1. #1

    Help our Holypriest


    we killed megaera 10m last night. Short saying: It was a pain. We get him down last week and hoped we could kill him fast so we have time for Ji-Kun but yes, hoping was not enough.
    After very frustating 6 trys we get him down but it was more luck than skill.
    So we checked the log and see 3 main problems in our group.
    One of these was our Holypriest. So far nobody of us doesnt really know something about holys and he also didnt know what exactly he did wrong so i want to ask you:
    Could someone please give some hints whats going wrong. I dont want to here something like "DD abc was bad also ...." Its all about the priest. Other things are handled in other places.
    Something for the fight. We are going 4 Healerstrat with grgrbrg. We get very comfort with this strat the first evenning. We tried grgrgrg one time but the feeling was not as good as before so we stayed at this strat.
    The maintask of the priest is dispelling and healing people with cinderdebuff.
    If u have some question, feel free to ask.

  2. #2
    He is using Flash Heal too much, During rampages he should have a pom out and use CoH on cd, then PoH and cascade when the raid has dropped some. Are you stacking or staying spread for rampages?

    I would also remove the renew glyph and take CoH glyph instead.
    Last edited by mmocb5d998b528; 2013-04-22 at 08:25 AM.

  3. #3
    Divine Star for Mag unless you guys use some weird non stacking strategy for rampage.

    Assuming your priest doesn't have to use Hymn for that rampage he can fit in 2 Divine Star every rampage.
    Last edited by Akx; 2013-04-22 at 07:53 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomathan View Post

    we killed megaera 10m last night. Short saying: It was a pain. We get him down last week and hoped we could kill him fast so we have time for Ji-Kun but yes, hoping was not enough.
    After very frustating 6 trys we get him down but it was more luck than skill.
    So we checked the log and see 3 main problems in our group.
    One of these was our Holypriest. So far nobody of us doesnt really know something about holys and he also didnt know what exactly he did wrong so i want to ask you:
    Could someone please give some hints whats going wrong. I dont want to here something like "DD abc was bad also ...." Its all about the priest. Other things are handled in other places.
    Something for the fight. We are going 4 Healerstrat with grgrbrg. We get very comfort with this strat the first evenning. We tried grgrgrg one time but the feeling was not as good as before so we stayed at this strat.
    The maintask of the priest is dispelling and healing people with cinderdebuff.
    If u have some question, feel free to ask.
    61 Flash Heal casts on your kill... Not good. Flash heal is extremely expensive and should only be used in emergencies. I commonly go an entire raid night without casting it once. I would be concerned if I saw popping up more that four or five times on a Megaera kill log. 61 is pretty inexcusable unless he is very new to the class. I understand his job is to heal the people with Cinders, but that shouldn't require the extreme triage spells he's using. The person with the debuff runs out of the raid, takes a tick or two of damage and is dispelled. That's it. The AoE and smart heals going out alone should be enough to bring that person back to full health.

    Other things I noticed from the logs;

    1. His Prayer of Mending usage was great.
    2. He's using Cascade when he should be using Divine Star to help when you're stacked for the Rampages (even if he sticks with Cascade, his usage is low).
    3. Prayer of Healing usage is absolutely horrendous. 43 casts on your kill. I would expect that number to be closer to 150-250 (depending on whether or not he goes with Divine Insight)! This spell is HUGE for this fight.
    4. Circle of Healing usage is low. 67 casts on your kill. It should be closer to 150 casts. This spell along with PoH, PoM, DS is a Holy Priest's bread and butter for this fight.
    5. Only one Divine Hymn use. He should easily be getting two uses out of this super powerful cooldown on this fight.
    6. I noticed that his Lightspring only healed two people. That means that only 2 people went below 50% health over the course of time that he had his lightspring out. This leads me to believe that you are bringing more heals then necessary for the damage.

