Thread: LCS Thread

  1. #2061
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drikkink View Post
    I haven't seen quite a few champions actually selected, particularly APs. I have seen a few hovered over, but not taken (Anivia, Annie, Veigar, etc).

    Also, Fanatic made a horrible call at champ select.
    AP Champs I recall off of the top of my head - not necessarily in mid lane:
    Orianna, Ahri, Fiddlesticks (jungle/support), Lissandra, Fizz, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Elise, Karthus, Kassadin, Karma, Annie (Alex Ich played her), Rumble, Malphite (Froggen played him mid iirc), Kennen, Zyra (support), Diana, Eve (jungle / top), Gragas (top, mid, jungle).

    I don't watch the OGN, but from what I understand, a champion like LeBlanc is still played there.

    Mind you, this is not necessarily a complete list. But it already is a list of 20 champions.

  2. #2062
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    AP Champs I recall off of the top of my head - not necessarily in mid lane:
    Orianna, Ahri, Fiddlesticks (jungle/support), Lissandra, Fizz, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Elise, Karthus, Kassadin, Karma, Annie (Alex Ich played her), Rumble, Malphite (Froggen played him mid iirc), Kennen, Zyra (support), Diana, Eve (jungle / top), Gragas (top, mid, jungle).

    I don't watch the OGN, but from what I understand, a champion like LeBlanc is still played there.

    Mind you, this is not necessarily a complete list. But it already is a list of 20 champions.
    It just doesn't seem like there's THAT much of a choice for AP (I'm talking more ranged AP, not like Elise or Fizz). You see a lot of Ori and Ahri and Ryze and Karthus and Kassadin, but you never see Annie (I know you said once), Veigar (he is pretty strong, but I suppose an easy shut down), Anivia (I thought she was a top ranked champ?) or Brand. And non-support lane Fiddlesticks doesn't exist apparently.

    Also, incoming million way tie for 1st in EU

  3. #2063
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mionelol View Post
    Even if a champion was picked once (or was picked within the past patches, but got nerfed and isn't picked anymore, see Sejuani) it doesn't mean it's viable or even considered a strong pick. I mean you can't tell me with a straight face that Annie has the same power level than Ori even though they share more or less the same niche, big aoe cc ult with big burst. Maybe Annie was picked once but that doesn't make her a LCS-level pick. Same goes with AP Yi.

    Midlane is pretty much Kha/Zed/Ahri/Kennen/(Lissandra/Ryze if you want to include that)/TF/Karthus/Ori/Kassadin. Everything else is super niche picks.
    Scarra has played AP Yi several times and has had it banned against him.


    You mention Veigar and Brand and both are completely shut down in this game. Veigar can't handle assassins and needs too long to farm. To my knowledge, he's never been used in the previous season either. Brand is too conditional - why use a champ that requires 2 spells for a stun when an Ahri can do it with just one?

    Only Froggen played Anivia before and he's not up to par with her currently.

    Imo, any champ that is brought out is LCS-level worthy. Otherwise they wouldn't play it. Pr0lly played Annie before her buffs, Alex played her after (if I am not mistaken with the patch changes). Xerath has seen play and faded out again without any changes.

  4. #2064
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    Scarra has played AP Yi several times and has had it banned against him.


    You mention Veigar and Brand and both are completely shut down in this game. Veigar can't handle assassins and needs too long to farm. To my knowledge, he's never been used in the previous season either. Brand is too conditional - why use a champ that requires 2 spells for a stun when an Ahri can do it with just one?

    Only Froggen played Anivia before and he's not up to par with her currently.

    Imo, any champ that is brought out is LCS-level worthy. Otherwise they wouldn't play it. Pr0lly played Annie before her buffs, Alex played her after (if I am not mistaken with the patch changes). Xerath has seen play and faded out again without any changes.
    I guess my point is I'm not particularly fond of how the "cheap" champions aren't being played. It just seems like they're not up to par with the "expensive" ones. I suppose I can see the 6300s being better with skill than the really cheap ones.

