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  1. #1

    Worst Glitch Ever?

    We've all experienced some sort of glitch that has caused a problem in our game play, but what was the worst thing that ever happened to you?

    Mine was shortly after the revamp of Scarlet Monostaries. It was the part where you have to grab the shield to avoid the fire arrows. For some reason or another it glitched and I was unable to drop the shield. I spent the next 10 minutes walking incredibly slow only to have my group fully finish the instance, leaving me to walk the entire way back to the start. I was unable to port out/in, and was unable to complete any of the quests.

    Looking back it was extremely funny and my group had a good laugh, but it was definately the most frustrating thing that has happened. I even tried closing the client and logging back in. Felt like walking in quicksand.

  2. #2
    Well, aside from an issue with a quest in Dragonblight I think? I can't really think of any memorable glitches

    although I remember something that happened to Totalbiscuit in the Cataclysm Beta

  3. #3
    Herald of the Titans Racthoh's Avatar
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    i can think of a couple memorable glitches but nothing that really grieved me terribly. (remember the DK diseases on friendly players one?)

    unless you count lord rhyolith at release.

  4. #4
    Herald of the Titans Abstieg's Avatar
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    I had the shield stuck on me too, and after trying to go further in the instance hoping it would drop, I had to turn and walk all the way to the entrance portal to zone out before it went away. Boy was that fun.

  5. #5
    Glitch that doesn't really affect gameplay: server lag, in which when you mount, your toon starts sprinting and swimming through the air. Or from server lag, when a monk rolls, and continues rolling, and rolling, and a cliff or pulling a bunch of mobs.

    Can't think of any game breaking or rage inducing glitches that happened to me though.

  6. #6
    Orc shoulder size is the most memorable

  7. #7
    Scarab Lord Grubjuice's Avatar
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    i saw a guy tank Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring mounted on his Mammoth Mount the whole time.

    it did not actually interfere with his ability to play, he just happened to be on his mount through the fight.

    When someone asks you if you're a god, YOU SAY 'YES'!

  8. #8
    I know it's cheating if I say a glitch in beta because that's the whole point of a beta, to find glitches...but in WOTLK beta there was the glitch where there was an invisible hole in the ground in Dalaran where players fell to their death. You could spend hours laughing your ass off watching unsuspecting players walk over the hole and disappear into oblivion.

  9. #9
    worst glitch I ever experienced ? Corrupted Blood, Seriously that was fun though.
    recently though (cata) Voidwalker taking mobs for walk miles away from me, taking said mob through other packs, Voidy would then despawn and the entire collection would come after me. /sigh

  10. #10
    As for worst, probably when Bastion of Twilight first came out and there was a hole in a pillar that you could fall through in the beginning of the instance, so many deaths... and so many people baiting others to their deaths.

    Most memorable was probably when I was leveling my first character (before Cataclysm) and I managed to get up on the high ledge that surrounds the NE starting zone, I though I was supposed to go there, spent hours just hopping around and getting up there. I then saw some tree branches, and just jumped off. Just kept jumping on tree branches sticking out of the walls, then I died and I was automatically ported to Darnassus. No idea what happened, was very confused, friend just told me a random GM probably did it.

    Another one was once doing LFR in ToES, and had a tank whose Get Away debuff never seemed to go away (it did stop doing damage though, just kept pushing him back), and since it was LFR, he didn't want to get kicked.
    He tanked Sha while randomly being pushed back, was fun to see though.
    Last edited by Knightsavior; 2013-09-17 at 05:18 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Zehir View Post
    Well, aside from an issue with a quest in Dragonblight I think? I can't really think of any memorable glitches

    although I remember something that happened to Totalbiscuit in the Cataclysm Beta
    Lmao!!!! Thanks for posting this.. that guy is hilarious.

  12. #12
    On the farm, I activated one of the virmen and then get on one of the roots (those that make you spam 1) accidently and, for some reason, my ability bar never changed so I was stuck on the plant with no way of getting out and no way of defending myself against the virmen.

    I had to watch him slowly killing me, hit by hit.

    I'm not sure if they fixed that or not. I guess I could try on a shammy and have elementals defend me
    Quote Originally Posted by Sahugani View Post
    PS: If you detect ANY irony or sarcasm in this post AT ALL, please report it to

  13. #13
    The quest for the celestial cloak for melee dps had several glitches which encouraged me to yell at my family who accidentally tried to speak to me. One needs to attack his rear, but his front and back were almost identical. One of Wrathion's main attacks didn't match the area of effect. Another spell was nearly impossible to interrupt because the graphic was mistimed with the effect. In another mirror phase the real Wrathion was nearly impossible to tell apart from his duplicates. The adds often bugged. Xuen's advice during the fight had provided no clues to how to actually win the fight. Instead of fixing melee so they aren't so fragile, they merely fixed the fight so that you always win. A final humiliation to a poorly implemented test.

  14. #14
    last night i decided to do some brawler's guild.

    I killed hexos 4 times because it kept killing me after he was dead. It took me til the 4th kill (90 minutes later, i'm a crappy LFR geared toon) to realize that i needed to keep spinning as if hexos was still attached until i got ported out and got credit- and even then, it still killed me as i ported out. VERY frustrating.
    Last edited by seije; 2013-09-17 at 05:30 PM.

  15. #15
    So mean! Glitches are people too ((

  16. #16
    Dreadlord Beergod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windwalker View Post
    Orc shoulder size is the most memorable
    Hahahahah this, that was fucking hilarious.

  17. #17
    I remember spending an hour farming for a quest item in dragonblight. Apparently that item was accidentally removed from those mobs' loot tables.

    And who can forget:
    The ice stone has melted!

  18. #18
    It's still a glitch. If you run halls of lighting, in the area where the statues come to life, if you are screamed into the left corner (by the next door) you fall through the floor and are trapped in the depths of azeroth.

  19. #19
    The Lightbringer Duridi's Avatar
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    When my character's head was twisted around and stuck there.

    I did take some screenshots of it, but no idea where they are. I'll try locate them.

  20. #20
    Ret Paladin Censure glitch was funny during Cata.

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