    From his armory the main things that stand out to me are;

    1. He's stacked Haste. He may feel the need to do this as there are four healers and that may make it seem difficult to get heals out in time so as to "look" competitive on the meters. Holy Priests don't have the best mana regen capabilities so I really suggest stacking Mastery until you at least get the Legendary Meta and/or a couple really solid regen trinkets.
    2. Using the Renew Glyph. This is down to personal choice but Renew is only doing ~5% of his healing. Is it worth it to glyph it??
    3. Using PoM Glyph. If tank heals are low, this is a good choice. Otherwise, I would suggest he removes this for increased HPM and healing since PoM is such a significant portion of his healing.
    4. Divine Insight is super powerful, I personally chose to wait until I had 2 part t15 to pick it up as I had mana issues until I got around that gear level. If he is having mana issues I would suggest that he get rid of it and pick up Power Infusion for now. If his mana is fine (which I'm guessing is a no since he cast FH 60 times) then it's fine if he keeps it.

    Gems and enchants overall look pretty good.

    Holy doesn't perform too strongly in situations with a lot of other healers so even if he fixes his many spell choice issues, don't expect any stellar numbers until you either start 2 or 3 healing it or begin working on Heroic Meg.
    Last edited by fixall; 2013-04-22 at 08:50 AM.

  5. #5
    Far too much flash heal, this will make them go oom. It should be used for 'aargh! that person has low health and there's more damage incoming' moments.

    It's not worth casting flash heals for a faster PoH (I suspect they're thinking about serendipity, with all those flash heals?). If the raid needs topping up, CoH, cascade or divine star, and PoH.

    Hard to say for sure, but it's likely they didn't have lightspring down the whole time.

    Jade figurine isn't a great trinket, the shado-pan assault one, or even the DMC one could help their mana regen.

    Finally, read the holy priest guide!

  6. #6
    tell him to read the holy priest guide, and for the love of god, don't use 4 healers for NORMAL maegera >.<

  7. #7
    That guy casted more flash heals in 1 Megaera kill than I have this entire raid tier.
    Quote Originally Posted by Karragon View Post
    I'd like WoW to be a single player game

  8. #8
    You should also consider playing blue red blue red green blue red. It's easier to kite the frost ray than dealing with the acid rain impacts. Acid Rain dealt 40.000.000 dmg to your raid, which is two times the healing done by your holy priest.

    I have to disagree fixall on using Divine Star instead of Cascade. DS is great if you're having problems during rampage phases. But outside of rampage DS is quite useless because you may only hit one or two targets. When you survive the rampage easily it may be smarter to pick up cascade (especially if you continue playing grgrbgr)

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomathan View Post
    I dont want to hear something like "DD abc was bad also ...."
    Quote Originally Posted by Leelloo View Post
    ...and for the love of god, don't use 4 healers for NORMAL maegera >.<
    Thanks for not reading and answering some really useless facts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aregios View Post
    You should also consider playing blue red blue red green blue red. It's easier to kite the frost ray than dealing with the acid rain impacts. Acid Rain dealt 40.000.000 dmg to your raid, which is two times the healing done by your holy priest.
    We often times die during the last 2 phases while the blue beams divide the raid. Doing blue early is no option for our group.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aregios View Post
    I have to disagree fixall on using Divine Star instead of Cascade. DS is great if you're having problems during rampage phases. But outside of rampage DS is quite useless because you may only hit one or two targets. When you survive the rampage easily it may be smarter to pick up cascade (especially if you continue playing grgrbgr)
    That was the hint of the Disc from our raid. They discussed DS but the opinion was that rampage is really easy because we have many huge cds and 4 healers at all. We wipe because we loose people in the normal phases. So Casc should be better.

    Overall: Thanks for all the tips and suggestions. We will discuss and talk about your hints and see whats going on.

  10. #10
    Yea, both your posts are correct. If you're not having any issues with the Rampages then Cascade is much more powerful here. I actually used Cascade myself until we started working on Meg heroic.

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