1. #1
    Obnoxious Patriots Fan Darth Belichick's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Launch Player Returning

    I didn't play beta, but I played from Launch for about 8-10 months before I put it down. Playing a Jedi Sentinel and I got back into the combat easily enough (is Watchman still the best sentinel spec?). The skills seem relatively the same and everything.

    My questions pertain more to server life and stuff like that. Of the servers, are there any that other people would recommend (I have the free server transfer) and if there is anything else someone would suggest I'm all ears. I quit WoW completely for the first time in 10 years and kind of treating SWTOR as a single player game w/ a social aspect and I'd like to find a server that group quests are still possible.

  2. #2
    This is what is currently being said about Sentinels:

    Carnage/Combat: Low Rotation Difficulty, Moderate Burst and Moderate Sustained Damage
    Annihilation/Watchman: High Rotation Difficulty, High Sustained and Low Burst Damage
    Fury/Concentration: Moderate Rotation Difficulty, High Burst and Low Sustained Damage
    So it's a trade off for burst and sustained and of course any boss mechanics will swing DPS to be better for one style of play over the other very easily. It seems BW has done that for many classes to some degree.

    As far as servers I play on, I know Jedi Covenant is a pretty lively server for PVE server. Decent amount of PVE and PVP going on.

    Prophecy of the Five is not bad at all for a PVP server.

    For servers I'm not on but hear about, the Harbinger (PVE server) and the Bastion (PVP server) have a decent server crowd as well.
    Last edited by quras; 2015-04-13 at 01:23 AM.

  3. #3
    Pub side of the Ebon Hawk server is active. 180~ on the fleet at point times. It is a RP-PvE server so people are rather friendly.

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