Citadel was once a 8/14H 25M guild, but due to complications we had decided to bring it down to 10M raiding.

Here's what my raid team's goals are:

1. Form up as QUICKLY as possible. (1st week)
2. Clear SoO on normal as fast as possible to adjust to the 10 m version. (2-3 week)
3. Once SoO is cleared, we will be starting heroics right away. Looking at getting 8/14H in one week seeing that we have the experience. (4-6 weeks)
4. We will be progressing from that point on to obtain 14/14H -- every week we will view our options whether we do a fresh clear of SoO for people who need certain gear or to keep our lockout and push for 14/14H (Rest of this expansion)

Here's our ideal roster for our team:
2 tanks
3 healers (1 w/ offspec DPS)
2 melee
3 ranged/casters

We're probably going to keep a bench of 4-5 players.

Requirements to join:

1. Need to be 560+ to join
2. Legendary cloak/Legendary Meta
3. Maintain 95% attendance rate.

Raid Times/Days:

Wednesday 9-12 ST
Thursday 9-12 ST
Optional raid day -- Monday 9-12 ST (This day is only if we decide as a raid team that we should use this day as an extra to keep pushing a heroic kill, if we decide to not go with this day -- you are allowed to go find a pug or start one to finish it up)

Our raid team's goal:

Push to 14/14H as quickly as possible since people like me would love to get this before a new expansion releases. We would like to make a close knit team that enjoys raiding and socializing while keeping a serious attitude towards raiding. We want to help the guild's recruitment by showing people we have the ability to clear 14/14H and we need people like us. This will make our WoD 20 Man roster strong and hopefully stable.

If this interests you, add my btag and then we can talk!


Hope to hear from you.