1. #1

    Improving the LFR experience

    So here we are on the cusp of the launch of 5.4 and of all the possible things that could be annoying there is only one that stands out in my mind. That is the constant mixing of South American and North American servers in lfr. Since its inception nothing has been more annoying than this for my and I am pretty sure many other North American players that use the lfr. It is not even the language barrier that is the problem....that can be overcome. Rather it is the general playstyle of the players from the South American servers. Although I hate to make blanket assessments of any group, I find I am forced to say that the average skill level of players from the South American servers are shall we say lacking. It seems that the majority of players there tend not to pay any attention whatsoever to any mechanics of lfr as tuned down as they are. Not to mention gemming and gearing choices and general raid awareness. This wouldn't be an issue if it were just a few ppl here or there as such behavior is to be expected from every region. What is the issue is the prevalence of it from the majority of South American players.

    I am left to wonder what exactly is going on down there to make this issue so widespread. Often times I joke around and say they are playing a different game down there. Yet the more and more I think about it I am convinced that the game is really tuned differently for South American servers. This of course is no far fetched reasoning since it is known that the game is tuned differently for the oriental servers. This is fine in of itself, the problem lies in mixing them with North American servers. Its like mixing two different types of wine...it just doesnt taste good. Plain and simply I wish blizzard would not do it...though i know they will continue with this practice. Maybe though if enough of us voice our displeasure it might move the dial enough.

  2. #2
    Arrogance, stereotyping and tin-foil. Your post has it all.

  3. #3
    As someone who has played a couple of MMOs on US servers (I am European btw), I can say I feel you, since it is the excact same thing between US and EU players.

    The US players seem to have a rather laid back and relaxed approach, whereas the EU player are trying rather hard to perfom. If that is even worse when playing with Southamerican players....wow that mus be an horrible experience.

  4. #4
    As someone who plays from antarctica, i can say i can see quite a degradation in skill sets when i play with people in the EU vs other penguins in Antarctica. Dem penguins are 1337 pro.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Deja Thoris View Post
    Arrogance, stereotyping and tin-foil. Your post has it all.
    Lol...now I definately may assume some arrogance that heretofore was lacking from the original post. Firstly to attack the weakest of your suggestions of tin-foilery; I assume you must be completely ignorant of the fact that Blizzard has admitted that for Korean and Chinese servers boss and player damage is increased. Its not something that is made up in some dark closet of my mind, rather it is just a mere fact. So it would not be surprising that something similar being done in a different region of the world is not far fetched. I can postulate that it may be possibly done due to the avg ability of the computing and infrastucture capabilities of different regions. To further extrapolate this idea for your layman's understanding; globally speaking some regions tend to have better technology than others and in order to help facilitate the differences without drastically changing gameplay experience blizzard tunes the game differently.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by thedingleberry View Post
    As someone who plays from antarctica, i can say i can see quite a degradation in skill sets when i play with people in the EU vs other penguins in Antarctica. Dem penguins are 1337 pro.
    You are awesome. Keep being awesome.

  7. #7
    Immortal Tharkkun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deja Thoris View Post
    Arrogance, stereotyping and tin-foil. Your post has it all.
    I'd love to jump down his throat but a lot of what he speaks is true.

    If you are grouped with a tank from the Azgalor server there's a strong chance that....
    A.) They will taunt nonstop until they die on any tank swapping fights.
    B.) Speak portuguese so it's impossible to communicate.
    C.) Will just stand there and do nothing. They won't respond to tells or participate.

    I've seen maybe two good players from that server and easily 20 I have on ignore because the LFR experience is too painful. The language barrier has a lot to do with it but it's unfair being grouped with those who are unable to communicate.

    I disagree with US players being lazy as well. It all has to do with the day and time of the week you run LFR. Earlier in the week during prime time you get a better group. Try it on Sunday/Monday night before reset and it's filled with alts.

  8. #8
    Fluffy Kitten Sonnillon's Avatar
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    As this topic is borderline of nation/nationality bashing, it will be closed.

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