1. #1

    Help with Megaera 10m

    So our guild had a couple of attempts on Megaera, but we didn't manage to kill him. It went better and better, and some people are undergeared I think one healer is like 485 ilvl:P What can we do to make this fight as smooth as possible. Our other tank the DK had a little problem it seems like. For me (the monk) it went quite nice.

    Anyways here's the logs.

  2. #2
    What seems to be the problem for your goup during the fight? Where do people die from?

    The logs seem pretty good to me, we've killed it a couple of times, with 4 healers, at around the same DPS.

    Just make sure the ranged is well at the end of the area you fight in, and make sure everyone runs away from the stuff at the floor.

    Also: what rotation are you guys following for the heads? We found out that doing Green -> Red was the easiest.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Forsite View Post
    What seems to be the problem for your goup during the fight? Where do people die from?

    The logs seem pretty good to me, we've killed it a couple of times, with 4 healers, at around the same DPS.

    Just make sure the ranged is well at the end of the area you fight in, and make sure everyone runs away from the stuff at the floor.

    Also: what rotation are you guys following for the heads? We found out that doing Green -> Red was the easiest.
    I think it's on the 4th or 5th head we usually dies, during the rampage. We do green then red then green, we never kill the blue one.

  4. #4
    Rampages are killing you? What's your cooldown rotation like? You have a lot of healing cooldowns at your disposal. Rotate them wisely and win.

    - Your Disc should be able to Spirit Shell every single rampage (but only if your DPS is such that you are killing the heads about every minute, which is the cd on SS). He/she should also be using PW:Barrier on two of them (3min CD). Cascade is garbage for this fight, especially if you are dying to rampages. Divine Star all the way.
    - Your Resto Shaman should Unleash Elements + Healing Rain for every rampage and make sure that he/she can use all of the OP Shaman CDs two times each pull (each has a 3min CD IIRC). Of course make sure healing stream totem is always down too.
    - Make sure your Resto Druid is charging up his/her mushrooms and placing them at the rampage stack point well ahead of the time that you actually stack. He/she should be waiting until the raid dips to use Bloom.
    - If rampage damage is really causing you problems, have your Shadow Priest spec Divine Star and use it twice per rampage. Shadow Star does a LOT of healing for a hybrid.
    - Your warrior never ONCE used a banner! Tell that guy to get with the program! Put Rallying Cry and Demoralizing Banner into your cooldown rotation.

  5. #5
    Your resto druid is the problem. he isn't keeping up lifebloom/harmony/and isn't using swiftmend enough and he is undergeared. and it seems he is trying to go for the 6.6k haste breakpoint but stopped at 4.5k no point. he should be stopping at 3034 and stacking mastery/spirit. not intellect though, mastery scaled better atm than Intellect. you need to tell him to look up class guides for his character and tell him to start farming LFR tot for gear, or replace him.

  6. #6
    With grgrgrg strategy a lot of the pressure in the fight will be on the healers. Make sure they do not overheal the first rampages, use mana CDs early and on CD, and make sure to have a nice CD rotation going for all rampages (even early ones so healers can save more mana).

    I peeked at a few of your attempts, seems the first deaths were to cinders, tank deaths or rampages.
    1)For your strategy have ranged spread out at max range and have cinders be dispelled asap, there isn't a need for them to run cinders to a specific location as long as it is not dropped on the rest of the raid.
    2)For the tank deaths, make sure they have CDs available for the breaths and healers be prepared to bring them back up after. You were only getting 3 breaths per head so dps should be fine. Assign one healer to keep a close eye on each tank. Also if tank damage starts getting too heavy from the blue head you can toss in a kill on the blue head for the 5th (my group does grgrbrg, which reduces tank damage as well as reduces the number of poison bombs going out at the end).
    3)Deaths during rampage would mean either healers aren't able to put out enough healing either due to thier healing rotation, poor raid CD usage, or being oom from too much healing early on. Make sure you are using a nice CD rotation. Even for early rampages as any 3 min CD will be up for one of the first 3 and then for one of the last 3. Ex: if you use tranq on 1st it will be up for 4th, use spirit link for 2 it will be back up for 5, etc. Don't forget about dps healing CDs. Your dps shaman can drop healing rain for rampages, can use healing stream totem, and can use either ancestral guidance or healing tide. Also on your longest attempt your resto shaman never used Ascendance, that can add a ton of extra healing for no extra mana, use it during one of the first 3 and again for one of the last 3. Also make sure everyone uses their own survival CDs when available, if they have a one min CD, it can be used every rampage.

