1. #1

    Taming Amaukwa as Horde...?

    Hey all, I have a bit of a pet-related question... I'm a hunter Horde-side and I've been eyeing the vignette rare white rylak Amaukwa. I snuck myself into Shadowmoon on a PVP server (you can imagine how fun that was...) and now that I'm looking around... I don't see him anywhere. I'm pretty sure I'm in the right area - smack-dab where his his little Wowhead dot is - but I haven't seen a spawn or corpse. Most vignette rares spawn a minute or so after their death, although I've seen some take a bit longer but even after hanging around... No sign of him.

    I'm curious if any fellow Horde hunters have been able to tame or even just see him. I'm not sure if there's any sort of Alliance-exclusive phasing that could be causing issues, or what. I don't think Blizz would intentionally bar one faction from a certain tame, so I'm holding out hope!


  2. #2
    I saw him several times. Good luck though because he spawns as a rare and is usually instantly killed.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the input! I stuck around the valley for awhile and I'm happy to report I ended up snagging him tonight, my mistake being he didn't spawn right at that Wowhead/Handynotes point, but a bit north and flew around for a bit. For whatever reason, he didn't have the rare skull on him, and my character had never until now encountered him so... *shrug* For any other Horde hunters out there, he will appear and can be tamed. Had about five semi-pissed off Alliance turn on me in response but, hey - totally worth it. :3

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