1. #1

    Assassin help - Worried

    So here is my situation.
    I Recently returned to the game after a 5 month break and I am worried. I am worried because I think my DPS is stupidly low and I don't wanna be bad at the game. I wanna be good at the game. Here's my armoury link. eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/draenor/Burtron/simple

    Now Rotation wise I beleive I am doing everything right. Deadly Poion and Leaching Poison on my weapons.
    Stealth - Mutilate. Then SnD then mutilate to 4 combo points then get rupture up. Then Mutilate to 5 combos and Envenom. Repeart this keeping SnD up and Rupture. As well as using Envenom every time I have full combos without clipping them.
    At 35% Change to Dispatch.
    CDs used at the right time of the fights.
    Now doing this - I do normally around 80-90k dps. 90 very rarely and if the conditions are just right.
    I don't mind getting flamed and being called a noob. I do class research etc and I believe that Assassin is only good one you get 535 itm lvl? Donno if that is true. Just heard that from a mate.
    I do do research about my Class. But I just wanted to check with you guys. If I am doing anything wrong at all.
    I'm worried.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Cheers guys.

  2. #2
    With item level 511 you really shouldn't expect much beyond 100k dps. I'm sure if you improve your spec/rotation/gear set up etc. perhaps you can squeeze out some extra dps, but don't get you hopes very high.

    You will see incremental increases to your dps past 535-545. Getting the Legendary meta gem and the cloak are also crucial. Before that you won't be able to compete with those who do have it.

  3. #3
    Thanks So do you think going Combat or Sub for now would be more beneficial?

  4. #4
    Sub is harder, stick to assa. When u will have better gear go for combat(u need haste!) sub also is better on high ilvl but its harder spec and very low aoe (good on single target if u dont need to switch often)

  5. #5
    You also need AoC to be competetive as Combat. (Assurance of Consequence)

  6. #6
    As a mut rogue, I do the following in pve:

    Stealth > pop vendetta + shadow blades > Open with ambush > Rupture > Mutilate > SnD > Mutilate to 5 combo points > Refresh rupture > Mutilate to 5-10 combo points > Envenom > Vanish > Ambush > Continue rotation from there.

    Refresh whatever needs refreshing at this point. Let rupture get to about 2-3s before falling off to refresh. Envenom otherwise. DO not clip envenom unless nothing else needs to be refreshed and you are near full energy/near max (10) combo points. By clipping envenom, I mean the envenom buff.

    I vanish+ambush on cd.

    Without better gear, you wont do more than 90-100k dps. TBH, I was doing about 120k dps burst in near full ToT LFR when ToT was current content and about 80-90k dps as the fight progressed.

    Use http://shadowcraft.mmo-mumble.com/ to sim your rogue. Have it auto reforge and regem for you. But before you do any of that. After you load your character into the sim, go to Advanced tab > Force Custom stat Priority reforge (drop down menu) Master > Haste > Crit then select the button custom reforge all. You will need to do that everytime for a new piece of gear under this tab ONLY.

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