1. #1
    Mechagnome Lyseria's Avatar
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    [Destruction] 2nd Warlock World Kill Lich King 10 Man HC

    Hey, just wanted to let you know one of my friends managed to down Lich King 10 man hc with his warlock on Sylvanas EU, so there's 2 warlock who have killed LK in the world right now.

    If you want to send any message to Ignocia (the one who killed LK) you can either send him an message to his youtube: BlazefuryTV or send me him an message on Sylvanas EU to ''Ignocia''

    Watch and Enjoy! =)

  2. #2
    Hi. Not sure this is worth a thread of it's own, but a feat nonetheless. You might wanna change the title from 10 to 25m hc, as 10m not really is nearly as hard as 25m to solo.
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  3. #3
    ummmm, I'm pretty a lot of ppl have solo'd this on 10m. I solo'd it in blues when MOP came out. Maybe 2nd as destro, but it's not super hard to solo as demo.

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-03 at 04:38 PM ----------

    also, sorry, but the warlock in the vid isn't great at solo'ing. Could have used the portals a lot more for damage mitigation / threat reduction. Basically before attempting to solo any boss I put my gateway down and then portal in a triangle. Sometimes need to alter it by putting the portal by a gateway, but usually the triangle works. And demonology is just way way easier for this fight. Adds give you so much fury, imm aura takes them down.

  4. #4
    Why do the op say 10 Man when it's a 25 vid?
    2nd warlock 25hc world kill? What's next, alliance affliction warlock under 520ilvl world first?
    Do we really need a new thread for this when there's already a soloing one?
    Why posting on behalf of Ignocia when he already told us of his kill in the aforementioned thread?
    Last edited by mmoc79b51183ff; 2013-05-04 at 02:56 AM.

  5. #5
    uhhm i already posted the vid in the solo thread :< but thanks (i guess)

  6. #6
    Nice work. Although, I'm pretty sure there are more than 2 warlocks that have done it by now. It was 2 warlocks that had done it 7 days before this one

  7. #7
    He ruined the video by going attention whore in the end.. God.

    Tbh it's not that special, it just requires you to have better gear than most people have right now and it's pretty much just a dps check. By the time 5.4 rolls in more warlocks will solo this and other classes might aswell.

    Grats, I guess
    Draenor EU: Archavious - Level 120 Warlock ; Loaen - Level 120 Demon Hunter ; Arathia - Level 120 Paladin ; Mitosis - Level 110 Priest ; Toreck - Level 110 Hunter ; Aeralinde - Level 110 Mage ; Crikey - Level 110 Warrior

  8. #8
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    First off, it's meant nice I'm sure, but we don't allow thread that advertise youtube channels. Second, as Ignocia himself allready said, this video has allready been linked in the appropriate thread: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...ng-Old-Content So there is no need to have it as a seperate topic.


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