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  1. #1

    Raiding with 800ms

    So i live on base at a military base in japan, and the internet is shared between everyone and i mean everyone people living in the dorms and people living on base housing. Which means when i'm at work the latency caps out at about 200 cause mostly everyone works day shift. Then when i get out of work everyone deicides to hop on the internet meaning all us military folks and everyones kids etc. So when it comes to raid time about 2 hrs after i get of work my latency is at a steady 800ms. Makes everything almost impossible to dodge and play well as i am my guilds tank. MSV the lag isn't a big deciding factor except when we get to will where i have a second less to react, which doesnt affect me on the strikes but the stomp gets me about every other time which most likely follows with me getting striked. Just started HoF and i gotta be 1 step ahead of the attenuation to avoid being hit which ain't so bad until the last phase where it just gets out of hand and im force to cycle through my cool downs on attenuations. Just got to the second boss and it's impossible for me to get to the half way point in tornadoes as when i clearly "pass" it on my screen the lag registers as i got hit.

    No i dont hardcore raid i wouldnt even think about it being stationed here with this internet, i casually raid i like progression but WoW is just something i like to play casually with my guildies to make the week pass by quicker and as a hobby, but i dont want to impede on my guilds progression because i have this horrible delay.

    So my question is does anyone here raid with high latency and if so how do you cope?

  2. #2
    I raided in a semi-hardcore progression guild during cata, but had to quit during mop when I moved to my university dorm when i realized my ms was standing steady around 500ms. Although you are not a hardcore raider, you will encounter the same problem as I did:

    - Due to latency you will not be able to optimize your rotation (poorer performance than what could have been achieved with 20ms)
    - You will not be able to respond to changes in the environment, thus get hit by a lot of damage that could be avoided otherwise.

    From my experience, i couldn't bare playing with the delay that you have with 500ms - I assume it is significantly worse for you.
    If you are still having fun though, i dont see why your guildies should have a problem dealing with the extra effort it takes to keep you alive (since its a casual guild)
    That's the thing about RNG. It doesn't hate anybody - it just goes about its business, oblivious to the world around it.

  3. #3
    Honestly, if you dont want to gimp your raid, dont raid with latency >= 500 ms.

    Maybe if you are a DPS with good reactions, so you dont die to shit. But even that is quite hard with 500ms and more.
    I dont know how it feels for you, but me personally dont even have fun playing like that, as it gimps my rotations and DPS.

    I have such latency if internet connection goes down and i have to use the UMTS stick. And if that happens i tell my raid "Dudes today i am your last resort. Pretend i am not here, and just call for me if you see no other chance for the rest of the raid to get started. And even IF you do so, bear in mind that i am always good for 1-3 additional wipes just due to connection."

  4. #4
    You ask how people can cope with it? My guess is that they don't with 800ms. I wouldn't play this game if I was gimped like that.

    I had a druid once in a former guild I was in. She was from Canada or the US, I don't know. But our guild was from the EU... And at C'thun I notice her casting like 3/4 seconds later then I was, at the same target who was already at full health by then. Our group was pretty casual in terms of who we recruited, but we had a nice bunch of friendly people... But after that night I seriously began to question if I wanted to stay in that guild. Wasn't until TBC was released that I finally jumped ship and made my own guild. It wasn't only due to that person that I left. A lot of things were wrong to me. But that was the first time I thought about leaving and discovered I had "hardcore" ambitions.

  5. #5
    800? damn, i log if i get more then 100 :/

  6. #6
    I used to be 1st dps of my guild(semi-casual guild) and I always play with 500ms.. You will get used to it. It's hard for pvp though.

  7. #7
    Titan Arbs's Avatar
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    I would call my internet provider and complain to them.
    I don't always hunt things, But when I do, It's because they're things & I'm a Bear.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    lol? u should stop play or get another source of internet(3G mobile internet or smth similair) that shoud be allowed I think,
    on 300ms latency is already yellow that means that game will be already laggy for you and your gameplay will be suffer
    anyway don't get suprised when you will be replaced by another tank with better latency

  10. #10
    I played for a while with USB stick internet and had pings between 350 and 900, mostly between 600 and 700. I felt healing was hit hardest as it is highly reactive, so even if you knew some fights really well you couldn't preempt certain moves. PVE on a not bleeding edge level should still be doable, I agree however pvp is a pain.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by LuxyEU View Post
    800? damn, i log if i get more then 100 :/
    This, I'd restart me router if i touch 3 digit number. If i where you I would go to my internet provide and complain as mentioned above.

