After having taken a break for most of WotLK, Cata, and MoP, I'm looking to return to serious raiding and pushing top content and achieving server firsts. I played a resto druid during TBC with CUTIES ONLY. I can't recall our exact ranking for kills, but we were definitely top 100 US and server first for most of our kills on Kil'Jaeden.

I know I'm a little lacking on experience in recent years, but I know I'm definitely capable of pushing for server firsts, top 100 US, etc. I know the game well and how to play it. I'm looking for a guild who has similar goals as I do, and one that is capable of achieving server firsts, etc.

If you doubt my lack of recent experience, just give me a shot and I'll prove you wrong. I'll show up each night prepared and ready to go, and will consistently perform at a high level. There is no doubt in my mind that I will be able to perform up to and beyond expectations.

I'm currently on Darkspear Alliance, but willing to server/faction change if I feel it's worth. I've linked my armory below, with the exception of one trinket, I'm fully geared and ready to go for Highmaul. (Please don't mind the cheap enchants/gems, I just haven't had the time to farm yet. Didn't play much in MoP either, so didn't have a ton of gold saved.

(Won't let me link as this is a new account. So just look me up on armory. Pslol on Darkspear)