1. #1

    Restoration Help

    Armory Link: look up Jehntrixx on Turalyon (sorry I can't use links yet)

    My item lvl is 511 and my healing output sucks. I'm outhealed constantly by other healers. I feel like there is something I'm missing because I really only do about 30k-40k hps, while I see other druids steady at 60k with less gear. I went on a raid with a guild the other day, and a guy playing his alt resto druid beat me silly in healing. There's got to be something I can do. I don't even want to apply to another gulid until I get this situation worked out. I've been playing resto for 5 years and it looks like I've been playing for 50 minutes. I'm at the haste breakpoint of 3043. I have plenty of spirit and rarely go oom.
    When I was on that raid the other day, it felt horrible because I knew I was being carried. I used to carry ppl not the other way around. Any advice on anything is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Keyboard Turner
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    Without logs there's not really much I can tell with you doing something wrong or not, although one thing I did notice is you only have 9k spirit, even though you say you don't have mana troubles often I remember in normals until my ilvl was 520 or higher I had a ton of mana problems, Especially without the legendary meta (even though it's not necessarily your fault you don't have it) mana regen can be really tough under 11-12k spirit and thus less output overall. Furthermore the tier bonus sets are very nice and it hurts to not have a tier bonus at all. but honestly from your armory it looks like you do mostly normals, and healing output isn't as big in normals, the biggest part of being a healer is knowing when to heal to save a life and situational healing like that.
    From my point of view even if you are bottom on the heal charts, as long as your group isn't failing then you are fine, It is easy to put too much into it and get stressed out.
    There is always someone who will be better than you, but that's what makes you strive to be better yourself, Everyone has their ups and downs.
    One last thing I can think about, Soul of the forest is a really weird build where you lock yourself down really and have to follow a specific rotation to get the maximum throughput. I am wondering if you have some kind of timer to track swiftmend and WG cooldowns to sync them up more easily because I know that really helped me.
    Otherwise if that is the problem than I suggest going Tree of Life and trying that out.
    Hope any of this helps you and I will check back later today if you would like to have a back and forth.

  3. #3


    my logs can be found on world of logs under US Turalyon Horde guild name Epic. Look at Sunday nights raid. Sorry I would just link the logs but MMO Champ doesn't like me doing that yet.

  4. #4
    Some basic tips:

    Download Tell Me When and customize it so as to have every single short or long CD clearly displayed.
    Download Clique so as to have every single hot/heal on your mouse buttons and obviously mouse-over by default.
    Use extensively the mushrooms, even if not fully charged they heal greatly.
    Keep 10-12k spirit and stack mastery.
    Talent wise I'd go with the SoTF for many reasons, but mostly because ToL will end up being wasted for most of the fights.

  5. #5
    Can't look at your logs right now but I will soon and PM you something more extensive, but what comes to my mind off the bat would be: RJ Aggressively

  6. #6
    Dear kwrs780,


    To start of you gear needs to be updated, especially your weapon which in only ilvl 483. Aside from an obvious lack of gear, I completely disagree with the gemming in your gear. You are placing a lot of emphasis in intellect but you only have 9k spirit in a character that is undergeared, with no epic meta gem and Horridon's trinket. At that point you should be gemming for spirit.

    blue: 320 spirit
    red: 80 int, 160 spirit
    yellow: 160 mastery, 160 spirit

    I noticed you do not have any of the upgrades from the epic questline (no prismatic slot on your weapon). Try to obtain it as fast as possible and definitely replace that spirit trinket.


    Your lifebloom uptime seems low and I often see procs of blooming which lead to an excessive waste of gcds. I also noticed that you tend to neglect using wildgrowth and even you rejuvenation spaming is low (probably lack of spirit).

    The best advice that I can give you is to get used to the damage flow on the fights. If you know that a certain mechanic is coming, pre-hot a few people, cast swiftmend and wilgrowth. If possible, charge up a mushroom and blow it when it is justified (avoid as much overheal as possible). Understand the type of targets that will be taking damage (certain abilities tend to stick to certain targets). Get a pattern for boss swings to take advantage of clearcasting procs with regrowth.

    There is no magical solution and the main problem is not on the character but on the type of approach you take to healing. Be more agressive and spend that mana... If you are not going oom with 9k spirit with those throughput stats, your healing is not satisfactory.

    Read up a bit on specific battle encounters and get used to those mechanics. Understand what kind of strategy you may devise to best deal with them. Is it a mushroom? Is it pre blanket? Tranquility?
    I also noticed that you are a troll so make sure to use berserking and cast a few hots before using tranquility. Get those extra ticks rolling while you cast tranq and let the HPS blow up.

    A druid is all about preparing -- read a few guides on resto druid!

    P.S.- Normal modes will skew healing towards absorption but your disc priest seeems to lack a bit of experience as well.

