1. #1
    The Lightbringer zEmini's Avatar
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    PvP solution to flight ganking

    Or whatever you call it. I am dying about 12-20 times a day while I am camping for Aeonaxx in Deepholm. I have NO WAY to fight back that I know off.

    It is always the same guy however so the only solution I can think off it to report him for harassment. It doesn't matter what time of day it is, he is always there slow falling and dotting my character to death. By the time I can fly to a cliff to eat, I am usually dead. This has now been going on for about a week. What can a death knight do?

    I asked this on the official forums but it keeps getting deleted. Likely because blizzard things I am trying to start some riot or troll or something....

  2. #2
    Unfortunately, there's not much you can do. Unless the douchebag is using some kind of exploit or cheating, GMs are going to put it under the "PvP happened, deal with it or pay to move to a PvE server" umbrella most of the time. Not saying I agree with it, but that's generally what they do.

    You can try putting in a ticket if you haven't already done so, but I doubt that's going to do much. The only option I can think of is getting friends to come out, watch your back, and try the same thing to him (assuming they play classes with the capability to do much damage during a slowfall). You could also try putting a bounty on his head if you have a lot of gold, but I can't say if you'll have much luck trying that.

  3. #3
    Get invited to a pve server of your battletag buddies then.

  4. #4
    The Lightbringer zEmini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ciddy View Post
    Unfortunately, there's not much you can do. Unless the douchebag is using some kind of exploit or cheating, GMs are going to put it under the "PvP happened, deal with it or pay to move to a PvE server" umbrella most of the time. Not saying I agree with it, but that's generally what they do.

    You can try putting in a ticket if you haven't already done so, but I doubt that's going to do much. The only option I can think of is getting friends to come out, watch your back, and try the same thing to him (assuming they play classes with the capability to do much damage during a slowfall). You could also try putting a bounty on his head if you have a lot of gold, but I can't say if you'll have much luck trying that.
    Thanks for a mature response. I have been receiving nothing but QQ, and other troll responses from people regarding this. They are part of the problem I guess.

    Also, the thing is, this isn't PvP. PvP implies I can fight back. I don't see how this is much different than roof camping.

    "Get invited to a pve server of your battletag buddies then. "

    Does that really work? I guess he could make a lvl 1, invite and log off?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by zEmini View Post
    "Get invited to a pve server of your battletag buddies then. "

    Does that really work? I guess he could make a lvl 1, invite and log off?
    Actually, I believe that does work. Forgot about that option. It has something to do with how being invited to a group where the leader is on a PvE server will put you on that PvE server and make all the rules of a PvE server apply to you.

  6. #6
    You'll be able to fight back in WoD continent because no flying

    But for now, yes could could be invited to a PvE server, and while I'd say "PvP server = you will die," if you really, within the game, actually cannot fight back then it's not PvP anymore. The other option that people usually do is try to gather your friends to whoop his butt.

  7. #7
    The Lightbringer zEmini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NutellaCrepe View Post
    You'll be able to fight back in WoD continent because no flying

    But for now, yes could could be invited to a PvE server, and while I'd say "PvP server = you will die," if you really, within the game, actually cannot fight back then it's not PvP anymore. The other option that people usually do is try to gather your friends to whoop his butt.
    This is happening in Deepholm where I have been spawn camping for over a month now. Now NPC scan no longer works so I have to get very lucky now.

  8. #8
    Lol @ harrassment part. Maybe "that guy" is camping that rare too, and do not want to play a game of who will press ranged skill faster? Which is perfectly fine on pvp servers.

    Solution to this would be placing plagues on him while pressing antimagic shield followed by using your goblin glider and flying towards nearest cliff. As far as I remember damage cancels slow fall effect. Or maybe ask your friends to guard you. Or maybe whisper that guy and try to compromise with him, sharing camping hours.

    And please, stay away from pve servers. People from pve servers are struggling enough with crz bullshit already, filling location with pvp carebears makes long dull rare farm even duller and longer. It is your own fault you play on pvp server. Please, stop making other people suffer because you've chosen wrong server. Thank you.
    No more time wasted in WoW.. still reading this awesome forum, though

  9. #9
    Slap a disease on him from range, and throw a Hardened Shell at him to knock him off his mount.

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