1. #1

    people get mad bc i main yi

    i play yi ALOT been playing him since 2009 i find him fun and very rewarding if fed
    im gold atm over 58% winrate in ranked

    dont people relise most champs in this game are easy if i wanted hard id go play dota

    stop the hate idc if you main garen not like im bashing you for that if you find him fun play him

  2. #2
    Well out of all champs yi is certainly one of the easier ones to play with, but I get your point.
    People just get mad because once Yi is fed he's almost unstoppable.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aydinx2
    People who don't buy the deluxe edition should be permanently banned. I'm sick of playing with poor people.

  3. #3
    i find playing against yi frustrating with some champs because once he is a little fed and you have no hard cc he is indeed a pain in the butt to deal with.
    That said I indeed carried myself to gold playing only Garen so I have no right to bash anyone
    Usually if yi isn't 10-0 then buy thornmail and win.

  4. #4
    He's a low skill floor champion, so it's to be expected tbh. His skillceiling is fucking high though, so good Yi players are bloody amazing to watch (the Cowsep yi montage is pretty much the best montage i've ever seen).

    Tbh just ignore them. I've gotten abuse when i've beat people with Wukong and they call him easy mode. It's a game, what's the point of playing if you arent having fun playing it.

  5. #5
    The Lightbringer Zethras's Avatar
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    I pretty much agree with everything being said, just ignore people, make them embrace the FeFeFeFe
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  6. #6
    What Ergar said, the moment you learn to dodge shit with your Q, reset autos with W etc, then you will be on top of the roof.

    But then again, if you guys see someone lock in Yi, just pick something with CC and nuke him down the second he gets too close. He is after all just another squishy snowballing assassin. Though he snowballs hard, like avalanche hard. Especially in lower brackets, where people don't know how to stop him.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  7. #7
    Titan Charge me Doctor's Avatar
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    For being AD-heavy character you get:
    Massive AD steroid (+10%) in form of Wuju style with active ability to deal extra true damage based on total AD which works with your passive AD steroid, afterwards bonus AD is lost for recharge.
    Basically free Hourglass on short CD with gap closer that deals AoE damage and can crit.
    Every 4th auto deals x1,5 damage
    "Oh shit" button in form of Meditate (which also can be used offensively in early game to reset attack), which reduces damage taken and heals a lot (110 per second at max rank iirc, combined with damage reduction, your effective health is crazy)
    Glorified Olaf ult which reduces CC immunity to slow immunity, gives you crapton of AS and MS and the most important thing resets

    Lets move to resets, Yis combat abilities have 18-14 cooldowns (one of them also reduces its CD when Yi attacks) and after getting kill/assist his CDs reduced by 70%, basically, all "flaws" of his Wuju Style (MAJOR damage cooldown) are gone, because it's barely on cooldown in teamfight unless Yi is heavily CCd for duration (max duration arrow in the face), Yi doesn't care who he attacks (obvious true damage from Wuju Style), he has point'n'click gap closer that hits multiple people for significant amount and can crit (which means if you get in 600 range you get hit for auto+160 damage and instantly get hit with another auto right after alpha strike, and you should pray for it to not be crit or double strike double crit, which if Yi have 300 AD can result in 744 alpha strike crit, 600 auto crit, 300 multistrike crit and 192 true damage from two procs of Wuju Style, it's 1836 damage done by unavoidable point'n'click before armour, which is stupidly high if you get extremely lucky with crit rolls, or 365+300+96 (761) if nothing procs, quite the difference, huh?).

    Basically, people don't like Yi because the only way to stop him is CC him really hard and burst him really fast (if he is smart enough he will pop up Meditate to reduce incoming damage by 70%) because naturally Yi wants to get as much AD as possible it's manageable, but if he gets off his A-strike (which remember deals his total AD + 160 to 4 people) reset, it's basically over, third A-strike in fight and everyone is basically dead, but it depends on how well fed your team is compared to Yi's team.
    His kit interacts too well with his "nature", making him unstoppable juggernaut when fed (and not much).