    So in summary, make good use of CDs (personal and raid), be safe with mana during first few heads so you have enough for later, and dispel cinders asap.

    Just keep working at it!! Good luck!

  7. #7
    Bloodsail Admiral Xkiller9000's Avatar
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    I healed a pug group on megaera on my 489 ilvl MW monk, in full pvp gear, and we did fine, its all about mechanics, if healing is the problem, you can actually 4 heal this fight.

  8. #8
    I didn't go through the logs but few tips about what scored us the kill.
    First we did 3 heal to cut up the DPS and kill the heads in 2 max 3 breaths. The less debuffs on tanks and less acid rains the easier it is to keep everyone up.
    Second and most important thing - this is a healers fight. Nearly everything depends whether they can or cannot handle it.. 485ilv healer seems very low to be fair.. :? We had healers at +-500 on our kill.
    You need solid healer CD cooridination. We do something like this:
    1st rampage - nothing
    2nd rampage - barrier
    3rd rampage - glyphed shaman healing stream totem (10% magic dmg reduction) + spirit link totem
    4th rampage - tranquility/tree of life
    5th rampage - barier again (should be back)
    6th rampage - ascendance + whatever you have..
    etc.. raid helps with whatever they can toss - devotion auras, smoke bombs, monk tank can avert harm + zen med etc..
    We changed kill orded a bit to G>R>G>R>B>R>G - this vastly reduced the intensity and of acid rains (The biggest killers for us). Just make sure that your tanks know which whead to pick up after they kill blue (they need to switch, so the one that was tanking red heads before now will tank green etc)
    We too used to die at around 5-th rampage, but it was usually due to the fact that we were starting this phase low on HP to begin with (too many acid rains tearing the group). Make sure nobody eats it, and that's the reason why we didn't 4 heal it..
    After 4-th and 5th rampage for sure - our healers dispel cinders nearly right away - again - it's easier for people to just run out of the fire (especially if they started running already), than run with the dot. Only thing that matters is that they don't run through stack zones.
    Make sure that anyone who has personal dmg reducion CDs use the during 5-th rampage. It helps a ton.
    We BL at 6th, BL at 5th is also a possibility..
    Also - red head = a lot of magic dmg, green head = a lot of physical dmg. Put your tanks in a way to maximize their strengths, for ex. monks with glyphed guard, diffuse magic, zen med are great for red head. Also make sure that your tanks know when there's a acid rain incoming and use CDs for it too (on some occasions you can fire a CD and eat both the acid rain explosin and the breath that comes right after it). If you go for 3 breaths - on red head you can usually take first breath without CD.
    Your DPS should prioritize killing red head since it's more deadly with the dot it puts on the tank. We make sure that all our DPS save their DPS CDs for when we're killing red or blue head.
    Quote Originally Posted by Archaeon View Post
    In tbc everyone wished they were playing vanilla. In cataclysm everyone will wish they were playing wotlk.
    ^------True story!!

  9. #9
    We just downed Meg this week with myself (monk tank) and our Dk tank. I would tank red and he would tank green. This would make me on blue for the final head and him on green. We used the GRGRGRG strat and left blue up.

