Do you feel like you can't be yourself around your guildies? Is your sense of humor a bit on the sarcastic side? Did you just come back from a break and find your guild had disintegrated?

If so, we may be just the guild for you!

We recently transferred from a slow server to Zul'jin (H) after taking a break, so we are a bit late to the game to say the least. Raid times are set currently for Wed/Thurs 10:30p to 12:30a server (EST) time.

We would also like to continue to recruit raiders to start a second 10-man team. Schedule will be decided once spots start filling. Possibly 9pm until 11:30pm.

We have started with T14 to get our fresh 90s geared, then will skip ahead to T15 as soon as everyone is appropriately geared. This shouldn't take long as most of our new 90s are actively pushing to get every piece of gear they can and are progressing quite well. We will then backtrack to finish off T14.

We are also looking for back-up raiders and more casual players of all levels, classes, and specs.

Our goal is to form a guild of both raiders and players who just enjoy the game overall. We would like the guild to be populated, but not to the point that anyone feels lost in the crowd.

We like to raid, run dungeons, lfr, level alts, run achievement/mount runs, and generally anything that just sounds fun.

We ask that all applicants be 18 years of age or older. We are all mid-twenties and up in age with jobs, families, classes, and other real life responsibilities. We understand and support the fact that real life comes first. Couples are definitely encouraged to apply.

Our guild members do not possess a "politically correct" sense of humor and we find humor in everything. Most of our humor is quite sarcastic in nature, but never malicious. If you are easily offended, this guild is not for you.

We are currently accepting applications from active characters of all classes/specs. If you are interested in joining the guild, please contact Foibles, Kittanni, or Blitzedkegg in game or submit an application at My battletag is JJames#1289.