1. #1

    Atonement and Range

    I am wondering if there is an addon that works something like the old AVRe did. Something that would show the range of atonement's heals in a visual circle around my target. I know Blizz took out the workings for AVR, but something like DBM's radar would be fine. Something to show who is receiving heals from my atonement. If I am just healing the tank with atonement, then I would switch to a target that would better utilize the healing. Is there anything like this available or any programmers that can make something like this?

  2. #2
    Atonement is a 40 yard *radius* from the target you're dpsing. That's a huge 80 yard wide circle around the boss. Since no dps in the game can dps from farther than 40 yards away, as long as everyone is dpsing the target you are dpsing, you can guarantee everyone can get hit by atonement. As a point of reference, on Elegon, if you are dpsing Elegon, atonement can hit everyone on the giant circular platform that disappears during transitions.It's pretty much a non-issue and an addon that tracked if someone was within a 40 yard radius of your target would be pretty obnoxious imo.

  3. #3
    To be exact it has a range of 40 yards plus the radius of the target hitbox around the center of the target, so it really is quite a bit more than 40 yards in an typical encounter if you are casting on the boss. While there could be issues if you are casting on one of several adds which are quite far apart or with multiple seperated groups within the raid, most of the time you will find a target to reach anyone anyway, even if it is not the one damage is most needed one (animus, targeting biggest instead of smaller targets; or Horridon, always targeting the boss; for example), or it is quite obviouls who is in range for which target.

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