  7. #7
    Can we stop recommending that someone that in his own words 'rarely goes oom' picks up more spirit. It's fine telling him to actually cast more spells and heal more, only when this leads to him running oom should he look to pick up more regen. As it stands if he follows the advice of increase his spirit and doesn't make the changes to his gameplay by casting more you are simply going to make him worse by decreasing his throughput stats.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Migraine View Post
    Can we stop recommending that someone that in his own words 'rarely goes oom' picks up more spirit. It's fine telling him to actually cast more spells and heal more, only when this leads to him running oom should he look to pick up more regen. As it stands if he follows the advice of increase his spirit and doesn't make the changes to his gameplay by casting more you are simply going to make him worse by decreasing his throughput stats.
    That's a good point. But after looking through his logs, it's obvious he's not casting enough, and that is a probably a direct result of his spirit, if I had to guess. Everyone's just trying to help the best they know how, remember.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Migraine View Post
    Can we stop recommending that someone that in his own words 'rarely goes oom' picks up more spirit. It's fine telling him to actually cast more spells and heal more, only when this leads to him running oom should he look to pick up more regen. As it stands if he follows the advice of increase his spirit and doesn't make the changes to his gameplay by casting more you are simply going to make him worse by decreasing his throughput stats.
    Having 9k spirit without HLG and the meta gem is not sufficient for several of the fights in the current tier. I understand that some people avoid spirit at all costs and expect to be regarded as amazing healers because they can pull it off, but in all honesty your just pushing healing inefficiencies towards your team mates.

    "Sry dude but I couldn't cast that regrowth, its just 2 inefficient. Sucks that the tank died thou."

  10. #10
    Mechagnome Littlepinch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeons View Post
    Having 9k spirit without HLG and the meta gem is not sufficient for several of the fights in the current tier. I understand that some people avoid spirit at all costs and expect to be regarded as amazing healers because they can pull it off, but in all honesty your just pushing healing inefficiencies towards your team mates.

    "Sry dude but I couldn't cast that regrowth, its just 2 inefficient. Sucks that the tank died thou."
    This ^ with 9k spirit you just can't be as aggressive as you need to be. i had to pump my spirit up to 12K after we got to tortos.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeons View Post
    Having 9k spirit without HLG and the meta gem is not sufficient for several of the fights in the current tier. I understand that some people avoid spirit at all costs and expect to be regarded as amazing healers because they can pull it off, but in all honesty your just pushing healing inefficiencies towards your team mates.

    "Sry dude but I couldn't cast that regrowth, its just 2 inefficient. Sucks that the tank died thou."
    I don't want to particularly go into pushing healing inefficiencies onto teammates, but the advice you are give here is flawed if the op came here and said that he was having trouble healing beacuse he was going oom then you would be correct to say for him to look at his regen. The op came here and said that his throughput was low yet he had no problems with mana, you think that if he plays more aggressively he is going to increase his throughput at the expense of going oom and should therefore increase his spirit.

    I am all for the play more aggressively part and if and when this leads to his healing being limited by his current regen that is when he should play around with his spirit to a level he feels comfortable with whether that is 10,12,15k etc. but not 'here use this arbitrary number'

  12. #12
    Mechagnome Littlepinch's Avatar
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    All we were saying is if he does change his play style to what we mentioned. 9k spirit will make him go oom - with that said he just has to increase it to a comfortable lv for him. but a spirit increase will have to happen if he changes his play style. thats all we were trying to say.

    I myself had to make this same change. I found 12k spirit to be my butter zone.

  13. #13
    Yes but make the change in playstyle first then level out the stats to suit.

  14. #14
    It will be hard to estimate a proper amount of spirit, since they are 3 healing everything with a monk tank. 9k "should" be fine for normal modes, even if you were 2 healing.

    In addition to what was said regarding playstyle, there are a few major things to improve upon. Harmony uptime is low, and this is tied a bit into the next issue, which is you should be casting Swiftmend more often. Megeara for example, Swiftmend only did a bit over 5% of your healing, which should be much higher since there are huge chunks of the fight where everyone is stacked up, and this fight you were 53% harmony uptime. Harmony needs to be as close to 100% uptime as possible.

    You also seem to cast Healing Touch, a lot. Glyphed Regrowth is better in almost all cases. HT, outside of when paired with nature's swiftness, is just not a good spell for druids right now. (*this may change next patch).

    You also never cast mushrooms? They are quite a powerful tool now, especially in 10man, and they wont by themselves increase your heals by a ton, with the exception of Meg and maybe Iron Qon, the are a tool that you need to get used to using. On meg, you can easily have a set of three shrooms charged up and waiting for every rampage, since you should know where the raid will be stacked ahead of time.

    So work on harmony uptime, Swiftmend+rejuv+wildgrowth more, HT less, and look for opportunities to take advantage of shrooms. The gear will sort itself out if you keep raiding.

  15. #15
    Mechagnome Littlepinch's Avatar
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    pretty sure we assumed the op would do just that. but good point.

    Meejum is giving you sound advice right there.
    Last edited by Littlepinch; 2013-07-31 at 06:54 PM.

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