1. #1

    Really supposed to go oom as destro?

    So am I doing something wrong or is it working as intended? Because I am basically firing off my CB:s with 3 BE:s and DS:I up (t14 4-set) and yet sometimes my dps takes a huge hit because I have to wait half a second every once and a while to have mana to fire off an Incinerate or Conflagrate, which I find really annoying. One could say that I should reforge out of my 4500 haste rating to crit, but 5% less haste wouldn't solve the problem when i will face the problem again once my haste rating will be back at 4500 again with the increased ilvl. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Well, lowering Haste won't really help that, per se.

    Chaotic Energy: You drain energy directly from the twisting nether. Your mana regenerates 625% faster and your spell haste also increases your mana regeneration.

    In lowering your haste, you actually lower your regen, as much as you equally lower your consumption. I still haven't got my 4pc on my Warlock (3/5 and heaven forbid I get to replace my 440 Epic BoE pants...), but I know I got more than enough time in the 2min period of normal DS to pop usually 2-3 CBs off while I build up, which lets my mana regen for a few seconds. Only time I have ever burnt myself down to virtually oom was with Bloodlust still up after my CD burn, and spamming Incinerate.
    Games are not necessarily "easier" today. You are just a better player.
    It takes more now to impress many gamers than it did 2-5 years ago, because so much has already been seen and done.
    Many players expect to be wow'd with every release of a beloved franchise.
    These are generally NOT the fault of the developers, but the fault of many players over-hyping and/or setting expectations too high.

  3. #3
    It has to be asked. but are you using your Backdraft (conflag) charges on CB?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Zymn View Post
    It has to be asked. but are you using your Backdraft (conflag) charges on CB?
    Didn't realise it affected the mana aswell, but since it's a dps loss, no I don't.

  5. #5
    1) you shouldn't use backdraft for your chaosbolts
    2) dont run around with 40 embers, fire them of with chaosbolts even without any cooldowns

    this should help with your manaproblems
    (with more informations from you, i could maybe help a little more)

  6. #6
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    The spec isn't global capped, it's resource capped like melee. Unless you're mis-spending or wasting your resources, you're not actually loosing damage.

  7. #7
    Are you saving up your Chaos Bolts purely for cooldowns? Embers are there to provide you with an alternate casting resource to allow mana to regen when you're not using up mana*. General rule of thumb, if I recall correctly, is that you want to use up Embers in a non-burst stage once you reach 30k mana or 3 and a half Embers. Your mana regenerates more like energy than caster-mana, so you'll be regening enough to get you back on track with a single Chaos Bolt.

    *That's why you don't want to use Backdraft on CB, or at least one of the reasons. Longer cast time = more mana regen.

  8. #8
    I mostly raid as affliction but every now and then I change to destro if the fight favors destro more (killing adds).

    But personally I never get oom (even for a sec) and if I notice that my mana is low I usually just fire a Chaos Bolt (never cap the embers).

  9. #9
    10+ Year Old Account
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    pretty much what everyone else said. i fire off chaos bolts whenever i get strong procs and that alone pretty much allows me to never cap embers OR go oom. although i must admit im still not very good at keeping 100% uptime of RoF.

  10. #10
    A point to mention is that if you frequently go oom because of ember saving and RoF spam, and seeing how most of the time you'll be capping out on mana during the cooldown/proc moments of CB spam, would the moments beforehand of being oom and not be able to cast be outweighed by the buffed CB or do you gain more to simply cast an unbuffed one (meaning one less buffed CB) in order to continue the incin spam and thus never going oom by minimizing the amount of mana wasted?

  11. #11
    In all honesty, in a pure patchwerk situation, destro is supposed to scrape the bottom of the barrel for mana just before CDs come up. When you throw in target swap/low health adds, mana isn't too much of a problem. Same with tons of motion.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    The spec isn't global capped, it's resource capped like melee. Unless you're mis-spending or wasting your resources, you're not actually loosing damage.
    How would one"mis spend" resources as destro?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by lockedout View Post
    How would one"mis spend" resources as destro?
    FnB on single target
    immolate on a target that should be killed with a Shadowburn
    there is always a way to do it wrong ^^

    Rule #1: Do not cap on embers
    Rule #2: Do not waste Backdraft for CB
    Rule #3: If you start running low on mana, cast a CB to generate mana.

    Going nearly oom is normal, if you stay at >90% mana all the time you don't play ABC (Always be casting).

  14. #14
    Going OOM is to be expected as Destruction.

    Depending on the amount of haste you have this can happen quicker or slower.

    Casting a CB to generate mana should you scrape the bottom of the barrel is good advice, however I'd state that you really shouldn't ever hit the point where you have to cast an un-buffed CB, if you're making use of your procs effectively. Also, casting a CB when your DS is about to come off CD due to low mana would be a BIG dps loss. Just sit there and twiddle your thumbs for the few milliseconds it takes you to regenerate enough mana to cast something.

  15. #15
    I have mana issues after a minute or two of single target DPS as Destro in my Affy reforges/gems however when I reforged and gemmed for Destro I never went oom.

  16. #16
    I went oom last night and then looked at my mana bar a few seconds later and it was at 75% and I was like what the hay is going on here...
    Your comments are duly noted and ignored.
    I punch a hobo every time someone says 'it's not a rotation it's a priority list lol'.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Screwtape View Post
    I went oom last night and then looked at my mana bar a few seconds later and it was at 75% and I was like what the hay is going on here...
    Dat 115k MP5.

  18. #18
    I find it somewhat common to get low on mana when filling up the last ember before Dark Soul is ready, especially if I've been using Fel Flame and/or Rain of Fire alot.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Brusalk View Post
    Dat 115k MP5.
    I like big regen and I cannot lie,
    You other locks can't deny,
    When a destro walks in shooting fire far,
    And an ever growing big blue bar
    Ya get owned.

    (Sorry, had to)

  20. #20
    RoF realy fucks me in the mana part. The same for Fel Flame (when you have to move fast and burning rush hurts you more than you can afford)
    exept from that i'm pretty fine with my mana, but then again i fire my chaosbolt at 32-35/40 embers and just let it go over 3 when my stuff is getting ready soon

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