Currently looking for a decently geared (535+) tank with Meta Gem (Cloak is a plus but not required) for a core raid spot. Goal is to finish Garry this week and start pushing Heroics next week.

Also looking for a select few DPS Classes, which I'll list below in order of priority:

  • Fury Warrior - High Priority - In need of one ASAP, must know your class fairly well, and be able to pull respectable numbers.
  • Hunter - Medium Priority - Needs to understand what Misdirect means, and needs to have several types of pets available depending on what the raid needs.

Our raid schedule is Friday - Sunday from 8PM - 12AM EST. We usually start raids a bit earlier than that to begin clearing trash, but showing up early isn't a requirement. We expect any new recruits to not be more than 10 minutes late for raid.

Please PM me on here or talk to me directly in-game on Csunforgiven. Alternatively, if I'm not around, feel free to talk to our recruitment officer, Zaganth.