1. #1

    LF SoO Normal Guild RSham/FDK/SHunt/HPriest

    Restoration Shaman 542
    Holy Priest 536
    Frost Death Knight 534
    Survival Hunter 534

    Current Experience: 11/14 Flex, 4/14 Norm

    Available to play from 6-10 EST weekdays, all day on weekends. Fast learner and wanting to progress in current content now.

    Battle tag is Kakatu#1330
    Last edited by kakatu; 2013-10-12 at 09:01 PM.

  2. #2
    <Giggity> is a semi-hardcore 25 man raiding guild. We are a fun, knowledgeable and interactive group of people of all age groups. We have steadily risen in the ranks as a very competitive progression guild and we are looking to push even higher with each tier.

    Current recruiting needs

    Holy Paladin
    Mistweaver Monk
    Balance Druid
    DPS Warrior
    Ret Paladin
    All exceptional applications welcome

    Raid schedule

    Saturday: 4:00pm - 8:00pm EST
    Sunday: 6:30pm - 11:00pm EST

    Website: http://www.giggity.guildlaunch.com
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/GiggityArea52


    Tier 10, realm 61st, 11/12H - 10 man
    Glory of the Icecrown Raider - 11/20/10
    Tier 11, realm 19th, 1/13H - 25 man
    Tier 12, realm 8th, 6/7H - 25 man
    Glory of the Firelands Raider, 2/5/12
    Tier 13, realm 3rd, 8/8H - 25 man
    Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider - 5/20/12
    Tier 14, realm 2nd, 6/6(H), 5/6(H),4/4 - 25 man
    Tier 15 - 12/12N 3/18/13 - Realm 6th overall


    As a raiding guild that raids only a few days a week, we need to make good use of our time. We do not expect you to miss important real life events, and we understand people have lives, however, we do expect you to be as consistent as possible and expect that you will contribute to making good use of raid time by always being responsible in using that time. This includes but is not limited to:

    -Having raid awareness.
    -Being on time for raids. Being on time is being 15 minutes early.
    -Using your in-game calendar to accept/decline raid invites. If you're going to miss a raid or be late to one, be respectful and post on the attendance forum with as much notice as possible. Other people are counting on you.
    -Being vocal. Use your mic, call your cooldowns, etc.
    -Being a team player.
    -Being competitive. Take pride in your gear, know your class and your gear/enchant/gem strategy inside and out.
    -Performing when it matters. Sometimes performing is not performing at all. Some boss encounters are not about pulling big numbers, or aoeing everything in sight trying to squeeze out extra dps. They're about mechanics, and doing the mechanics right.
    -Quick wipe recovery. Don't lay on the floor waiting for someone else to res you. Get back in there, buff up, and go again.
    -Studying and understanding boss encounters. If possible, know the mechanics of encounters from other class/role perspectives.
    -Being mature. Please do not whine about loot, or after hours of wiping. We're fair about loot, and wiping happens.

    GM: Heatsource
    Officers: Negimax, Nexa, Taurenicus, Ultrapriest

    If you have questions about recruitment you can post on our applications forum on our website, contact Heatsource in game through whispers, or add Heatsource to RealID at Heatsource#1348

    You can also contact any off the other officers about recruiting as well
    Negimax @ Negima8#1954
    Taurenicu @ Collins311#1841
    Ultrapriest @ Deathmaster#1462

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply but you basically just told me you dont need any of my toons.

  4. #4
    Hey Kakatu, we're currently recruiting a shaman heals for our weekend team. I added you in-game but figured I'd go ahead and post on here too. We're currently 4/14 because of a late start after reforming the team for 5.4, but we should go 6/14 this weekend if we fill this last spot. My battletag is Sathrel#1275 if you're interested. Here's a quick copy-and-paste about the team:

    10m Casual with a focus on progression
    Turalyon Horde
    Siege of Orgrimmar (normal)
    Friday and Saturday 7-11pm EST (optional guild-wide flex Sun 8-11pm)
    About the Guild:
    Forbidden Legion was one of the first guilds established on Turalyon in March 2006. The main idea when forming the guild was to make a guild that puts real life before World of Warcraft. We are a casual raiding guild with three seperate 10m groups with a group going every night of the week.

  5. #5
    Just updated thread.

  6. #6
    BUNTE504#1184, lets chat. Could use your Shaman. Mon/Tues/Thurs 7-10 EST - Alliance on Lightbringer

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