    Also, the champs that are played a LOT at normal/ranked level don't seem to be LCS champs either. Yeah, you see a lot of the "OP" champs that either get banned or instantly taken (*cough*elise) in ranked if it's not banned, but you don't see Blitz taken a lot despite him being a common ban.

    And... just ONE TIME I'd like to see a game where Ahri doesn't come up. Just one. Seriously.

  5. #2065
    Quote Originally Posted by Drikkink View Post
    I guess my point is I'm not particularly fond of how the "cheap" champions aren't being played. It just seems like they're not up to par with the "expensive" ones. I suppose I can see the 6300s being better with skill than the really cheap ones.

    Also, the champs that are played a LOT at normal/ranked level don't seem to be LCS champs either. Yeah, you see a lot of the "OP" champs that either get banned or instantly taken (*cough*elise) in ranked if it's not banned, but you don't see Blitz taken a lot despite him being a common ban.

    And... just ONE TIME I'd like to see a game where Ahri doesn't come up. Just one. Seriously.
    At low ip you have annie, ryze, nunu, ashe, yi, cho, amumu, eve, fiddle, janna, malph, nasus, signed, tf, udyr, karth, kassa, gragas, lb, sona, shen, xin, twitch, cait, karma, etc ... all are/were played in LCS. Blitz is strong as well, but you need to have a god hand for him and ppl just don't want to spend so much time on a champ. And Ahri is just a flavour of the month ... eventually players will get fed up with her/learn how to counter her and move on, it's not the first or last champ that teams got a fever for.

    My part in this story has been decided. And I will play it well.

  6. #2066
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drikkink View Post
    I guess my point is I'm not particularly fond of how the "cheap" champions aren't being played. It just seems like they're not up to par with the "expensive" ones. I suppose I can see the 6300s being better with skill than the really cheap ones.

    Also, the champs that are played a LOT at normal/ranked level don't seem to be LCS champs either. Yeah, you see a lot of the "OP" champs that either get banned or instantly taken (*cough*elise) in ranked if it's not banned, but you don't see Blitz taken a lot despite him being a common ban.

    And... just ONE TIME I'd like to see a game where Ahri doesn't come up. Just one. Seriously.
    Right now, there's a game without Ahri.

    Additionally, out of the 450/1350 champions, the following all see play:

    1. Ashe
    2. Kayle (though she went out of flavour)
    3. Yi
    4. Nunu
    5. Ryze
    6. Sivir (one game only in Tenerife, iirc) - not sure about this one
    7. Janna
    8. Jax (OGN, one game only iirc)
    9. Malphite
    10. Fiddlesticks
    11. Evelynn
    12. Nasus
    13. Tristana
    14. Tryndamere
    15. Twisted Fate
    16. Udyr

    That's half of them. I may even have overlooked one or two of them (don't remember when Singed was last used, for example); 16/32 total.

    I am fine with you complaining about stuff. But do at least be on target with what you say.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Srsly, wtf -was- Darien thinking!?
    Last edited by Duilliath; 2013-08-04 at 06:51 PM.

  7. #2067
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    Right now, there's a game without Ahri.

    Additionally, out of the 450/1350 champions, the following all see play:

    1. Ashe
    2. Kayle (though she went out of flavour)
    3. Yi
    4. Nunu
    5. Ryze
    6. Sivir (one game only, iirc) - not sure about this one
    7. Janna
    8. Jax (OGN, one game only iirc)
    9. Malphite
    10. Fiddlesticks
    11. Evelynn
    12. Nasus
    13. Tristana
    14. Tryndamere
    15. Twisted Fate
    16. Udyr

    That's the majority of them - by far. I may even have overlooked one or two of them (don't remember when Singed was last used, for example)

    I am fine with you complaining about stuff. But do at least be on target with what you say.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Srsly, wtf -was- Darien thinking!?
    Well "seeing play" is different from being a common pick. I've only watched the past 3 weeks and I've seen only Ashe, Nunu (today for the first time), Ryze, Malphite, Fiddle (support and horrible tank-jungle), Eve, Nasus, TF and Udyr (again, today for the first time).

