Has Issues is a 25man raiding guild recruiting the following classes at the moment for our raid team

1 Balanced Druid
1 Elemental Shaman
1 Holy Paladin
1 Mistweaver Monk
1 Shadow Priest
1 Warlock

We are currently 3/14 Heroic, making steady progress through each encounter as we raid Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday from 730 server to 1030 server. We do use ventrilo, have guild repairs available for our raiders, and a relaxed environment were we enjoy playing and messing around with each other.

If you feel that you would make a good addition to the raid team and would like the opportunity to show that you have issues apply at http://has-issues.guildlaunch.com/ or whisper Aviditas in game for any questions you may have.

Come earn you spot as we push through the final tier of Mists of Pandaria and prepare for Warlords of Draenor.