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  1. #1

    Ways WoW has changed over the years.

    I've noticed WoW has changed in some ways, whether or not I like it. For example, pre-expansion events shifted from multiple week world-wide events, to scenarios. They also put more focus on making daily quests rewarding, and changing the way we obtain our precious loot.

    Keeping it short, WoW has changed over time in quite a few ways. What are some ways you've noticed it's changed, and how do you think it benefits us as players?

  2. #2
    Mostly world bosses aren't really here anymore. And killing the few that are there isn't really noteworthy. (unlike back in pre tbc)

    Community,. gone,. you don't need to know the people on your server anymore to get a group. Just hop on a random queue and you'll get play time.
    It's good if you're antisocial, but it's a lot harder to make new friends or get into guilds this way.

    Raid size, smaller - easier to fill a raid, but it's a lot harder to find the "good" players if you can't kick out a few bad ones along the way without being understaffed.
    Because face it, people want to raid if they are in a guild and telling people again and again that there's random other people coming along to train, or test them does not sit well with certain individuals. (you know who you are)

  3. #3
    Blizzard listened to the endless QQ about the game beeing "hard" and now we are at the point that everyone says that its way too easy and the QQ continues.

    It's just that we , the players , managed to ruin this game . Blizzard only did what we asked...

  4. #4
    WoW has changed in tons of ways for the better, But sure if you want to focus on the negatives you can find millions of things. Funny how those witch hunts work...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulfighter101 View Post
    changing the way we obtain our precious loot.
    2005 - Raiding
    2013 - Raiding

    It's still the primary source you should be going for.

  6. #6
    I think a better question is "Things WoW hasn't changed over the years."

    It has changed A LOT, and in my opinion for the better, at least for the most part.

  7. #7
    the thing that changed the most to worst is the community, completely ruined since Vanilla...

  8. #8
    The feel of realism is gone.

    You know longer need to go to a trainer to learn a new skill.
    You automatically are a master of every single weapon whereas before you actually need to work towards becoming a weapon master.
    Most of the armor sets are bordering on anime ridiculous.
    I would have posted the flight path thing, but they fixed that.

    Granted some of those were tedious (running back to a trainer at every level, using int buffs to increase weapon skill), but they added a certain feel to creating a character that separated the leveling experience from the end game.

    The way it is now, you create a new toon, throw on your heirloom gear, and blitz to the end game without any real sense of improvement. Leveling has gone from being about building your strength to simply being about hitting endgame content as fast as possible.

  9. #9
    Stood in the Fire Drfireburns's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totle View Post
    The feel of realism is gone.

    You know longer need to go to a trainer to learn a new skill.
    You automatically are a master of every single weapon whereas before you actually need to work towards becoming a weapon master.
    Most of the armor sets are bordering on anime ridiculous.
    I would have posted the flight path thing, but they fixed that.

    Granted some of those were tedious (running back to a trainer at every level, using int buffs to increase weapon skill), but they added a certain feel to creating a character that separated the leveling experience from the end game.

    The way it is now, you create a new toon, throw on your heirloom gear, and blitz to the end game without any real sense of improvement. Leveling has gone from being about building your strength to simply being about hitting endgame content as fast as possible.
    That's what the game is about now. Endgame content, along with dailies and PVP if you want. No one wants to spend two or three months leveling. I get what you're saying fully, but it's become about instant gratification, and without this Blizzard would lose a lot of subs.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Totle View Post
    The feel of realism is gone.

    You know longer need to go to a trainer to learn a new skill.
    You automatically are a master of every single weapon whereas before you actually need to work towards becoming a weapon master.
    Most of the armor sets are bordering on anime ridiculous.
    I would have posted the flight path thing, but they fixed that.

    Granted some of those were tedious (running back to a trainer at every level, using int buffs to increase weapon skill), but they added a certain feel to creating a character that separated the leveling experience from the end game.

    The way it is now, you create a new toon, throw on your heirloom gear, and blitz to the end game without any real sense of improvement. Leveling has gone from being about building your strength to simply being about hitting endgame content as fast as possible.
    Yea, that "feeling" they added was irritation for a redundant, unattractive, and annoying mechanic.

