1. #1

    Beta raid testing question

    I have been watching a lot of videos lately to try and brush up on the fights coming out in WoD. Will be running Heroic mode early and in to Mythic hopefully pretty quickly. What I want to know is what ilevel were the Heroic Highmaul fights tested on in the beta. Also what ilevel was used to test Mythic, just as a gauge for gearing.

  2. #2
    Likely the item-level obtainable prior to those raids, like progression has worked since the end of time?

  3. #3
    630 - heroic dungeon items, if I recall correctly

  4. #4
    It was tested with the item level that drops within the raid, I can't remember the numbers off the top of my head. Foundry was higher too.

  5. #5
    Hm... I'm not actually sure that's relevant anymore (which ilvl the beta testers were boosted to during testing, that is) since the dungeons and raid fights were intentionally overtuned during testing.. at least initially. I'd expect we kit out with 630s (from hc 5mans) plus some crafted items then head into normal mode, equip gear that drops there and and go from there.

  6. #6
    so optipistic midwinter was in pre-wipe situation on lastboss on blizzcon live raid even if they was 665ilvl with full set bonuses. good luck beating this boss in 630ilvl

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