<Sample Text> of Saurfang is an Oceanic Horde progression guild. We are a 10 man raiding guild that has achieved a consistent and reliable raiding environment for our raiding group. We are currently recruiting for next expansion's Mythic raiding. We intend to begin taking applicants immediately to increase our roster for Warlords of Draenor and the transition into 25 man for the remainder of Siege of Orgrimmar.

Past progression:
T16: 14/14H Realm first
T15: 13/13H

Website: http://sampletext.com.au/
Forums: http://forums.sampletext.com.au/index.php
Wow progress: http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/...ting.tier16_10

Our Raiding schedule is as follows:
Days: Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday, Monday
Time: 8:00pm-11:00pm (AEDT)

Currently Recruiting:
Exceptional DPS and healers.

We require dedicated members with high attendance (close to 100%), high performance, and who are keen for progression. We are looking for people who are willing to put in the extra effort. Applicants must provide logs and evidence of past heroic progression raiding. if you think you've got what it takes put an application in on our website.

Should you have any further questions before applying please contact a member in game and they will help you out or direct you to an officer.

Apply At: