1. #1

    Level 60 and normal / expert dungeon queues


    Thanks to all the information in these guides, I've hit lvl60 and I'm gearing up.

    Thanks to crafted gear and infinity stones via carnage quests, I'm sitting at 1253 wisdom and 228 hit, so I'm quite close to expert dungeons.

    However, I want to run all normal dungeons to see strategies and to pick up any gear in them to fill up the slots for hit (I've already crafted some decent gear).

    The issue here is the time I can play and the dungeon queue. I play a dps cleric (shaman) and the queue was 1 hour long every time I've queued.

    When I do get into the dungeon (for example) Empyrean Core, we down the first boss no problem, get to the second and someone bails. If it's the tank or healer, then most people just leave wasting the 1 hour queue time. No reason is ever given for leaving.

    I'm on my first character, but my dps seems okay (6-8k on single target bosses) and pretty much in-line with the other dps in the group and obviously well ahead of the support role.

    Is the 1 hour queue timer the norm (I play blightweald in EU) for normal dungeons?

    Any way to make queues slower; I thought of joining a guild but don't want to 'sponge' off them for boosts in normals.

    Tl;dr.... dungeon queues take a long time, any advice on how to get shorter queues or should I just craft/buy gear and try experts or are the expert dungeon queues just as long and I should just suck it up...

  2. #2
    I play on Zaviel EU and the queue times as DPS is about 30 min - 1 hour depending on the time of day but it doesn't bother me so much because there is a lot of other things to do out in the world to fill that time gap such as dailies, GHR etc or alternatively you can get some guildies to queue with you to speed it up a bit

  3. #3
    Herald of the Titans Slipmat's Avatar
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    Queue times as DPS and just doing PuGs can be very long, just imagine there's a 100 DPS in the queue for every one Tank/Healer.

    I'm afraid only solution is Guild runs or get a Tank/Healer role and profit with instant queues

  4. #4
    Don't queue as DPS alone. That seems to be the solution to every dungeon finder queue.

    There are a thousand players queued as DPS. Fewer tanks, support and healers. Queue as everything you are able to.
    Last edited by Fencers; 2013-08-14 at 02:54 PM.

  5. #5
    Only for DPS and probably partially being normals as well, there are likely more people running Experts, though still not enough tanks and healers for all the DPS. DPS are a dime a dozen, so DPS have to wait for tanks and healers. Best bet is to join a guild or make friends with a tank and que with them. Tanks get near instant ques.

    Also, I would not mess with normals too much at 60. Running them while leveling is one thing(though I did not do that either) but you should be able to get the required hit at 60 with a few epic crafted pieces, some of which will last you even throughout raiding. Namely Rings, Helm and Legs. Join a guild and you should be able to find a crafter in it willing to make you the pieces for the cheap and then you have a guild to run Experts with. If you need a casual friendly guild that would be more than willing to help with this, look me up on Three Springs. I can't help personally with the crafting, but there are guildies who can, I can however tank Experts for you with a full guild group who is more than patient and willing to teach you the fights.

  6. #6
    You can actually easily reach 300 hit without running normal dungeons, if you watch the following guide, some charming brit explains how to do it in under 30 minutes from when you ding levle 60:

    The only other things I can suggest if you want instant que's are:
    - Pick up a healing spec, if you want a guide on how to heal experts as a fresh 60 cleric, I have one I can send you via PM.
    - Join a guild, be friendly social outgoing, a lot of guilds that are gearing up for raiding are just looking for dedicated players who know how to play their class, if you have a bit of knowledge of your class, then you'll easily get invited places, I'd say judging by the fact your only doing 6k-8k as Shaman, you may possibly be doing something wrong, even with fresh gear you should be doing at least 10k if played correctly, I'd suggest also having a look at Inquisitor, as you will find experts a bit devastating at first if your playing melee

  7. #7

    Loads of excellent advice, thanks to all who contributed.

    Looks like I need to find a guild in the EU on my little server (Blightweald)

    Fencers, I am looking at the healer guides; I healed dungeons from lvl 30-45 so may try this again, but without knowing the fights I may end up being more of a liability and getting kicked / yelled at

    Lathais, I looked up ThreeSprings and it's a US server. Unfortunately I'm in the EU (don't hate me for it ), so I'm not sure we could run together even though I'd really appreciate it.

    A guide for healing would be extremely helpful. I've PM'ed you and thanks for the video, I'll get going on that.

    6-8k seems a lot low you say. I was following the following thread for priorities:

    If this is old or not as decent way to play shaman, I'd appreciate anyone with any advice


  8. #8
    Yeah, no problem, sorry I could not be of more help being in a different region.

    Also, 8k doesn't seem too bad for a fresh 60 in normals. If you follow that guide and get those crafted pieces that should bump you up closer to the 10k range though.

  9. #9
    I must smile at the dps. If you do 8k, you are doing more than enough and are definitely expert ready.
    Most people in experts I meet don't do 8k, usually its 6k-ish. On a really static fight with no disconnects I manage to push out about 11k on my harbinger which is basically pre raid BiS.

    About the queue, as others have said, the expert queue is probably shorter than l60 normal queue (once you are expert ready, you never go normal again, and as pointed out in the vid, you can get expert ready without ever stepping in l60 normals). I queue as healer/support/dps and quite often I'm invited as support or DPS. The tank is what seems to be missing. Can't wait for mages to be able to tank as well

  10. #10
    Thanks Lathais and h4rr0d (and everyone previously)

    I learned how to heal and have run a few lvl 60 dungeons as healer (pretty much insta-q); there are some deaths but it seems to be getting smoother with more practice.

    However, in both of the runs the dps only seem to be pulling 6-7k max, so maybe it's just my shard that is pants regarding dps

    Thanks again everyone and hope to see you all in-game.


  11. #11

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