1. #1

    Thoughts on future expansions

    I've always had the belief that Blizzard have been holding off on a full on Burning Legion expansion involving Sargeras and the Titans because they know that if they go there then there's no where else to really go afterwards....All the lore that the players have invested themselves in ceases pretty much after the biggest bad in the universe is gone - sure they can write more bigger and badder guys but it would be out of the blue and would seem forced...

    Anyway...the main reason I'm thread starting is to guage if people would handle having the Burning Legion as a main theme over multiple expansions - not thinking just two but potentially 5 (or more) - they've tried to vary the feel and "colour" of each expansion so we don't get the same thing over and over again - would people get bored of fighting demons for multiple expansions?

  2. #2
    Eventually yes, and people would even call them filler in the end. Archimonde is (permanently as far as we know) dead, Mannoroth is going, and Sargeras is without a body and I doubt will ever be killed in WoW's lifespan. So they'd have to create lots of new major legion figures for starters.

    I couldn't see Blizz ever doing more than 2 burning legion in a row, they'd put different stuff in the middle no doubt. I also don't think we'd ever see a full scale invasion, simply because the legion is so large that is spans 1000s of planets, lorewise a full invasion would destroy us via attrition eventually.

  3. #3
    Ehh, I think that 2 BL expansions is a maximum. There was a leak somewhere that listed the planned from wow x.1 to wow x.10, so 10 chapters and 9 expansions overall. If assume that as a general idea, it seems that there'll be 4 more after WoD. So, the remaining content and characters are to be spread between that 4. So, let's make speculation, what do he have?
    1) Azshara, N'zoth and Emerald dream+south seas and 2 more elemental lords. Pretty lot of speculations were made, I surely see that coming. It has space for villains, new zones, plot, pretty much everything.
    2) Legion. Yea, it has millions of fans, but it only has 2 leaders left. Okay, more can be created, but not of such rank, yeah? So, the very maximum of expacs centered on legion is 2 - one for finishing off KJ, and one with Sargeras, Naaru and Titans, but that one I bet to be the very last. Though, there can be more with legion just participating, but not centered on it, so we don't have to close expansions by legion's leaders. A storyline+some raid is ok, no? Essentally, I see 2 parts - Legion attacking us and us coming to make crusade on Legion (last xpac).
    3) Old gods and the underworld. Azeroth's underground might essentially be as huge as Pandaria. We can venture beneath Khaz'Modan, Azjol'Nerub, cavernt where Illidan was trapped and one where Medivh talked to Thrall and Jaina into becoming allies. And, Old gods are a problem to be ultimately solved someday, no? I also guess that there's one more chained beneath Eastern Kingdoms, maybe in Khaz-modan...
    4) Infinite chase and Murozond, if he's actually not the mainboss of WoD. We might have chance to bear witness to events from war between Titans and Old Gods, Galakrond, War of the Ancients to WC I,II,III events, that opens a chance to see new places, raids and more...Though some hate the idea of timetravels and stuff. And maybe it's only a part of some expansion.
    5) Undead. That features Bolvar and Sylvanas, actually. And I also do suspect...what if the new lich king makes allies with legion and summons KJ through Nexus? That would make a plot of how Legion returns (and please, make mogu join legion, they are not worse then eredar for that!).
    6) Us, mortals. Utilising some raw powers we don't even understand and causing some huge consequence. All that Med'an stuff, just everything that I missed yet. ALSO, Chromatus is absolutely takes part in one of xpacs, sure of it.
    So, I guess we can combine this themes and make prognosis of what we might face anytime soon. Did I forget anything? Any ideas?
    Last edited by Explorer; 2013-11-26 at 02:41 AM.

  4. #4
    I could see Blizzard using up all of the current lore to sate all its new expansions. Once everything is seen in game from Wowwiki they'll just create new lore.

    Not sure why people keep thinking that all the current lore we know about is all Blizzard will ever have. It's their universe they can create whatever new lore they want.

  5. #5
    Some good ideas

    Do you think it's correct then that we won't see a Burning Legion centred expac for a long time? Especially if it feels like it will be the climax of the WoW setting

    I guess Blizzard has to balance the line between keeping people excited over the threat of the legion but not actually introducing them too much

    Side question....From what we know - Are the Titans/Old Gods the biggest goodies/baddies there are? Is there rumors or anything greater than them? Naaru?

  6. #6
    Well, I actually think that Legion will participate in expansion 7.x or 8.x, but along with the scourge. My theory is that Sylvanas will spoil relations with both Horde because of her plague experiments and attack Ironforge, but gets defeated and banished from Undercity. Then she would go to Northrend, and along with Kel'thuzad release Lich king from ice. And new Lich will summon Kil'Jaeden from Nexus. You see, lich king and scourge are to be somehow used, but self-repeating and making another purely Northrend LK expansion is absurd, so I think it'll be like that. Reminiscent of WCIII at the same time. So, I see such a version, joint attack of Legion and Scourge, to take place either after WoD or after Azshara.

  7. #7
    I'd love another Scourge expansion to be quite honest. They could change Northrend around due to the Cataclysm for 100-110 level characters (You'd have the option to switch between the two instances of Northrend for quests and such) that event causes everything to go to hell in Northrend and Bolvar loses control of the Scourge. They sweep over the entire continent. Since alot of the EK Scourge is in Sylvanas' area, it makes sense for her to take center stage of the expansion.

  8. #8
    But purely another scourge expansion is not a very bright idea, no? And here they could combine both this and long-anticipated legion, even looting KJ by the end of it. And that would surely not only give us adventures in half-melted (by legion) Northrend, but also make another epi battle at size of Hyjal, with Velen vs KJ pvp.

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