    Have your monk tank spec Celerity and Chi Torpedo. During rampage, he can Torpedo through the raid 3 times and do a decent amount of healing. I would usually wait a few seconds after the healing CDs are wearing down. As well, have your monk tank spec diffuse magic and glyph for guard. On the red head he can guard>diffuse>guard the first three breaths. On blue just use guard when it is available and keep elusive brew up. I saved fort brew for the last phase since blue had the crazy melee haste buff.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Vattenmelon View Post
    So our guild had a couple of attempts on Megaera, but we didn't manage to kill him. It went better and better, and some people are undergeared I think one healer is like 485 ilvl:P What can we do to make this fight as smooth as possible. Our other tank the DK had a little problem it seems like. For me (the monk) it went quite nice.

    Anyways here's the logs.
    Okay try going G,R,G,R,BLUE,R,(doesn't matter B or G)

    The reason Oligarchy uses this strat you 1) have less # of Green heads up and at a later part in the mechanic, 2) you also take 15% less DMG from ALL the Green Heads (easier on your healers)

    Now what we do to combat the ice mechanic is as follows:

    Put 5 raid markers down, 3 in a straight line 10-15 yards away from the boss, put the other 2 between the 3 markers but 35-40 yes away, also make sure your 3 markers closest to the boss are 12yds apart (20% SF safety factor) while not having them too far on the sides otherwise your healer will get hit by breaths.

    Have your 3 healers stand on their designated raid market and RDPs on the back 2, if you have more RDPS just have them spread out by the back 2markers. By doing this you ensure everyone is spread out far enough from each other so that Acid Rain that targets one person hits others for much less DMG! Also when coming out of all the ramps everyone can run back to their spot knowing they will be safe, just make sure the player targeted with acid Zrain foes move from their location before impact!

    Okay for your tree have them lay 3 shrooms down prior to every Ramp, this fight is AMAZING fir trees he should do burst HPS of 200/300k for each ramp if played right, lay the shrooms as follows:

    Pre-pull on Red Head Ramp stacking point
    2nd shrooms on Green head stacking point
    3rd shrooms on Red again
    4th on blue stacking point
    5th on red again
    Last on either G or B whichever you decide to kill doesn't matter!

    Now have the tree ramp the shrooms with shit tons of Rejuvs,!few seconds after your 8sec (on avg) Raid CD wears off, pop the shrooms b4 Ramp is over usually pop them during last 20secs of each Ramp!

    When tree goes from the ramp to his raid marker have him drop 3. New shrooms on the next stacking pontnlisted above and let the Rejuvs OHs bud those bad boys back up, rinse and repeat until loot drops

    For Raid CDs it is not crucial for the 1st 2-3 Ramps, just make sure you have 2raid CZds for the 6th and 5th and st least 1 for 4th and 3rd (if you have enough CDs to spare).

    In mind opinion the hardest part if this mechanic is dealing with the raid mechanics during the 6th head (Red in my example, after you kill the Blue), this is not due to the Blue Mechanic it's just that time of the raid where shit gets real
    I strongly recommend saving a paladins Devo Aura here and popping it w/in getting back to your raid markers, then also pop BL at 25-35% health remaining on the red head, this will help your healers output and kill the red head faster pushing the last Ramp, thus ending the mechanics for 20seconds of uptime on your last head
    Also, by popping lust at 25-35% depending on your DPS you should still get 5-10seconds of BL on the last head!

    I hope this helps,

    Guardian Troll Druid -534ai
    US- Zul'Jin
    Guild Master of Oligarchy

  11. #11
    We found that Acid rain was the biggest issue for our group, because it deals the most damage by far of the three abilities. We have good mobility awareness in our group, so we found the blue head easiest to deal with. We tried many combinations, and the one we ended up with was B - R - G - B - R - G - B. That lessens the damage on the tanks as (due to no head getting more than 2 stacks of hydro frenzy) at any time.

