1. #1

    Gearing without guild


    Recently I've been finding it hard to gear any character past part 1 SoO flexible. There doesn't seem to be any pugs past part 1... you might get the odd part 2 but very rarely will you ever find a part 2, 3 or 4 and if you do they will usually fail within the first boss which will result in most player's leaving. I feel like I'm currently pushed towards gearing in Arena for Prideful as that's currently a higher ilvl than flexible. Then all you'll get is moans that you're full PvP gear if I step foot in normal SoO. So I'm sat with 3 characters all sitting on ilvl540-ilvl545. Is anyone else having this kind of trouble?

    Are these guild applications safe to apply for on these websites? As I've always been quite paranoid in creating certain accounts on unknown websites.

    Cheers guys

  2. #2
    try openraid and joining some of the flex runs there.

  3. #3
    Scarab Lord Forsedar's Avatar
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    I pugged Flex 1-4 on multiple characters. Its hard to believe that every pug is that bad... I only ran into a handful of groups that were terrible, and even then I managed to find a better one shortly after.

    Guild Applications are safe. What kind of information are you going to be giving? The most they usually ask is your name (first), and everything else is WoW related- which is all public information if you search hard enough anyways.

  4. #4
    oQueue is your friend

  5. #5
    openraid has plenty of flex runs for any part, and 540-545 should get you into most.

  6. #6
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    Openraid, oQueue (oQQ) or pug within the trade channel.

    Do some LFR if able, to atleast get up to the ilvl most wish to see as a minimum, as well as world bosses. And don't neglect the legendary cloak, if you are going to gear anyways, doesn't harm to atleast have the quest. If timed right and lucky, you could get the meta, even further.

    And a small warning, some raid groups doens't permit the use fo Prideful gear, even if some pieces are better for it than others. Though for flex, Prideful is a good cover for your needs.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Forsedar View Post
    Guild Applications are safe. What kind of information are you going to be giving? The most they usually ask is your name (first), and everything else is WoW related- which is all public information if you search hard enough anyways.
    Weird.. My guild asked me for my SSN, Blood type, mother's maiden name, bank account numbers and all kinds of personal questions.

    On Topic: PVP Gear gives the same stats as PVE gear, just the trinkets are lacking and you don't always get the best socket bonuses and of course none of the PVE set bonuses. Also, as others mentioned, Openraid is a great place (from experience) to find flex runs. I miss the days where everyone was running previous tier content..

  8. #8
    I am Murloc! crakerjack's Avatar
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    Scared of putting your info on a guild website? Why? Email, username, and password... that's it. Hell I created a new email for the guilds I joined because there really was no point for it other than proving it was you and not just some bot. If that's whats stopping you from joining a guild, get over it and you'll have a fun time getting upgrades left and right. Aside from joining a guild, the next best thing you can do is finding a group of people who are good and are reliable. When Wotlk released, my guild transferred and I decided to not move w/ them. I knew this tank from another top realm guild and he would start pugs every reset around noon. He would always whisper me as soon as I got on asking if I was ready... He had a hard time trusting tanks, but since he knew I was good, I was his designated off tank.
    Most likely the wisest Enhancement Shaman.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Vsml View Post

    Are these guild applications safe to apply for on these websites? As I've always been quite paranoid in creating certain accounts on unknown websites.
    Stay away from weed kids
    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    I'm glad you brought up IQ, the last standardised IQ test I took I scored a 127, the threshold for 'Genius' is 140, and the threshold for 'Gifted Genius' is 165+, based on the fact the global average IQ is 84, and the fact you're likely Americanwhere the national IQ is BELOW the global average and falling consistently which has led to calls for global intervention in your abysmal education system, I feel you have VERY LITTLE room to talk about IQ levels, but thanks for trying.

  10. #10
    oqueue and open raid are both good options.
    Especially openraid is nice if you can stick to running flex/normal with the same group.

    To get the max out of openraid it's best to sign for the events beforehand so there will be a schedule to follow but you can choose the day/time when looking for events.


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Dotcha View Post
    oQueue is your friend
    Thanks mate. I've never heard of the addon, just got myself into a Flex within under 5 mins from it

  12. #12
    Openraid & the ingame browser works really well. Although I've had more success with Openraid than the random invites via ingame browser. I havent tried oQueue, so cant really speak for that. But I'd really recommend Openraid.

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