1. #1

    Heroic Leap Macro?

    Hi, I'm new to macros and I'm wondering if there is a way to macro Heroic Leap into a single button, withough relying on the green landing target mark.

    I just want to program HL so that it automatically jumps the shortest distance foward.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    It's possible to do this with Auto Hot Key, although there is some mixed opinions about people consider this cheating or not. And this is considered a third party program and banneable, but I have been using this for longer than a year and never got in trouble with it. Eitherway yes it's possible with Auto Hot Key to make a one-button HL macro.

    Save the following script in notepad and save it something like hl.ahk and then compile it.

    send +3
    send {LButton}
    +3 means shift + 3 so if you want something else just change it to whatever you see fit.

  3. #3
    You can do that without said Autohotkey program, all you need is a macro-capable mouse(preferably)/keyboard.

    For example,
    your Heroic leap is bound to G, in the peripheral program, such as Razer Naga driver, you create a macro that does the following:
    Left-mouse click
    and edit the delay to shortest possible, after that, bind the macro to a macro key on your mouse/keyboard and you're good to go, Swifty does this for example, and I doubt you can get banned for utilizing macro software like this.

  4. #4
    While i find it very unlikely you'll get caught for it, it is breaking the rules and you can get suspended/banned for it. Worth mentioning

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by santa666 View Post
    While i find it very unlikely you'll get caught for it, it is breaking the rules and you can get suspended/banned for it. Worth mentioning
    I mentioned above wether you use Razer macros or AHK they're both banneable its just not likely they'll catch you aslong you dont do anything out of the ordinary

  6. #6
    Your chances of getting banned for using mouse/keyboard macros such as Razers are slim to none. Same goes for Auto Hot Key. While Blizzard likes to say that they crack down on 3rd party programs they really don't unless it is enabling some kind of game breaking mechanic, or letting you access areas you shouldn't be in (ie: exploiting something).
    I've been using razer macros for years, I know many people who have been using AHK for even longer.
    Even TMorph, a very popular program that Blizzard has explicitly said is bannable (because it can be used to modify your characters size and very rarely access areas you shouldn't), I have never seen someone banned for; and I know very many hardcore players who use it for hours on end daily, including extremely popular streamers.

    TLDR, its your choice and it is technically bannable, but as long as your not using it to obviously exploit something, the chances of you actually getting banned are very small.

  7. #7
    I think the short answer is no, you're supposed to need to select where to HL. What you're trying to do is use HL as Charge.

    Long story is above. Third party software. I would put that in the "not worth the effort/risk" category myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tehterokkar View Post
    You can do that without said Autohotkey program, all you need is a macro-capable mouse(preferably)/keyboard.

    For example,
    your Heroic leap is bound to G, in the peripheral program, such as Razer Naga driver, you create a macro that does the following:
    Left-mouse click
    and edit the delay to shortest possible, after that, bind the macro to a macro key on your mouse/keyboard and you're good to go, Swifty does this for example, and I doubt you can get banned for utilizing macro software like this.
    But that just automates the left-click of the mouse, you still HL to your mouse cursor's location if I'm reading that right. Which you could also do just by remapping the mouseclick to the G button I think?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tojara View Post
    Look Batman really isn't an accurate source by any means
    Quote Originally Posted by Hooked View Post
    It is a fact, not just something I made up.

  8. #8
    The real answer is no, you can't just press a button and go somewhere. If you use as mentioned above with a naga or other program, you really can only leap to a target/fixed location and not "anywhere" so you're just gimping the ability anyways.

    I personally use the macro below. Charges enemy targets, intervene's friendly targets and uses an alt modifier to cast heroic leap if that's what you want to do. All my movement abilities on one key

    /castsequence [harm] reset=0 Charge, Intercept; [help] Intervene
    /use [mod:alt] heroic leap

  9. #9
    You won't get banned for using macro's for your mouse / keyboard. Back when i use to play Diablo 3 i would use macro's when i played my CM wizard since that spec you have to spam constantly 3 spells.

    Really the only place that does not allow such macro's are tournaments.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by arden714 View Post
    The real answer is no, you can't just press a button and go somewhere. If you use as mentioned above with a naga or other program, you really can only leap to a target/fixed location and not "anywhere" so you're just gimping the ability anyways.
    That is not true at all, by using a macro you simulate a left click as soon as you press the button HL is bound to. You never see a green targeting reticule, but it will leap wherever your cursor is, assuming it is within the normal Heroic Leap range. It's exactly like pressing the button then clicking as normal, except you don't need to click!

    This makes it a lot faster to leap in the middle of your rotation but has one noticeable downside: Range. You have to get used to Heroic Leaps (minimum) range since you won't be able to use the targeting circle. Not a big deal with some practice.

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