    We did it with 3 healers. The important thing for us was that right after a rampage, the ranged / healers immediately spread and got into position ready to recieve cinders (i.e. stand so you can dispell cinders right away / or use it to melt ice)

    And yeah, as previously mentioned, rotation of CDs during ramage is important.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Xkiller9000 View Post
    I healed a pug group on megaera on my 489 ilvl MW monk, in full pvp gear, and we did fine, its all about mechanics, if healing is the problem, you can actually 4 heal this fight.
    actually with maegera its all about numbers mechanics are really easy - GRGRGRG is nothing else then dps/hps check - if people are pulling good numebrs fight is veyr easy if they are undergeared and struggle with dps/hps its brick wall -_-

    OP if u dont have numbers - try adjusting the heads u kill for exmaple kill GBRGBRG or throw in at least one B to make it easier on healers

  13. #13
    Ok so it's gone a while but we're about to finally have a stable raidgroup and last night we oneshotted everything till Tortos (and we have even oneshotted Tortos one time), but Megaera is still a roadblock.

    Here are the logs, I think we came to the last head once, and we're pretty close to kill Megaera but after the fourth head people start dying.


  14. #14
    If you look at the healing curves for the wipes, then (without flaming) Farmek's curve isnt rising alot during rampages, and his active time is really low aswell, so i'd say your wipes are most likely to 2 healers trying to heal for 3. wich should be doable, but not on progress kills.

    Also same guy almost isnt using spirit shell.

    Get a replacement and start trying to manage all your cooldowns better, and you should net a kill


  15. #15
    We just downed Meg last week. Took us 10 tries all together... Here's what we did.


    CD's for Rampage:

    1. Devotion Aura/Revival
    2.Tranqulity - Resto Druid
    4.Tranquility (Symbiosis on Shadow Priest)/ Devotion Aura
    5.Tran - Resto Druid, Hero/Lust/Timewarp & Burn red
    6. Hymn

    Make sure your raid is spread apart and they dispel cinders as soon as it pops up. Being spread is key since after the 4th head you have acid rain and cinders hitting pretty frequently so you reduce the amount of movement for the raid in general which allows for more DPS and healing. Also, the dot that the redhead puts on the tank hurts pretty bad so DPS used their offensive CDs on the Red head exclusively...

    Last edited by Javster; 2013-07-11 at 02:49 PM.

  16. #16
    The key to this fight is to actually use proper raid CDs in order to conserve healer mana for when you the fourth head and beyond, which at that point the acid rains start getting out of hand. Looking at your group it seems that you have access to a LOT of raid CDs with 2 shammies (HTT), ret pally (devo), 2 disc priests (barrier/SS), resto druid (tranq), DK (AMZ). If I were you I'd go something like:

    1) Nothing (Mushrooms+Spirit shell should be enough)
    2) Barrier
    3) Barrier
    4) Tranq
    5) Devo+Shammy CD
    6) Everything else (both barriers by this point should be off CD))

    With that said, your disc priest Farmek needs to pick it up. Not a single PoM? Are you kidding me? No Spirit Shell? It doesn't even look like either of your disc priests are really using their level 90 talents either. Get them to pick up divine star/cascade (halo is garbage for this fight) and make sure they cast them on CD for Rampages on top of PoMs+SS. Your druid seems fine, needs more uptime on regrowth though, that's about it.

    Also you should take advantage of the fact that you have a paladin in your raid. Get him to spec into hand of purity and for him to work out a rotation with the tank who's on red. Hand of purity really trivializes the flame DoT that the tank gets from the fire breath. So it should be something like HoP > 1 min Tank CD > HoP and if the head isn't down by the third breath then there's something wrong with your DPS.

    And that brings me to my next point, which is that your DPS really needs to pick it up as well. Your warlock is doing 70k DPS on your longest attempt, that's unacceptable. Not a single Rain of Fire cast. A good destro lock should have a high up time of RoF for ember generation, it's part of their single target rotation now. Given the low number of chaos bolts he casts, he is presumably ember starved or ember capping himself. Your lock needs to do a bit of research on his class.

    Whew, bit of a wall of text there, hope this helps out a bit.

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