    If you try ways to handle him as any other fighter (stacking health and armour to "survive" enough to not give him resets), he still melts through you with true damage, he is unkiteable because he is immune to slows and moves faster than you (by far) and he have both high burst and high sustain damage (and, basically, sustain, because simple BT results him in healing for over 40 per hit, and he hits very fast), his obvious "weakness" of being squishy negated by his ability to Meditate (to be fair, it's interruptable, but at the point of you using it, enemy already burned all CC), his obvious "weakness" of long cooldowns is negated by his ult, his obvious weakness of being melee is negated by his A-strike and huge movement speed in fights.

    TL;DR: he is one of these characters that forces your team to play around him, you have to bring a lot of CC (and save it for him), you have to bring burst damage (and save it for him), and he is very strong jungler pick (great ganks, tower dive option, good clear speed, healthy sustain). He also snowballs to unstoppable state really hard, there is nothing you can do to stop him from doing damage because that's how his kit works, he just lands on you crapton of damage and hopes that someone dies to do that again in next 3 seconds while he deals sustain damage. And to be fair if he doesn't manage to kill (assist) someone to get resets - he dies, it's manageable by various means (Kayle shield, Hourglasses, various shields'n'healz) but again, these means are not always available and they don't always work (because obviously it's 5v5, not 5vYi)
    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Dictionary
    Russians are a nation inhabiting territory of Russia an ex-USSR countries. Russians enjoy drinking vodka and listening to the bears playing button-accordions. Russians are open- and warm- hearted. They are ready to share their last prianik (russian sweet cookie) with guests, in case lasts encounter that somewhere. Though, it's almost unreal, 'cos russians usually hide their stuff well.

  8. #8
    So in other words, if you can handle a Katarina, you can handle Yi.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  9. #9
    Quite simply, sod what people think about what you pick and where. If it works for you, and you enjoy playing it, you've already beaten a large percent of the LoL population on doing well in your lane and game. The clue is not to play what is in vogue or what currently 'works', but to play what you enjoy. You will always do better that forcing yourself to play Shen because he's the split pusher of the month, for example.

  10. #10
    Titan Charge me Doctor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    So in other words, if you can handle a Katarina, you can handle Yi.
    Not really, even if Yi doesn't get resets, he has his huge pressure from attacks, Katarina can't hit you in the face with 400 auto-hits with speed of two attacks per second, it's like less AoE focused version of Kata
    Quote Originally Posted by Urban Dictionary
    Russians are a nation inhabiting territory of Russia an ex-USSR countries. Russians enjoy drinking vodka and listening to the bears playing button-accordions. Russians are open- and warm- hearted. They are ready to share their last prianik (russian sweet cookie) with guests, in case lasts encounter that somewhere. Though, it's almost unreal, 'cos russians usually hide their stuff well.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Charge me Doctor View Post
    Not really, even if Yi doesn't get resets, he has his huge pressure from attacks, Katarina can't hit you in the face with 400 auto-hits with speed of two attacks per second, it's like less AoE focused version of Kata
    But the same thing applies, if you don't CC Kata when she jumps in and ult your team - you're dead. If you don't CC Yi when he ult and Q's into your team - you're dead. So basically Kata is the AP version and Yi is the AD version. They both decimate your team if you can't kill them fast enough/CC them. Yi more single target, while Kata is more AoE based.
    And if they don't get resets, they shouldn't really go in early, just as other Assassins, you pick out someone in the jungle, or jump in after your team have started creating chaos, and just pick everyone off.
    But then again, you can put any Assassin in the same bracket, CC/kill them or die trying.

