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  1. #1481
    I'd like to see a holiday for april fools, where there's tons of pranks everywhere we can set up for friends

  2. #1482
    more rewards would be awsome

  3. #1483
    I'd like to see the holiday rewards actually be comparable to the current raid tier rather than the first raid tier of the current xpac to help a little with gearing alts.

  4. #1484
    I really enjoyed Nazgrim wearing a Santa Hat, More bosses wearing Holiday related gear please! I'd also like it if they dropped them as pure xmog items.

  5. #1485
    Updated quest lines and more pets would be cool

  6. #1486
    We need some more bosses that drop mounts for the holidays. Noblegarden could have a cute bunny mount, Winter veil should have a permanent reindeer, and maybe something for midsummer that drops some kind of flaming mount (or maybe the unused green firehawk). I always loved doing those bosses for mounts, I have all but the "love is in the air" mount now so most of the holidays aren't very engaging for me anymore. Maybe actually making the gear they drop even remotely usable would be cool too.

  7. #1487
    omg all the holidays need to be updated. The random outland/northrend quests for holidays are silly and stagnant.

    I'd like to see more lore put into the holidays as well. Instead of just rip-offs of real-world holidays, let's actually explain Pilgrim's Bounty?
    The post that Blizzard banned me for:
    2014-11-28 19:55:26 [Trade - City] Potassiumgluconate: female dwarf butts are the best thing that this expansion has given us.
    Butts are a touchy subject.

  8. #1488

  9. #1489
    They should make The Greench instanced and able to be queue'd for so you don't have to fly out to the middle of nowhere to farm him.

  10. #1490
    More mounts, always. always

  11. #1491
    Just something different, the same old santa stuff is a little boring now, maybe some mini-games..

  12. #1492
    New achievements each year would really add replay value to the various quests and events offered on each Holiday. I've done them all once and now I don't even really think about them.

  13. #1493
    New pets and mounts would be a nice update

  14. #1494
    make the dungeon bosses more challenging and the gear they drop worth actually doing them, also vanity items could replace the gear, but they would have ot be interesting enough.

  15. #1495
    More open world bosses like Omen, less instancing like Ahune.

  16. #1496
    At least one boss for each event, and scaling gear, since each exp. last more tan one year.

  17. #1497
    Higher dropchances on elusive drops (Love Rocket? LOVE ROCKET).

  18. #1498

  19. #1499
    Updates and some new activities each year bored of same thing each year

  20. #1500
    Warchief Serj Tankian's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
    United States & Germany
    I want a higher droprate on the Love Rocket Mount.... grr....

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