1. #1

    Question about progression / Garisons...

    I have not played WoD yet. I am starting Tuesday when I get home from work.

    I have read some pretty lame things about garrisons. About how they end up being a chore and very tedious. I guess I can decide for myself Tuesday. I like alt characters though, and I would not be happy if i felt that my characters are all inferior just because i choose not to level my garrisons properly.

    My question is... After the first raid starts Tuesday... What is the side effect or downfall of not worrying about garrisons at all and just pretty much disown the entire concept like I did pet battles?

  2. #2
    Garrison will get you gear when u have leveled your followers enough. Im quite sure you will love the garrison. I felt like u when i first read things about wod in beta. If u end up not liking the garrison u dont really have to do anything in it. U basically get gear/gold and profession items from it.
    Profession items u can do without garrison, but it will be slower. U can gear up just fine without the garrison and money can be farmed.

  3. #3
    did i read it right, that if my character has 0 professions, i can level them to max very easily now?

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