    Since 2005 this game has been about getting to max level for me. Raids are what I play the game for, not the leveling. Not even close.

  11. #11
    I don't claim that the game is perfect or without flaws, but everything that used to be good about it in the past is even better today.

  12. #12
    Banned -Superman-'s Avatar
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    A lot has changed, for better or for worse. Things we no longer see:

    * Flint & Tinder + Simple Wood to make fires
    * Training Weapons and unarmed skills
    * Training from Class Trainers
    * Mounts at lvls 40, 60, and 70. (60%, 100%, and 150%)
    * Training expenses - class or mount (was 300g for riding and 1 mount)
    * Mounts specific to characters (not account wide)
    * Titles specific to characters (not account wide)
    * Doing it for fun (rather than the Achievement system)
    * Ammo Pouches / Quivers
    * Arrows / Bullets
    * Dead zone for ranged weapons
    * Feeding your pet or else it runs away
    * Abandon your pet and have it attack you (instead of just vanishing)
    * Buffing PvP would flag you too
    * No BoAs
    * No RaF
    * No SoR
    * No Guild Perks
    * 1 hour hearthstones
    * Hunter pets jumping down and pulling the whole dungeon
    * Boat from Menethil to Darnassus (long before the SW docks)
    * Druids shifting into Caster form just to talk or interact with items / NPCs
    * Druids having to shift from form into caster just to change forms (go from bear to cat)
    * Warlocks farming shards
    * Mages only got pets as frost and only at lvl 70
    * 1 mailbox in each city
    * No mailboxes in starting zones
    * No flight in Azeroth (Flight Paths only)

    and the list goes on. Most people will think all of these changes are great, others will disagree. For me personally, I miss some of the more quantifiable items that made it feel more like an MMO-RPG, while other things I am glad they are gone. Everyone will remember it differently, depending on when they joined. The important thing to remember is, things evolve. Without the evolution, it is just the same old game that would have bored you to death after 8.5 years. Just my 2 cents.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Gohanitos View Post
    the thing that changed the most to worst is the community, completely ruined since Vanilla...
    Mmmhm. Massive proliferation of the play-by-wiki culture has been one of the most disappointing things for me. When you lead a guild you are expected to have every strat in hand from day one for every boss by the majority of people, anything else is a waste of time. This really drives a nail right through my bouncy castle and it makes me unhappy.

    The other thing that comes to mind is the general drive-through nature of raids now. No more farming whipper tubers, stacking pots, getting resistance gear. Just charge in and pwn. Took a bit of depth out of it for me and it has not been the same since really, helped proliferate a new type of raider too that wants to do as little as possible (hopefully just log in 5 minutes before the pull and ditch the raid after a few attempts on a progression fight). There were always these types but after everything became super accessible the numbers just shot up and stampeded through my zen garden, also making me unhappy.

    I would have preferred it if blizzard could have stuck with something and been a little bit more divisive instead of trying to please everyone. You now have a community always throwing rocks at each other, blaming each other for every change that tends to one play style or the other. Ideally I would have liked there to be two teams working on stuff for wow. One dedicated to super accessible more casual based stuff, and another dedicated to "hardcore" or more committed content instead of a mish mash of in between stuff that apparently pisses a lot of people off and sometimes ripples my pond too, making me unhappy.

  14. #14
    Titan vindicatorx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbr View Post
    Mostly world bosses aren't really here anymore. And killing the few that are there isn't really noteworthy. (unlike back in pre tbc)
    Really people did those my guild did 2 for "fun" back in Vanilla never bothered with them again

    Community,. gone,. you don't need to know the people on your server anymore to get a group. Just hop on a random queue and you'll get play time.
    It's good if you're antisocial, but it's a lot harder to make new friends or get into guilds this way.
    Again you knew everyone on the server in Vanilla? I sure didn't back then it took hours to get groups together I seriously remember waiting for 3 hours on a tank and healer for UBR's. Sure use the antisocial plug if you want. Personally it made me more social talking to people on other realms to learn my low pop server wasn't alone in sucking

