1. #1

    How hpriest/bmhunt beats healer/uhdk ?

    Hey guys.

    We are having huge issues with DK/healer teams. I am playing holy priest with beast master hunter on +- 2.1k mmr.
    Even if we are trying to keep healer out of a game, DK is refusing to die and still doing shitloads of damage. When he hardswitches me I am having serious problems with surviving. MCing is close to impossible because of DK peels or his damage on my buddy.

    Do you have any good ideas ?

  2. #2
    im not entirely sure but isnt disc priest better for pvp?

  3. #3
    For 3s or melee cleaves maybe yes, for 2 is holy clear winner because of chastise (and huge instant heals and better dmg)

  4. #4
    every hpriest/x team i run into ~1650mmr [Ret(me)/mage] gets destroyed. Just CC the dps and tunnel the healer to death. Disc priest bubbles usually save them alot against our burst

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Ellmist View Post
    every hpriest/x team i run into ~1650mmr [Ret(me)/mage] gets destroyed. Just CC the dps and tunnel the healer to death. Disc priest bubbles usually save them alot against our burst
    Holy is arguably better in 2s and 3s. The only time Disc is sometimes more favourable is if you're dying in silences which could've been aura masteried. Holy can normally survive against sustained damage, burst and training a lot better than Disc can, because of the increased amount of instant heals.


    It's hard to see what's going wrong, your tactic is right (going DK with CC on healer) - are you losing 100% of games vs dk/priest or is it 50/50? As a comp, you have nearly infinite CC and if the DK is playing aggressively (especially if he's on you) he can stop none of the Hunters CC.

    What I would try though is playing hugely offensive in the opener. Open with a trap into a chastise into a fear into a silence into a second trap, and with cooldowns from your Hunter and offensive dispels from you (on shields) I don't see you not forcing a trinket and some pretty major CDs. When the DK tries to swap the pressure on to you (or your hunter), your Hunter should then stop going for kills completely and just go into 'peel mode'. Using silences, scatters, traps, roots all defensively until the Death Knights cooldowns are off and you're in a safe spot. If he scatters the DK into a trap, and blanket silences the priest as the trap lands then you get a solid 6 seconds to make distance, break necros and top yourself.. which can completely ruin a DKs burst.

    The longer the game lasts, the less chance you have for winning (DKs are much better than Hunters in long games), so try to swap back to playing really offensive as soon as you can. Try shackling the DK pets, they are a large portion of the damage (especially the gargoyle when CDs are up).
    Last edited by Snuggli; 2013-09-04 at 01:05 AM.

  6. #6
    Don't run MC. Run Psyfiend. Have hunter run webs. He *probably* won't kill your hunter if you shackle gargoyle. DK will tunnel you for fastest victory. His goal is to either A. Kill you in the opener.. or B. Run you oom. If A doesn't work, he resorts to B. Have your hunter stay away from you unless you need a peel from disengage roots. If priest tries to be cheeky and run in for a fear on you, fear ward, and fear both of them. having the hunter slow priest is good too. Your best bet is to kill DK when he goes manmode on you. He'll be too busy tunneling damage into you to realize that he needs to play defensive. This may take a while to set up. If priest has will or trinket, it probably won't happen. Don't let DK copy your dispel. Give him levitate or something worthless. Do *not* give him Pain Suppression if you switch to Disc spec. I don't know if he can steal Guardian Angel. Don't rely on Guardian Angel. You probably will still die. He will wait for it to expire (generally I do). He'll have you sit at 20-30k hp while your Guardian Angel winds down.

    If you want to see how not to play against it, you can check this video. No audio (and really poor quality- sorry), I didn't want to record skype and I uploaded it to test some stuff. We play disc DK against Disc BM. It might not be holy, sure, but best I can give you for now. We played against a team that has been rank 1 in 2s multiple times this season as different comps, so they know what they're doing. Emulate some of what they're doing, but try to see their mistakes. ^_^

    Good luck

  7. #7
    wow dude, you sure that was r1 team ? I am not sure if is best idea for a hunter to tunnel priest on that map... thanks for advises though..

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Ysoph View Post
    wow dude, you sure that was r1 team ? I am not sure if is best idea for a hunter to tunnel priest on that map... thanks for advises though..
    Yes, they were rank 1, but they've tanked mmr so that they get queues. I think the priest is back to rank 1 as a different comp though. I'm not really sure why the hunter went on priest tbh, I think that was our first game (of many) against them and they didn't realize I could kill the priest..

    but you can notice when I pop CD's I come closest to dying, due to the DK's nature of tunneling damage. (we all do it a few times, some more than others...) I probably should have went blood presence, but.. oh well.

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