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  1. #1
    Mechagnome Unoriginal's Avatar
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    Got to level 30, Still Suck , What Do?

    Well, I don't suck donkey balls or anything. But I'm not a gold 5 either. I'm afraid of joining ranked play and ruining other peoples ratings and having them yell at me for stuff.

    Do i just throw my self at the ranked play till i don't suck or stay in bronze forever?

  2. #2
    Ladder Anxiety: Its fine, you play you get better. You will have placement matches, then thrown where you belong, you cant ruin people's rankings cause the ones you get paired with are as good as you. If they yell at you, just point that out.

  3. #3
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Play more. That do.

    Only solution there. With one minor addition, play to play better. Focus on your performance.

  4. #4
    Watch streams, a lot. But you know, not like SivHD cause he's mostly just fucking around with LB. Froggen, Alex Ich, Bjergsen, TheOddOne, they tend to do a lot of commentary so you'll pick up some tips. Analyse their playstyle, when they do certain things, where they set wards. Simply playing won't get you better as you'll keep the same mindset. I still see people in bronze with over 1k ranked games played. Learn the timers by heart (people in bronze/silver I've met had no clue when do buffs/drake/baron spawn). To put it bluntly, working on your mindset will carry you, not number of games played. I couldn't get out of silver III for over 300 ranked games played so a veteran friend told me to watch streams. I spent my free time watching lcs and pros recorded stream sessions. 500 ranked games later I'm plat s3, working on a diamond player mindset, keeping myself timers on every objective in game for my team. I'm not saying you shouldn't play right now. You should, learn champions mechanics yourself, see what matchups are tough for you, which aren't. And remember 1 bloody important thing (which somehow people in low divisions tend to forget): lost lane =/= lost match. Don't buy the ff20qq bullshit, I've played matches when we pulled off shit right from our nexus to the enemy's. 95% of the matches can be won, no matter how bad it might look.

    So keep calm and become better and better!

  5. #5
    I just hit 30, 2 days ago, since then I've been practising normal draft picks. Seems people who queue up for that want to play more competitively and have a better mind set for getting setup for ranked play.

  6. #6
    Well, expecting to be gold 5 right at the moment you hit 30 seems pretty big target...
    I would just say that lower your expectations, take a look at and you where majority of players are, being gold 5 would be better than over 70% of players, it's not bad to be worse.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I would just go play my first 10 games when I really am in the mood, you will thank yourself later if you do those 10 games well because they have really big impact on what league you start from, and games after that won't have as big impact. I got 6 wins 4 losses from my 1st 10, got to silver 2, and then realized that this is above my real skill level and dropped to silver 4 like stone.

    Other than that I don't see why you should be afraid of getting into ladder, bronze 5 are humans too

  7. #7
    Uhhh I suggest playing normals, have fun, enjoy the game and then get serious about ranked when you get a good grasp on the game. I highly suggest not doing ranked until you have a good handle on every role in the game, have a hefty amount of rune pages (you just hit 30 so I cannot imagine you have more than 3 complete rune pages with the best runes imaginable.

  8. #8
    play mixed aram and normals XD

    you get tons of ip then buy runes/champ with those ip

    then step up for season 4 ranked in oceanic now Lol

    5172-1206-0622 pokemon FC Lets Battle!!

  9. #9
    Complain on the forums that your team mates always suck, and that its never your fault. Remember, deflection is key to maintaining the vocal minority of league attitude.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Bombkirby View Post
    Uhhh I suggest playing normals, have fun, enjoy the game and then get serious about ranked when you get a good grasp on the game. I highly suggest not doing ranked until you have a good handle on every role in the game, have a hefty amount of rune pages (you just hit 30 so I cannot imagine you have more than 3 complete rune pages with the best runes imaginable.
    Runes are vastly overrated. Their impact on the game is really only see when you get to the highest levels, otherwise. A, they can't be used to their maximum and B, their maximum isn't even that big of a deal.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Faltemer View Post
    Runes are vastly overrated. Their impact on the game is really only see when you get to the highest levels, otherwise. A, they can't be used to their maximum and B, their maximum isn't even that big of a deal.
    Runes give a significant edge early game. Go play a 12 AD/4% lifesteal ADC vs someone with 0 runes. Tell me it's overrated lol.

  12. #12
    Well, I don't suck donkey balls or anything. But I'm not a gold 5 either.
    problem solved

  13. #13
    The Lightbringer Toxigen's Avatar
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    If you really want to take it to the next level.

    Don't just watch streams, study them.

    Get LoL Replay and study those close games that you lost. Figure out what you could have done to win those games.

    Make a conscious effort to put forth these things picked up from studying into your own play.

    edit: oh, and just play a shitload of games with a "win at all costs" mentality
    "There are two types of guys in this world. Guys who sniff their fingers after scratching their balls, and dirty fucking liars." -StylesClashv3
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalis View Post
    Not finding-a-cock-on-your-girlfriend-is-normal level of odd, but nevertheless, still odd.

  14. #14
    Learn to play at least 3 champions for each lane
    Learn to counter every champion
    Buy runes and rune pages
    Make talent trees and learn on them
    Watch streams to learn to ward/when to attack baron and stuff
    Learn to Last hit minions
    About this time, you are almost ready for ranked.

  15. #15
    Find friends, play normals, have crazy fun times, don't worry about whether you suck or not, that's my advice.

    If you want to play competitively and you want to go into ranked then don't stress too much about letting other people down, it'll only make you play worse. Do the best you can do and remember that everyone makes mistakes, everyone has bad games, and you're going to lose around 50% of the time. If losing is going to upset you, then you're going to get upset half the time you play and that's just no fun at all. Embrace the losses, learn from them and you'll improve.

    I still suck 1000 games after I started playing so I don't think I can help on how to improve mechanics... but I know I used to get really stressed out by feeling like I'd let people down and once I started just trying to relax and figuring out my mistakes, and trying not to repeat them, rather than focusing on how bad I was, I improved a lot quicker.

    Just remember there's no reason to play ranked if you find out you don't enjoy it. There's nothing wrong with playing normals if that's where the fun is for you. A lot of people find ranked stressful and don't play it - even though they have the skills to be pretty high up on the ladder.

  16. #16
    Legendary! Firebert's Avatar
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    Jump into ranked.

    And when you grow, your rating grows with you, which is probably one of the most rewarding things in LoL.
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  17. #17
    Mechagnome Unoriginal's Avatar
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    So i played the 10 games, and it placed me in silver 4, i rage quite 5 of the games because my team mates sucks donkey balls though.

  18. #18
    uninstall, play tetris

  19. #19
    Watch pro games! I suggest LoL LCS highlights on Youtube. You'd be surprised how much you subconsciously get better.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Unoriginal View Post
    So i played the 10 games, and it placed me in silver 4, i rage quite 5 of the games because my team mates sucks donkey balls though.
    Uh... not sure how to take that. If you rage quit games, ranked is not for you. I'll probably sound a bit bitchy, but if you have to rage quit every time one of your team mates sucked, maybe league isn't for you - or you should start calming down, because raging, and quitting early, are two of the most toxic things you can be in league. Someone who worries about ruining other peoples games in the OP, and then posts that they utterly ruined peoples games out of choice seems somewhat ironic to me.

    Here's hoping you were joking and I didn't get the nuance over text :P

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