1. #1

    Best way to solo ICC Gunship?

    Any strats?

    I basically unload on the Rifleman until the adds on my ship come, I kill them, get back in the gun and unload a little more. Then I kill the Sorceress when she comes and then jump back to my ship and shoot some more with the cannon and kill the adds when they spawn again. My ship keeps getting destroyed around the time I kill the 2nd sorceress, idk what else to do.

  2. #2
    it comes down to protecting your gunship as a priority. I am sure someone has a more solid strat, but last I remember this worked:

    1) kill anyone on your ship first
    2) use the cannons if they are up
    3) kill the mages if they are freezing cannons

    ALWAYS kill the guys on your ship first

  3. #3
    Alliance perspective

    I kill the goblins in the far back ASAP then unload on the guys in front. A mage comes out, jump over and kill it. After I jump back on my ship I clear the deck. Rinse and repeat.

    It is imperative you kill the guys in the back though. Their volley they do will do a metric ton of damage to your ship.

  4. #4
    * Remember to get your jetpack before you start it
    * Remember to equip your jetpack before you start it
    > Hang out in the turret until dudes come to your ship - kill them asap
    > Hang out in the turret until Mages freeze them - check to make sure your ship is clear
    > Jetpack to other ship - kill mage - jetpack back to Turret

    edit: Forgot to mention, did this on a Brewmaster Monk - just don't stay off your ship for too long or it takes a ton of damage.

  5. #5
    Would me doing it on 25 make it that much harder?

    Also, I swear I kill the guys on my ship as soon as they're up and switch and kill the mage and get back but I still lose.

  6. #6
    1 - Guys on your ship, get out of the cannon if you have to
    2 - enemy mage
    3 - rocket guys on the back of their ship (kill them when you kill the mage if they are alive)
    4- guys in front of the ship (they can be killed with the cannon)

    I never had any issue once I started killing the guys on my ship ASAP.

  7. #7
    Yeah, guys on the ship are the important thing. There's a /yell when the portal is opened, so be ready for it.
    You're not allowed to discuss conspiracy theories on mmo-champion, which makes me wonder what they're trying to hide.

  8. #8
    I went and did it on 10 man pretty easily, I couldn't on 25 though.

  9. #9
    25-man basically requires that you NEVER touch the axe-throwers until you jump over, at which point you need to kill them nearly instantly, or else they completely wreck your ship (they ignore you while you're in a cannon or on their ship and just spam damage onto your ship).

    In other words, never ever ever damage axe-throwers unless you can kill them instantly. Do not shoot cannons at them. Once you damage them, they're going to start killing your ship faster than you can kill theirs. Rocketing on top of them will damage them, so either rocket past them or kill them instantly.

    Other notes: Don't use the cannon's second abililty until they're nearly maxed out on heat. Before the fight starts, go through the cannons and get them nearly maxed on heat and then move to the next one. When the ship arrives, unload your heat, switch cannons, unload heat, and, if on 25, repeat twice more. This gives you a pretty big burst of damage at the start of the fight.

    I've never heard of any non-DK killing 25-man gunship, so I recommend not bothering. I've always just switched to 10-man normal when I was soloing 25-man for shadowmourne.
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