1. #1

    Resto - Are they doing it right?

    Was wondering if you tree people could help me analyse these world of log statistics:

    (cant provide the full link yet sry)

    It is taken from a raid night of Garrosh wipes and was wondering if there was something visibly wrong here.

    Thanks in advance!

    - Idrage

  2. #2
    Spell distribution in the log looks good, except Tranquility should be used more often. On some trys your healers seem to have problems keeping the tanks alive during AoE phases, that might be because you have two AoE healing classes - maybe one should focus more on the tank. But the log does not imply that the druid is healing wrong.

    However, his gearing and reforging is aweful. Armory.
    His haste is at an arbitrary value that doesn't do anything for him, he even reforged into it although it gives almost no benefit. He should either be at 3043 (or as low as he can get by reforging out of it), or at 13,163.
    Spirit: He has 16.5k spirit with two regen trinkets. This is severely gimping his throughput, especially considering that N Garrosh is not a mana intensive fight with 2 healers. With those two trinkets (which need to be replaced ASAP, there's a huge upgrade on the Timeless Isle available for Coins), he should be fine with at most 12k spirit, and put the rest into mastery.
    His wrists are unenchanted although he got them 5 days ago and they are ilvl 561.
    Also, he should use T15 hands and stick to 2pT15 until he gets 4pT16.

  3. #3
    Pretty much what Thalur said. Gearing is awful and he needs to drop alot of those spirit gems. The deaths don't seem to be anything specific other than "less than required healing healed". We 2-heal it with a paladin and druid (me) and generally non-empowered whirling corruptions are the least of our worries. We can even let our melee stay in to dps at max range.

    I did notice that on most of Chudz's deaths, he does not have a Lifebloom ticking on him. Unannounced tankswaps with healers not responding fast enough perhaps?

  4. #4
    Didn't look at his gear, but from the log, I took a look at a random long attempt (14, 8:31 duration)
    - only 4 barkskins and 1 ironbark in 8.5 minutes. This is the first place to look: ironbark is huge, it can take almost 100k off of each of Garrosh's swings!
    - didn't see either NV or HotW buff cast. I kinda like NV now that it's buffed (12% + 25% healing, plus a bit of damage), but if he's taking HotW he might as well be putting it to use.
    - spell healing breakdown looked OK (~35 rejuv ~13 efflo ~11 wg)
    - lifebloom 73.6% uptime is a bit low; he's losing out on clearcasts
    - only 2 innervates in almost 9 minutes is low
    - only 2 trinket uses in almost 9 minutes is low
    The last 3 points leads me to believe he is overcommitted on spirit/regen and can gear for more throughput.

  5. #5
    Looking at the logs:
    - Harmony uptime is low (83%). Should be well over 90%. That's a ton of healing right down the drain. Probably the single biggest issue.
    - Lifebloom uptime is low (71%). Should also be >90%. Lots of wasted healing and wasted clearcast procs. Various addons can help track it.
    - Talent cooldowns are barely used at all. 2x Incarnation and no Nature's Vigil uses in 15 attempts. That's a ton of wasted healing.
    - Waiting too late with Innervate. He frequently doesn't use it until five minutes into the fight, which is a whole use per attempt wasted.
    - Not using Tranquility enough. There's no point in saving a 3 min spell for 8 minutes into the fight. Use it!
    - Very weird Nature's Swiftness use. Several times he activates it but doesn't cast anything. It's like he macroed it to something. It should be saved for emergencies.
    Diplomacy is just war by other means.

  6. #6
    The spell distribution looks okay. You are probably missing something. Resend this post here

  7. #7
    He is using 2set bonus (sage mender), is this because he doesnt have 4set of previous tier? It is common knowledge that for druids, you'll want to go from 4set to 4set in this tier.

    In regards to the sage mender, there are also times where he has 5 buffs for 10-20 seconds without using it, having 5 prevents more from proccing, so you'll want to pop them as soon as the stack is getting high. Holding it for upwards of 20 seconds nullifies potential gain from the setbonus.

