Thread: Bk to Wow

  1. #1

    Bk to Wow

    Hey guys been away from wow for 5 months or so and thinking of coming bk into the fray of things, but i would like to know some stuff first

    Hows pvp nowadays?
    Is it balanced better than pre mop?
    What are the "oh shit" classes atm which you hate facing and i'm guessing OP
    What are the classes that seem most in demand and seem well balanced?

    Been a PVP'er mainly till i left and looking to reroll a new class to get bk into wow and dont want a FOTM class.

    + anything else i should know about the future of pvp?

  2. #2
    Depends on who you ask: imo yes.
    Good hunters are a pain. Rest are doable.
    Any caster.

    If you are not looking for a FOTM, as you stated then disregard everything above and roll with a class with the playstyle you like.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Gracemae View Post
    Hows pvp nowadays?
    The focus of people shifted bit towards rbgs, but steps are being taken especially in 5.3 to increase arena population again. Personally I enjoy it quite a lot.

    Is it balanced better than pre mop?
    Imo yes, you can see almost every spec of every class to be present in top pvp, it's not like you are utterly lost with some specs, as it was before. Also changes are being deployed much more rapidly than previously.

    What are the "oh shit" classes atm which you hate facing and i'm guessing OP
    In 3s, which is only real bracket, I hate facing hunter/rogue teams the most, with dk's, mages probably the most hated classes right now.

    What are the classes that seem most in demand and seem well balanced?
    As in any season before healers are very much needed, shamans, priests, druids excel in their particular comps. Probably in this order. You can even play holy priest, monk is getting extra fear trinket in 5.3 and even now you see them at top rating. Holy is ok with some comps, like tsg can get really high, but warrior is considered weak right now(getting some love in 5.3), and their synergy is the best so also holy lacks behind. Also locks don't have as much pressure as they used to.

    Mages don't have any nerf yet on 5.3, and they are in very good place right now, and I don't think they will get any nerf really. And from the past I can say they were competitive, or gotten competitive during every season.

    Shadow is in high demand right now, and is probably best class at top rating, because of incredible utility. But they loose Mass dispel cast time and void shift in 5.3, which is pretty big, considering you had to shift against stuff like thugcleave every game, but hunters/rogues are getting nerfs, so it might not be that bad considering they have good burst and cc, and still a lot of off heals and good def, but we will see, though they won't be so op anymore.

    Dk's are loosing sudden doom in 5.3 in blood presence, which will reduce their incredible pressure. They are receiving a lot of hate right now, especially because they are so good for 2s, because of ease with which they can kill healers with necrotics, but they aren't overrepresented in 3s at all, so I don't expect any more nerfs.

    Ferals, Retri palas, enhancement, are all getting around 10% dmg buffs, but that is subject to change, but they will indeed be viable if that goes live, borderline op.

    Hunters also have 10% buff in 5.3, but I don't expect for it to go live as it is, they loose stun in bm spec, blink strike is completely redesigned from burst to sustained, as well powershot. they still have the most amount of instant cc, so I expect them to stay very much viable, but even now they are easy to kill if you don't die in first minute of arena.

    Been a PVP'er mainly till i left and looking to reroll a new class to get bk into wow and dont want a FOTM class.
    Well it's hard to say what is, and what is not fotm. But general opinion is that Hunter, Rogue, Dk, and probably mage is fotm right now. But Mage and Dk aren't getting any reall nerfs so you could also consider them balanced, which they probably quite are. You should play something what is fun, but you should elaborate on what do you consider to be fun, because the majority of people asking here what to roll, are actually asking what is the most op class right now.

    + anything else i should know about the future of pvp?
    I went to some depth around 5.3 changes, you should check PTR notes, if you want to know everything, you can also ask here, and or check some topics before you, because all of this is discussed until death here, but a lot of people are just subjective, so you have to know how to read between lines.

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