1. #1

    Some fitness/workout questions.

    So I have a few questions to ask people with some experience:

    1. Can you do a lot of push ups/sit ups each day and not hurt yourself? (Like 80-200 push ups a day for example) edit - these would obviously be spread out over the day as I have a lot of free time and am unemployed, I just want to get exericse.

    2. Is going to the gym for about an hour in the morning than doing more exercise in the afternoon good or bad?

    3. If I take protein shakes when losing weight will it effect my weight loss at all or much?

    Any tips to keep a steady weight loss per week would be good as well, certain exercises etc, I have been going to the gym for a while now but stopped going recently but am starting back this week. I already eat healthy but have cut a few of the not so healthy but not bad food out so I am 100% clean eating.

    I am looking to lose weight not gain muscle atm, I will focus on muscle gain/toning when I lose another 15-20 kilos first.


  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Huskar000 View Post
    So I have a few questions to ask people with some experience:

    1. Can you do a lot of push ups/sit ups each day and not hurt yourself? (Like 80-200 push ups a day for example) edit - these would obviously be spread out over the day as I have a lot of free time and am unemployed, I just want to get exericse.

    2. Is going to the gym for about an hour in the morning than doing more exercise in the afternoon good or bad?

    3. If I take protein shakes when losing weight will it effect my weight loss at all or much?

    Any tips to keep a steady weight loss per week would be good as well, certain exercises etc, I have been going to the gym for a while now but stopped going recently but am starting back this week. I already eat healthy but have cut a few of the not so healthy but not bad food out so I am 100% clean eating.

    I am looking to lose weight not gain muscle atm, I will focus on muscle gain/toning when I lose another 15-20 kilos first.

    1. You can do push ups everyday without worrying about overworking your chest muscles. Just make sure to focus on your chest, and not your shoulders, when you do the movements. Abdominals are a little different, and should only be worked every other day, to allow them time to recover.

    2. It depends on the type of exercise: aerobic (endurance, stamina) or anaerobic (resistance, weightlifting), that you perform. Cardio should be done in the early hours on an empty stomach to burn fat reserves. Weight lifting should be done several hours after any cardio and with some type of fuel - protein shake, ect - in your tank for energy. Cardio in the morning with weight lifting later in the day is quite optimal.

    3. Protein shakes, as in nothing but protein - no 'weight gainer' stuff -, are an awesome way to replace a normal meal with one geared towards the fitness lifestyle. Do not consume more than four (4) servings a day. You will see positive results.

    tips?: drink 2-3 gallons of water a day. Stay focused mentally. listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63A-3EF4Bpw

  3. #3
    1) The more spread out during the day the better, as it alternates your blood flow positivly. The above person says you should focus more on breasts, the closer your hands are together, the more the focus are on your arms/shoulders. The further apart your hands the more breast mucles you use.

    2)About going to the gym twice a day, I used to train 9 times a week. But no it didn't help me, reason is you need a set sleeping schedule and a good diet to make that work. You can go sport as much as you want, for fun sure, if you want to improve it is wise to start more slowly. And make sure you get a steady sleeping schedule aswell. Rest is equally important as it is to excercise!

    3)My personal experience with protien shakes is meh, a good diet, with red meat, fish, nuts etc. works better. The King of diets imo is Quark. That stuff seemed to work way better then the shakes, but then again I used to take rather cheap ones. If you start with Quark it may start sour, you can start out with adding some fruit or nuts. Unsure how it affects weight.

  4. #4
    1.) You are very unlikely to injure yourself doing 80-200 pushups/situps as long as you're doing them properly.

    2.) There is nothing wrong with exercising twice a day unless you are overtraining and not giving yourself enough time to recover. You're the only one who will know your limits on this, though.

    3.) If you're feeling a lot of muscle soreness the day after working out then perhaps protein supplementation could help. Otherwise (especially if you're just trying to lose weight), you can probably do without it.

  5. #5
    1) No but you might get a bit sore to begin with as you aren't used to the exercise.

    2) Over training is the only issue.

    With weights you shouldn't be able to work muscle groups more than 1-2 times a week, if you can you're not working them very well.
    Cardio varies massively on the intensity and the exercise, suffice to say with cardio it's usually your joints telling you when you're doing too much.

    3) You shouldn't be able to fit a protein shake into your diet when you're trying to lose weight.

  6. #6
    Hello friends, do any of you health and fitness connoisseurs know about BCAA (branch chain amino acids)? They are the building blocks of protein and are used to support muscle growth, similar to protein powders. Diet Standards is offering a free bottle of BCAA supplements in veggie capsules to anyone who is willing to write a review for the product on Amazon.

  7. #7
    If you do not want to gain muscle, after you do some sport, you can pound the legs to relax. Do not sit down immediately.

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