Yes i know, i missed some abilities with the other classes and monks but just wanted to make my point.

    I'd say there's a 1-10 skill level playing any of the healing classes, except druids, they have a 1-20. Anyone saying something different have no idea how hard it is to be a good druid healer. Don't get me wrong, just because the skill cap is higher at druids it doesn't mean a skill level 10 druid, would do a better job than a 10 paladin. Druids are not better if you compare it with another class and give them the same gear and skill level. All i'm saying is that druids have the potential to be a much better healing class since the skill cap is alot higher. This makes it the most difficult healing spec of all classes.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Zephs View Post
    If we're talking PvP, the most difficult healing spec would be restoration druid cause the skill cap is far higher than other classes. There are only a few druids in the world that can master the healing to the point that it's viable in high ratings. It's not just about having lifebloom on a target like Power Word: Shield, it's about using all your forms to maximize your healing and CC.
    - Paladins have 2-3 stuns and 15 sec interrupt.
    - Priests have a fear.
    - Shamans have wind shear and Hex.
    - Druids have fear, stun, incapitate, cyclone, disorient + symbiosis. They can CC within all DR's.
    If you want me to start with specific druid abilities this wall of text would be even bigger. Yes i know, i missed some abilities with the other classes and monks but just wanted to make my point.

    I'd say there's a 1-10 skill level playing any of the healing classes, except druids, they have a 1-20. Anyone saying something different have no idea how hard it is to be a good druid healer. Don't get me wrong, just because the skill cap is higher at druids it doesn't mean a skill level 10 druid, would do a better job than a 10 paladin. Druids are not better if you compare it with another class and give them the same gear and skill level. All i'm saying is that druids have the potential to be a much better healing class since the skill cap is alot higher. This makes it the most difficult healing spec of all classes.
    as this was posted under "raids and dungeons" i assumed it was about pve :P

  11. #11
    Disc isn't hard, disc requires the tracking of the most things compared to the other healers. Just because its broken OP at the moment and you can personally faceroll your normal modes playing sub-optimally doesn't make it an easier healer. The play style requires a very heavy amount of planning.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by lebowski View Post
    Disc isn't hard, disc requires the tracking of the most things compared to the other healers. Just because its broken OP at the moment and you can personally faceroll your normal modes playing sub-optimally doesn't make it an easier healer. The play style requires a very heavy amount of planning.
    i dont see pre shielding requiring anymore planning than playing with hots.u may be correct about tracking all buffs to make huge raptures but theres addons for that
    Last edited by mmoc122c1567f0; 2013-01-01 at 09:11 PM.

  13. #13
    Timing your Rapture procs, proper use of SS, maintaining Evangelism stacks and getting Archangel up...I'm glad healing consists entirely of pre-shielding.

  14. #14
    Mechagnome Rec's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lebowski View Post
    Disc isn't hard, disc requires the tracking of the most things compared to the other healers. Just because its broken OP at the moment and you can personally faceroll your normal modes playing sub-optimally doesn't make it an easier healer. The play style requires a very heavy amount of planning.
    This exactly. Disc may have inflated numbers, but to get the most out of the spec there's a lot you have to watch - namely timers and buffs. This is one reason why I'm so against the upcoming Rapture change, because it waters down the class. (Obviously Rapture needs to be retuned, but with the proposed changes better players are no longer awarded).

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by lebowski View Post
    Timing your Rapture procs, proper use of SS, maintaining Evangelism stacks and getting Archangel up...I'm glad healing consists entirely of pre-shielding.
    ye as i edited the rapture procs without addons might be annoing .but evangelism and archangel are not making disc hard in anyway it gives u one buff to track one cd to track

  16. #16
    I really don't want to get into a pissing contest over this, I don't even enjoy or main disc, just telling it like it is. But if it's so ridiculously easy, name a healer that's harder to play. MAYBE monk.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by lebowski View Post
    I really don't want to get into a pissing contest over this, I don't even enjoy or main disc, just telling it like it is. But if it's so ridiculously easy, name a healer that's harder to play. MAYBE monk.
    nah mate i dont find any healer MUCH harder than the other how ever in my personal experience i just find disc the easiest ive tried. holy pala being the only class i have not healed with

  18. #18
    I am Murloc! Azutael's Avatar
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    All I know is that resto druid is kinda annoying, since HoT's over-heal so much. Reason being that most of the time the other healers will do their thing regardless of HoT's on a target.
    Especially in LFR "omg I must heal all the time, don't care if people haven't taken dmg!"

    To me personally Priest was always the "hardest", especially holy.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by vamonos View Post
    cant believe how many ppl answered disc priest its like the easiest healing class ever, absorbs doin all the work, u dont even haveto know how to heal to pull amazing hps and topping meters with disc
    You are approaching this wrong.

    He asked whats the most difficult spec to play, not what produces the best results when played badly.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Deja Thoris View Post
    You are approaching this wrong.

    He asked whats the most difficult spec to play, not what produces the best results when played badly.
    one could argue that if u can top the meters when "playing badly" as u put it can be classified as easy
    also as i stated i dont think any class is much harder than the other when it comes to healing(actually also for dpsing)

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