    I'm not really even complaining... it's nice to see people play the same champs in different ways from each other, but they just don't seem to branch out too much. There's never really a "surprising" pick, even though a lot of other champs are good in competitive.

    Also, yeah... what Darien? and mithy was so much better today than the late game yesterday.

    I will say... I'm probably buying Karthus because of my own (few) experiences with him and how they're doing in the LCS. It just seems like my style.
    Last edited by Drikkink; 2013-08-04 at 06:55 PM.

  8. #2068
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Then you simply haven't been watching LCS enough. One of the very first games, Diamond already brought out Udyr (for a lvl 3 Dragon).

    Out of the above, only Jax, Kayle and Sivir have only seen one game played.

  9. #2069
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    Then you simply haven't been watching LCS enough. One of the very first games, Diamond already brought out Udyr (for a lvl 3 Dragon).

    Out of the above, only Jax, Kayle and Sivir have only seen one game played.
    I caught the Udyr today. I can see why he isn't a common pick. Though, by that same token... I don't really think melee champs with no escapes get picked a lot at all. Zed is really the only one I can think of that doesn't have an escape or stealth. I'm probably forgetting a few.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Anyway, I feel like MYM's gonna beat NIP and stay in it.

  10. #2070
    but you don't see Blitz taken a lot despite him being a common ban.
    Maybe Blitz is common at low ELO or whichever continent you're on, but I rarely see a Blitz ban. He is too easy to outplay so high level comps don't need to be afraid of him, they're not like the random low levels that go full panic mode when they get hooked. Also I'd almost be willing to say you see more 450/1350 champs than 6300 champs.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Udyr gets played a lot right now, one of the most common junglers. Nasus is always around too. Xin is a common jungle pick.

  11. #2071
    Quote Originally Posted by Xanjori View Post
    Maybe Blitz is common at low ELO or whichever continent you're on, but I rarely see a Blitz ban. He is too easy to outplay so high level comps don't need to be afraid of him, they're not like the random low levels that go full panic mode when they get hooked. Also I'd almost be willing to say you see more 450/1350 champs than 6300 champs.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Udyr gets played a lot right now, one of the most common junglers. Nasus is always around too. Xin is a common jungle pick.
    People really hate the grab. It's harder to land than Thresh's, but it's more effective.

  12. #2072
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanjori View Post
    Maybe Blitz is common at low ELO or whichever continent you're on, but I rarely see a Blitz ban. He is too easy to outplay so high level comps don't need to be afraid of him, they're not like the random low levels that go full panic mode when they get hooked. Also I'd almost be willing to say you see more 450/1350 champs than 6300 champs.
    Not entirely correct. I was curious and had a quick look. Out of the 6300 champions, only 6 don't really see any play. Ziggs (who, or so I've been told, was really popular in Korea for a while), Viktor, Sejuani (though I might have overlooked her being played), Shyvana, Fiora and Darius. If I'm not mistaken - and I may easily be - all others have seen at least one game. (Or, at most one game... like Rengar.)

  13. #2073
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    Not entirely correct. I was curious and had a quick look. Out of the 6300 champions, only 6 don't really see any play. Ziggs (who, or so I've been told, was really popular in Korea for a while), Viktor, Sejuani (though I might have overlooked her being played), Shyvana, Fiora and Darius. If I'm not mistaken - and I may easily be - all others have seen at least one game. (Or, at most one game... like Rengar.)
    No Shyvana kinda surprises me. She's a pretty strong jungler, but I'm not sure how easily she's shut down by people who know what they're doing.

  14. #2074
    Only 450/1350 champs Ive never seen are WW, Poppy Soraka and Sion.

