1. #5701
    Winnner is here!

  2. #5702
    mount that is swift come to me :P

  3. #5703
    This post is saying I tried.

  4. #5704
    not the best mount...

  5. #5705
    would be nice to finally win one of these giveaways would also put me on 140 mounts

  6. #5706

  7. #5707
    Woohoo... I wants a Swift Windsteed mount so I can neglect it like I do the other 182 mounts I own, swift flight form for the win! J/k, would love to have one though.

  8. #5708
    Bring me a swift mount!

  9. #5709
    Yay for magical sky goats

  10. #5710
    good luck everyone
    now gief the mount

  11. #5711
    Looking for a new ride.

  12. #5712
    its funny that they re-use models and what not, i mean sure it looks new, but the second i seen it i was like...thats basically a talbuk mount from bc, re-textured and pretty, and the red disk cloud mount from lorewalkers taped to the bottom...but then i was like...COOL I WANT ONE! *sigh*

    so sign me up! (i never win anything....)

  13. #5713
    This goat-thingy will be mine!

  14. #5714
    good mount

  15. #5715
    I would give him a good home

  16. #5716
    Might as well try for that windsteed!

  17. #5717
    I would like a flying horse goat thing : )

  18. #5718
    A chance at a free mount? Sure, why not?!

  19. #5719

  20. #5720
    Here goes nothing!

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