    I'll check a random try and give you feedback on it;Try14, 8m31s

    2 innervates in over 8 min is sub optimal, more aggressive rejuvs in the start will build shroom quicker in the start as well (if you get a fully charged shroom for every iron star explode, thats ideal and gives good burst heal),

    He did NOT cast tranquility. Inexcusable, the fight has numerous windows for it. The same goes for Incarnation/SotF/FoN, either he doesnt have a talent point here, or he completely forgot to cast whichever talent he has in this tier.

    His uptime on Harmony is less than ideal, which lead to him casting 24 rejuvenates without the mastery buff present. This would have been the equivilent of only casting 18, 6 rejuvs down the drain, thats 52 200 mana, or 17.5% of his base mana consumed by nothing.

    One of the buffs he has highest uptime on is Tree form, and he casted it twice during the fight. Its okay to pref the xmog effect it gives, but it is essentially a global you should have spent on other things, and the garrosh fight has few if any breaks, exception being maybe while getting dragged up. He recasted it after every stampede. This is very minor tho, and should not really be considered, as there might have been a very light healing stage when he did it for all I know.

    During the fight, he gets a clearcasting procc 20 times. Out of these 20 times, 10 times it proccs while an existing clearcasting procc is already present, and "clearcasting refreshes clearcasting" happens, which basically means the procc is squandered. 3 times it simply fades (not used within 15 seconds). Your boy has some potential for improvement, when he was only able to utilize 35% of clearcasting proccs, once it proccs, strive to use it within 4 globals of the procc, thats a "reasonable" limit i live with, that gives you planning time and wiggle room.

    He died in this try, but with a batch of 3 others, so I'll assume it was a out of control empowered whirl from the boss; I've seen my fair share of those to know that they do happen. He died with Barkskin up, which makes the death even more "okay" from his side.

    Also, some guys further up gave him shit for not keeping Lifebloom up, first and foremost learn what to do with the procc you can obtain from it. Once you are crystal clear on that, try to keep it up at 100%. Probably not possible because of transitions, and once your in the transition phase, the procc wont do you good as you'll probably be casting mad rejuvs on everyone and running away from cleave, but its good practice nontheless to just make that a pretty solid habit, i.e always blooms up.
    ^ I agree with this.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Bzl View Post
    In regards to the sage mender, there are also times where he has 5 buffs for 10-20 seconds without using it, having 5 prevents more from proccing, so you'll want to pop them as soon as the stack is getting high. Holding it for upwards of 20 seconds nullifies potential gain from the setbonus


    During the fight, he gets a clearcasting procc 20 times. Out of these 20 times, 10 times it proccs while an existing clearcasting procc is already present, and "clearcasting refreshes clearcasting" happens, which basically means the procc is squandered. 3 times it simply fades (not used within 15 seconds). Your boy has some potential for improvement, when he was only able to utilize 35% of clearcasting proccs, once it proccs, strive to use it within 4 globals of the procc, thats a "reasonable" limit i live with, that gives you planning time and wiggle room.
    Fixing these two would also help with the poor Harmony and Lifebloom uptimes, as spending the procs on a quick heal on the tank (instant HT with Sage Mender, Regrowth with Clearcasting) will refresh both. Even if everyone is on full health, it's still worth spending your CC procs on a Regrowth on the tank. You'd have to spend that GCD anyway to refresh Lifebloom, and now you got a free Living Seed proc and a Harmony refresh to go with it. The same thing goes for the legendary meta proc: if it procs at a slow time, use it to cast a quick Regrowth+Rejuvenation on the tank.
    Diplomacy is just war by other means.

  9. #9
    Question about the Sage Mender bonus; did Blizzard ever fix it so that casting NS+HT doesn't consume Sage Mender stacks or no? Other than that there's not much else to say on this 10 man log.

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