  12. #12
    Bloodsail Admiral dicertification's Avatar
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    I've been bitching about my ping having gone up since the hurricane. Use to ping 25 to Chicago. Now I'm constantly at 80 - 90ms. Pisses me off as it had a big impact on my performance.

  13. #13
    Way back in the day of dial-up, I used to play first person shooters with 500ms latency on a 33.6kbps modem. I was what was called a HPB or High Pinging Bastard. The people that had DSL or early Cable internet were called LPBs or Low Pinging Bastards. The clan I was in was tournament-worthy, made up of mostly LPBs, but a few of us were HPBs and were good enough and skilled enough to hang with the truly worthy LPBs. We had a few skirmishes with some of the real greats of the ages (Thresh, Kuin, Makaveli, Immortal, etc) and had one HPB (I was a kid at the time, 14 or 15, and was too young to qualify) named Vorador, who went on to place 2nd in a PGL tournament.

    Long story short, your ping may be high but you can still have the skills. Learn to adapt, anticipate the dances you need to do and you'll be fine. Move a hair earlier than you should, have someone call it out to you on Vent/Mumble or whatever and move even if you don't see it yourself. There's many ways to come out ahead, even if your ping doesn't.

  14. #14
    oh man you think 500 is bad, you should try wow on satelite, god i used to have 1400 ms. untill recently i moved into town and now its never over 60. god its so nice

  15. #15
    To be honest i would not raid with that ping. No matter what anyone says you play better with 30 MS than with 800. I would never even consider playing any team game online if i have a ping over 100. I would feel like i was dragging my team down and purpose and being a douchebag. My best advice would be to get a USB with internet. I think Japan got some nice providers, should be worth a shot.

  16. #16
    I live in a shared house and if my housemates are using the internet latency skyrockets, sometimes ask if they can not watch videos or whatever, but frankly they pay the bill as much as I do so it's not always fair to do so.

    So I sometimes end up with 800ms, sometimes even more. I raid though. If I didn't I wouldn't even subscribe to WoW. it's doable, my dps does drop but not the point of being a major hinderance (ie: I still peform better than some other dps), and moving isn't too bad once you know a fight. I wouldn't touch heroics though, but we aren't an heroic raiding group so thats not a problem.

    (I hate living with other people.)

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Ainurr View Post
    try installing leatrix latency fix:

    Use this! I'm currently at college and this is just a must if you want to raid.

  18. #18
    Bloodsail Admiral DerSenf's Avatar
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    I had a few bad latency days back in Dragon Soul, because my provider had some technical issues. It wasn't much, about 150~200ms, but boy, did they impact my gameplay, I was nearly unable to play my sub rogue. If you're okay with 800ms and you don't hurt the others, fine. But I think I would die IRL.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Lightshield View Post
    So i live on base at a military base in japan, and the internet is shared between everyone and i mean everyone people living in the dorms and people living on base housing. Which means when i'm at work the latency caps out at about 200 cause mostly everyone works day shift. Then when i get out of work everyone deicides to hop on the internet meaning all us military folks and everyones kids etc. So when it comes to raid time about 2 hrs after i get of work my latency is at a steady 800ms. Makes everything almost impossible to dodge and play well as i am my guilds tank. MSV the lag isn't a big deciding factor except when we get to will where i have a second less to react, which doesnt affect me on the strikes but the stomp gets me about every other time which most likely follows with me getting striked. Just started HoF and i gotta be 1 step ahead of the attenuation to avoid being hit which ain't so bad until the last phase where it just gets out of hand and im force to cycle through my cool downs on attenuations. Just got to the second boss and it's impossible for me to get to the half way point in tornadoes as when i clearly "pass" it on my screen the lag registers as i got hit.

    No i dont hardcore raid i wouldnt even think about it being stationed here with this internet, i casually raid i like progression but WoW is just something i like to play casually with my guildies to make the week pass by quicker and as a hobby, but i dont want to impede on my guilds progression because i have this horrible delay.

    So my question is does anyone here raid with high latency and if so how do you cope?

    I have been in your position before. Leveled my Paladin while deployed to Afghanistan. Your only recouse would be to fork out the money for your own satelite dish. Although satelite in general is spikey, at least you would not have all the porn downloads, and voip chats draining your bandwidth.
    There is no Bad RNG just Bad LTP

  20. #20
    I can't play with anything more then 150 MS as the game doesn't feel responsive, and my input into the team diminishes so I feel more of a burden. At 800 MS you're unlikely to do anything more the LFR.

    That said, some people amaze me with what they can do. I've heard of blind people who play in Heroic Modes, so I'm sure if set up properly, and with the right setting 800 MS could be mitigated to something less foul like 300 MS?

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