    Raid size, smaller - easier to fill a raid, but it's a lot harder to find the "good" players if you can't kick out a few bad ones along the way without being understaffed.
    so you are telling me it's easier to find 39 other "good" players than it is nine? Huh, yeah don't follow your logic there.
    Because face it, people want to raid if they are in a guild and telling people again and again that there's random other people coming along to train, or test them does not sit well with certain individuals. (you know who you are)
    right so again I guess if you have a 40 man raid people don't notice you swapping out half the raid? Yeah everything you pointed out to me is 100% better now. I'm from Aegwynn- US you can look it up I'll wait it's low pop as hell and always has been. Seriously at highest population times we had 3 maybe 4 guilds that raided per faction. I log on now do a /who all 90 and see a list of 23 returned. Maybe for you who are fortunate enough to be on servers with more than 23 90's online you miss all the old hassles. I for one do not. LFR- sure I can sit there and be antisocial least I get to do something. LFD sure it's a pain when people are being jackasses beats sitting in SW on my fancy mount doing backflips.

    ---------- Post added 2013-04-04 at 03:02 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Pebamama View Post
    Blizzard listened to the endless QQ about the game beeing "hard" and now we are at the point that everyone says that its way too easy and the QQ continues.
    It's not as much hard as the fact that some servers never saw any of the content. My server had 1 guild defeat Illidan, no one cleared Sunwell until after Wrath. I didn't ever think the content was hard it was hard keeping 25 people to work together or show up every week.

    ---------- Post added 2013-04-04 at 03:06 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Superman-BladesEdge View Post
    A lot has changed, for better or for worse. Things we no longer see:
    Since you weren't a rogue I'll add the rogue stuff you forgot
    * brewing Poisons
    * making Thistle Tea
    * skill up lock picking
    * making blinding powders and vanish powders

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by vindicatorx View Post
    so you are telling me it's easier to find 39 other "good" players than it is nine? Huh, yeah don't follow your logic there.
    You had more leeway with raid numbers, you could certainly run a good deal of molten core with less than 30 people without too much effort, a position the my guild used to find themselves in for too often as we were a "stepping stone" or "revolving door" guild. You can do 10 mans with 6 or 7 sure, but with enrage timers being a lot more commonplace later on you were genuinely more restricted. You also see a lot more er, mandatory utilisation(like tanks or interupts) beyond straight damage since 10 man came around which kind of eats into flexibility.

  16. #16
    Stood in the Fire
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    Most classes are much more complex to be played correctly.

    Balance druid example:
    1. Then: In BC the rotation was to maintain moonfire, insect swarm, and chain cast starfire. Maybe have a couple of trinkets to use as timed cooldowns.

    Now: Maintain moonfire and sunfire, cast star surge off cooldown (watch for DoT procs making this instant and available), cast starfall on cooldown, cast wrath/starfire depending on eclipse. Trinkets, Chosen of Elune, and Celestial Alignment to use at the proper time.

    Most classes have a lot more procs, cooldowns, and synergy between abilities than they used to. Tanks have more survival cooldowns and manual mitigation than they ever did before. Healers are required to use not just 3 ranks of the same ability to maintain mana efficiency while healing, but 5+ different abilities (some of which behave differently in that they are a HoT, make future healing easier, or prevent healing from being required as often).

    In general, the game play and mechanics are a lot more advanced than they used to be. It's also nice that all classes and almost all specs are viable for just about every style of play out there.

  17. #17
    Wow lost the mmo in mmorpg.
    I no longer need a guild or friends to be able to get epics, pvp or pve and see content, and i can be a dick with no consequences to anyone i want

  18. #18
    Titan vindicatorx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Afrospinach View Post
    You had more leeway with raid numbers, you could certainly run a good deal of molten core with less than 30 people without too much effort, a position the my guild used to find themselves in for too often as we were a "stepping stone" or "revolving door" guild. You can do 10 mans with 6 or 7 sure, but with enrage timers being a lot more commonplace later on you were genuinely more restricted. You also see a lot more er, mandatory utilisation(like tanks or interupts) beyond straight damage since 10 man came around which kind of eats into flexibility.
    Sorry if I find it's easier to find 9 other like minded people who can be where they say they will be weekly. We didn't run short in Vanilla either Hell I remember how much I died as a rogue as was because healers only healed tanks and other healers for the most part.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Superman-BladesEdge View Post
    A lot has changed, for better or for worse. Things we no longer see:

