1. #1

    ShadowedUF Custom Text Tag Help

    I've recently switched my unit frames to SUF. I was looking through the list of text tags that comes with it but it was missing 1 or 2 I was hoping to get some help on making. I want to be able to show percentage HP but have it hide when HP is full/max. I noticed that it seems you can add tags as conditionals as well so I was wondering if I could maybe have a tag that just hides X on full HP or MP. That way I could use the tags for things other than percent health. The second was having a text show on mouseover. Thanks for any help, it would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    I have a similar request with SUF (apologies if I am hijacking!). I would like a different font for different text fields and was wondering if this is possible within SUF? For example, font1 for the health bar text, and font2 for the empty bar text, or font1 for the player frame text and font2 for the raid frame text??

  3. #3
    No, you're fine with the hijacking. I was coming back to check for updates, sadly it doesn't look like anyone knows how to help me out. I know it's possible but I'm having a hard time finding the syntax to make it happen.

  4. #4
    Here is a slightly edited version of the default "Current HP (Short)". All you do to hide is add a statement to return nothing if it matches your condition.

    function(unit, unitOwner)
    if( UnitIsDead(unit) ) then
    return ShadowUF.L["Dead"]
    elseif( UnitIsGhost(unit) ) then
    return ShadowUF.L["Ghost"]
    elseif( not UnitIsConnected(unit) ) then
    return ShadowUF.L["Offline"]
    if UnitHealth(unit) == UnitHealthMax(unit) then return end
    return ShadowUF:FormatLargeNumber(UnitHealth(unit))

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