1. #1

    [A] 536 Elemental Shaman LF Raiding Guild

    Hi everyone,

    I'm currently looking for an evening night raiding guild during the week or weekend around 6PST and beyond that(no limit). I've recently started playing again near the end of ToT but I'm looking to play long-term again, I watch a ton of videos on each fight from various guilds and understand them. I'd like to consider myself mature at 25 years old who works full-time and enjoys playing WoW in my free time. I have both ventrilo/mumble and use all the common mods that help increase awareness during raids. I also come prepared every night with the necessary items. I use to play a lot during the BC/WotlK,Cata days before taking a break to focus on real life commitments.

    The main few things I'm looking for are:
    A mindset of progressing each week.
    Serious but having fun at the same time without any type of random drama.

    My realID is: Thomz0#1425

    I also forgot to add my armory! As i'm not able to post it here my Char name is: Thömz on server Lightninghoof


    Thank you!
    Last edited by Thomz88; 2013-09-30 at 10:34 PM. Reason: forgot armory

  2. #2
    We're interested in an ele shaman currently!!!

    <I Think It Cleaves> top ranked guild on Azuremyst is LF high quality dps to shore up a new progression group for patch 5.4, The Siege of Orgrimmar. This 2nd 10man group is progression oriented with a 2-3 night schedule. The group has several players with previous 'server first' experience and knowledge as well as past top 50-100 US guild history. Some players even ranking top WoL parses and deep knowledge of the theorycrafting and inner works of their classes. Our experience has taught us we don't need to yell and scream and be jerks to one another to get excellent results. That doesn't mean people don't get called out or coached when appropriate.

    The right applicants will have extensive knowledge of their class, spec and reasonable awareness of raid composition and cohesion. While perfection is not required, we have high expectations for fight mechanics execution combined with solid dps.

    TLDR; We need quality dps with a good attitude to join us. Also are looking for healers!!! Non-Disc Priest.
    Day/times: Fri / Sun (6pm-10pm/5pm-9pm) PST, invites 15 min prior.

    We are currently 8/14 N and pushing hard.

    If you're interested or have any questions find Spoonybard/Spoonylock in-game if you're interested or add BT: Spoonybard#1536. You can also reach Tectonic @ BT: Tectonic#1787

  3. #3
    Evening there not sure if you open to going horde, but if so here is a little about us

    <Mediocre At Best> 10M Late Night raiding guild on Undermine (Horde) Recruiting for 5.4.
    Our group is made up of adult people who play this game for entertainment and while we'll work our hardest to get through the content we also want to have fun doing so. Joking and goofing around are promoted and while life-gripping into "Gary" is funny, into heroic Horridon's charge path is not.

    -♦- Progression -♦-
    T16 2/14N (Flexraid 8/14)
    T15 12/12N (With most core members having 6/13h exp)

    -♦-Raid Time -♦-
    Tuesday: 10:30PM – 1:30AM EST
    Thursday: 10:30PM – 1:30AM EST
    Sunday: 10:30PM – 1:30AM EST

    -♦- Contact -♦-
    If you have any questions before or after filling out an application please feel free to contact myself at LuxuriousLyn#1897 or Co-Gm at JennyBobbin#1694

  4. #4
    My name is Joey (aka Kroddish). You should check us out at Tribe Gaming (www.tribegaming.com). We're a multi-gaming community that's been around for over 12 years, with active chapters in various games. Our WoW Chapter is currently recruiting to strengthen our 25-person raid team. We aim to keep progression steady through 5.4, and we want *you* to progress with us.

    Tribe is more than just a Guild - we're a community. If you're looking for a place to have fun killing internet dragons with fellow gaming enthusiasts, we're definitely for you. We're currently recruiting to strengthen our team's DPS. As far as raids go, all 25 spots and loot are earned via performance and consistent attendance. If you were to show up consistently, perform well, and stay out of the fire, you'd earn a solid spot on our raid team.

    Here's some of our points of interest:

    • Server: US-Bloodhoof - Horde
    • Raid Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday @ 7:30pm - 10pm CST
    • Current Progression: 6/14 SoO
    • Website: Apply or learn more at www.tribegaming.com
    • Contact: In-Game: Kroddish -or- BattleTag: Kroddish#1931 -or- Email: wow@tribegaming.com

    Read more here. Please hit me up in-game or PM me on our website to learn more. I'd love to talk to you, hope to hear from you!

  5. #5
    Spaceball One

    ***Who we are***
    Six months ago this raid team was just an idea. The guild <Seraph> of US-Malganis had a stable, and successful raid, but there were others in the guild who wanted to raid. Who wanted to be part of something big, but were not part of the raid. Thus the guild started a second 25-man group, full of alts of the main raiders and those whom were not part of the main raid. This group continued to become bigger, and more main characters joined the raid that would come to be known as Spaceball One.We now enter Siege of Orgrimmar as our own group and we plan to progress through the content. This is a heroic progression group with a great bunch of like-minded individuals. The goal is to kill bosses while having fun but also progressing , because there lies the fun of raiding,

    Raid times:
    We raid 11pm to 2 am CST Tuesday and Wednesday nights. There are make-up raid nights on Monday if we have spent a whole night learning on a heroic fight and need to push out farm content to keep gear flowing.

    11/14 SoO 25 man

    Purple Distribution: We distribute loot with an addon called EPGP Lootmaster to facilitate and fasten the way the loot is done. We also believe it to be more efficient than Loot Council since that usually leads to pointless debates and fights.

    Our current needs are as follow :

    *** Mage – Very High ***
    =Shaman - Resto Very High=
    Monk – WW/MW Medium
    Priest – Shadow/Disc Medium
    Druid – Boomkin/Resto Medium
    Death Knight – Dps Medium
    Warlock – Medium
    Hunter – Low

    We do accept great players as well so feel free to apply even if your class is not mentionned here.

    To apply go to Seraphguild.com

    You can add me at any time at : munich#1581

    I know that you said 6 pst but seeing the no limit I thought maybe the times would fit you ? Look us up if you feel like it Were a fun bunch but we also want to kill bosses. Good luck in your guild search !

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