    * Flint & Tinder + Simple Wood to make fires
    * Training Weapons and unarmed skills
    * Training from Class Trainers
    * Mounts at lvls 40, 60, and 70. (60%, 100%, and 150%)
    * Training expenses - class or mount (was 300g for riding and 1 mount)
    * Mounts specific to characters (not account wide)
    * Titles specific to characters (not account wide)
    * Doing it for fun (rather than the Achievement system)
    * Ammo Pouches / Quivers
    * Arrows / Bullets
    * Dead zone for ranged weapons
    * Feeding your pet or else it runs away
    * Abandon your pet and have it attack you (instead of just vanishing)
    * Buffing PvP would flag you too
    * No BoAs
    * No RaF
    * No SoR
    * No Guild Perks
    * 1 hour hearthstones
    * Hunter pets jumping down and pulling the whole dungeon
    * Boat from Menethil to Darnassus (long before the SW docks)
    * Druids shifting into Caster form just to talk or interact with items / NPCs
    * Druids having to shift from form into caster just to change forms (go from bear to cat)
    * Warlocks farming shards
    * Mages only got pets as frost and only at lvl 70
    * 1 mailbox in each city
    * No mailboxes in starting zones
    * No flight in Azeroth (Flight Paths only)

    and the list goes on. Most people will think all of these changes are great, others will disagree. For me personally, I miss some of the more quantifiable items that made it feel more like an MMO-RPG, while other things I am glad they are gone. Everyone will remember it differently, depending on when they joined. The important thing to remember is, things evolve. Without the evolution, it is just the same old game that would have bored you to death after 8.5 years. Just my 2 cents.
    Let's not forget;

    * Intellect increasing weapon skill leveling
    *(Elite) Quests
    *Actual Talents dictating what weapons would be most effect (Polearm, Axe, Sword, Mace) Specs, all of which gave different bonuses
    * Having to attune to raid
    * Needing keys to get into heroics
    * 50-60 dungeons being mini raids that lasted hours
    * Gathering next to BG entrances to do BGs
    * Wars between Tarren Mill and South Shore
    * World events to unlock raids (AQ Specifically)
    * PVP gear not having Ressilience and being VERY effective as raid gear
    * Resilience decreasing overall damage to everything (making it effective starter tank gear end of BC)
    * KEY RING slot/bag thing (HOLY SHIT)
    * World Bosses (only recently being recreated)
    * Warlocks having to quest for some of their summons
    * Mount Quests
    * Class Quests
    * Taunt not being a ranged ability
    * Threat working simply by being the first to hit something

    Oh god so many changes... I'm sure there's a million more.

    Also, this whole community argument thing that keeps comming up. The community has changed but have any hardcore players ever stopped and just tried to talk or whisper someone? Probably not because they're too busy dungeon grinding. I recently leveled a toon 1-90 no BoA gear questing and with phasing it's very easy to talk and meet people, I almost got that whimsical first time feeling again playing wow. You can also meet friends and try to do dungeons without DF or RF it's more challenging and rewarding if you all get good enough for challenge modes.
    Last edited by dariusz2k; 2013-04-04 at 07:23 PM.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by vindicatorx View Post
    Sorry if I find it's easier to find 9 other like minded people who can be where they say they will be weekly. We didn't run short in Vanilla either Hell I remember how much I died as a rogue as was because healers only healed tanks and other healers for the most part.
    Sounds like you were not farming your whipper roots, tsk tsk.

    < was a rogue

    < never died, ever.

    Well at least not until my HPs got to zero and that almost never happened! Could have something to do with the fact that I was usually the top DPS by a country mile and before that I was a resto druid so I had good relations with the coven that was our healing team. They rarely plotted my death.

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