    Dang, speaking of Yi, seen the lvl 2 solo Dragon kill with Yi? All he does is ward Dragon pit, kill red, go back and TP to Dragon pit and kills the Dragon. Sometimes I am like "I should totally main Yi in the jungle!" Then I play him, and for some reason my team always gets the downs when I do, and feed all lanes while I try to do some ganks. Yi is my doomed champion. He is fun though.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    But the same thing applies, if you don't CC Kata when she jumps in and ult your team - you're dead. If you don't CC Yi when he ult and Q's into your team - you're dead. So basically Kata is the AP version and Yi is the AD version. They both decimate your team if you can't kill them fast enough/CC them. Yi more single target, while Kata is more AoE based.
    And if they don't get resets, they shouldn't really go in early, just as other Assassins, you pick out someone in the jungle, or jump in after your team have started creating chaos, and just pick everyone off.
    But then again, you can put any Assassin in the same bracket, CC/kill them or die trying.

    Dang, speaking of Yi, seen the lvl 2 solo Dragon kill with Yi? All he does is ward Dragon pit, kill red, go back and TP to Dragon pit and kills the Dragon. Sometimes I am like "I should totally main Yi in the jungle!" Then I play him, and for some reason my team always gets the downs when I do, and feed all lanes while I try to do some ganks. Yi is my doomed champion. He is fun though.
    Yi is alot of fun in the jungle. I don't change my build that much. You get your main jungle item then build as normal but I usually swap out a AD item such as bloodthirster for Frozen Mallet which helps a bit cause a.) it gives him some extra survivability and B.) the slow helps immensely with early ganks. Later on if you are fed you kill people so fast you can sell it if you want for a straight tank item.

    Not for nothing but I find playing Yi very similar to Fiora. I build them almost identical and both of them just get insanely huge if fed.

  13. #13
    If a good Yi gets CC bombed in teamfights, he could always split push, meaning the team still has to adjust.

    A shutdown Yi is completely useless though. ADC will kill them in 2/3 hits, can't teamfight for shit, can't split push. Hero or zero.

  14. #14
    I get the same whenever I play Riven, people just talk shit and start QQing about how OP and faceroll she is, claiming they could easily get to diamond with her by just smashing their keyboards, I generally just ignore it, I don't even play alot of ranked with her, but when I look at league forums it seems that some people are just on a fucking crusade to get her nerfed lol.

  15. #15

  16. #16
    Sometimes the difference in being able to 'facerol' when fed is quite hilarious though. My Shaco can get fed, doesn't mean I'm able to super high mibility dash into a team, AoE stun everyone, Knockup half the team and when they run shoot my ult and kill 4 people in 1.3 seconds while I was only focussing the carry really.

  17. #17
    Riven mains: Youtubevid
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  18. #18
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Led ++ View Post
    Sometimes the difference in being able to 'facerol' when fed is quite hilarious though. My Shaco can get fed, doesn't mean I'm able to super high mibility dash into a team, AoE stun everyone, Knockup half the team and when they run shoot my ult and kill 4 people in 1.3 seconds while I was only focussing the carry really.
    Shaco is all about being slippery even when fed and that's what I love about him and I'm sure you do too. Nothing is more awesome than jumping in and escaping after you kill a carry, now you don't escape every time but if you get the carry killed you usually win the fight for your team anyways. Yi in many ways is the opposite of Shaco in terms of when he attacks, with Shaco you have more options... You can engage the fight but jumping in on a carry (usually ADC though it depends on who's doing the most damage) and blowing them up, pressing R etc. Sometimes you wait for the fight to start and Q around and attack the carry once their moves/items are blown.

    You can even go in get some damage down, pop out if you have that option and re-Q back in if the fight is still going on. I've found that you can really fuck people hard with Shaco in a teamfight if they spread out, many times I'll zone 3 enemies while my team destroys the other 2 (boxes and just being slippery or using a clone to just stick on somebody to get the E passive slow). I'm sure you may know a lot of this but maybe there's something I possibly said that you may not know.

    Yi on the other hand... Wait for fight to start, there's a lot of timing that goes into when you're supposed to go in and rek the enemy team but it's a lot more one dimensional than Shaco.
    Hey everyone

  19. #19
    yeah, i mean i cant argue, sometimes facing a yi is annoying but he's just like any other champ when you get down to it, if someone good is controlling him he'll destroy, otherwise he can be beaten just like anyone else

  20. #20

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