  15. #2075
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Last season, we've seen a Nidalee/Soraka bot lane. This season, I don't think she's seen any play.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Drikkink View Post
    No Shyvana kinda surprises me. She's a pretty strong jungler, but I'm not sure how easily she's shut down by people who know what they're doing.
    There's way more emphasis on ganking this season. That's Shyvana's weak area. Mostly, junglers get blue + red and babysit a lane, gank or shove a tower. There's junglers that do that job better.

  16. #2076
    But Draven will never be played now, Riven is played by one guy, Aatrox seems to only be played by Darien, Diana only by Scarra, I cant recall seeing Hecarim, don't remember Nautilus really either, Quinn is never picked, Vi Volibear Ziggs Viktor are common non-picks. Vi apparently played by Araenea if Lee is banned/taken though.

    Its a good balance really, 6300 doesnt = more powerful at all. Ashe is like the oldest AD carry ever and is still one of the most popular picks, TF is one of the most popular picks and bans around the world (although Elise has overtaken him lately). There is nothing at all wrong with the cheap champs.

  17. #2077
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    Last season, we've seen a Nidalee/Soraka bot lane. This season, I don't think she's seen any play.

    - - - Updated - - -

    There's way more emphasis on ganking this season. That's Shyvana's weak area. Mostly, junglers get blue + red and babysit a lane, gank or shove a tower. There's junglers that do that job better.
    My immediate response to that was "Really?" but I can see it. She ate me alive as Brand my only real time seeing her (except a godforsaken ARAM where I was stuck with her), but she had gotten FIVE kills "ganking" top lane in the first 10-15 mins.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanjori View Post
    But Draven will never be played now, Riven is played by one guy, Aatrox seems to only be played by Darien, Diana only by Scarra, I cant recall seeing Hecarim, don't remember Nautilus really either, Quinn is never picked, Vi Volibear Ziggs Viktor are common non-picks. Vi apparently played by Araenea if Lee is banned/taken though.

    Its a good balance really, 6300 doesnt = more powerful at all. Ashe is like the oldest AD carry ever and is still one of the most popular picks, TF is one of the most popular picks and bans around the world (although Elise has overtaken him lately). There is nothing at all wrong with the cheap champs.
    I feel like TF is taken mainly for the gold passive in LCS right now. I'm not sure how it's dropped off since 3.10 in ranked.

  18. #2078
    The passive gold is good yes, but globals will always be popular. He can affect enemy lanes so hard, exact same as Shen up top. Its not that its hard to lane against, its just retarded that it can win bot lane for its team at the same time.

  19. #2079
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanjori View Post
    But Draven will never be played now, Riven is played by one guy, Aatrox seems to only be played by Darien, Diana only by Scarra, I cant recall seeing Hecarim, don't remember Nautilus really either, Quinn is never picked, Vi Volibear Ziggs Viktor are common non-picks. Vi apparently played by Araenea if Lee is banned/taken though.

    Its a good balance really, 6300 doesnt = more powerful at all. Ashe is like the oldest AD carry ever and is still one of the most popular picks, TF is one of the most popular picks and bans around the world (although Elise has overtaken him lately). There is nothing at all wrong with the cheap champs.
    There's been some trying him out in solo queue by EU ADCs. I am not sure if he will be picked up again. Apparently he snowballs really hard *if* he can get that kill.

    We have seen Aatrox in the jungle as well in EU LCS and NA LCS. Hecarim seems to have fallen out of favour since some nerfs. Quinn has seen play in mid and top lane (and did horrible in either, iirc). Vi has once again been picked up after she was was a very common pick early season. Volibear was a common pick early season and in one of the most recent games (last week, iirc) was picked one more again. I do think you're right about Diana only being played by Scarra, though Alex Ich might've brought her out at some point as well. Scarra does have a bit of a weird taste in AP carries.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mionelol View Post
    and its been nrfed since then? What's the point?
    That the champion has seen play is all. The complaint was the cheap champions do not see play. Yi is cheap and was played is all.

  20. #2080
    WELP I called MYM wrong.

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