Thread: Moar AoE

  1. #1

    Moar AoE

    Hey all, just wanted to get some opinions. Currently at a 572 ilvl and progressing on heroic siegecrafter 25. We're killing missiles all the time, so lots of mines. Overall dps on mines isn't an issue. I usually average around 15-18% of the overall damage (wanna say 44 million dmg on a 30% wipe).

    Anyways, to my question. Thinking about replacing normal t16 shoulders and pants for heroic t15 shoulders and pants for the lightning strike proc (cuz obviously I need to be doing more aoe damage). Any thoughts? The ilvl drop only takes me to 570, so not especially huge.

  2. #2
    it's commonly accepted to revert to 2 pc. Try it and see how you perform. I think you may find you're not actually hitting enough CL on those bombs to make much of a difference, but I might be wrong.

  3. #3
    Had over 1000 chain lightning and lava beams in our longest attempt, should get a fair amount of procs. Not sure if I had good rng, but i remember the 2 piece being around a 30-40% proc chance on CL spam

    - - - Updated - - -

    Tried it out tonight, it was meh. Went back to 5 set

  4. #4
    You may have more luck swapping in the cleave trinket

  5. #5
    I've tried the cleave trinket before, it's too rng based. at times it would be 17% of my damage, and others it would only be 4. The proc rate is too low to be reliable in the way the adds spawn for H Siegecrafter.

    Just wanted to clear up, I don't actually need to do more dps. I'm beating one of the tanks and in our longest attempt I did 20% of the add dmg, so I'm really just talking about padding haha

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