1. #1

    player made novels on Wow


    I am wondering if there were many players who felt like running down the memory lane and sharing the long adventures in the Hi-Fantasy world of warcraft?

    I want to try this little experiment and see how far I can go.

    I am not sure if this will turn out how I envision it but I have this itch to just write out my thoughts as they come.

    I haven't played the game as much as I did back when I made these memories for aobut 4 years now, and I have grown up got a job, had a bit a "fresh air" and dated, went thorugh a little struggles, moved out from parents, and now am working in the Finance Sector.

    But somehow, after all this, I remember my long cherished adventures in Azeroth - the old Azeroth as we remember it.

    I will write down my thoughts as random as they come so bear with me. I will continue to write in the random section, who knows where this will lead, so read and take everything with a grain of salt, don't be offended by the randomness for I am no write or sage of lore. One thing I can tell you is that writing right now makes me feel a sudden rush of excitement, almost lke as if I am playing for the first time again.

    I will combine this story with some elements of my teenage life leading up to the present - so lets see lol.

    Feel free to make suggestions.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It has been a long day; Rays of sunshine gleam through your long hair, flowing past the valley, overlapping with the trees. There is a shade that keeps the lumber mill cool. There are a few workers nearby. Around the building there is a guarding greeting you find a familiar wave. He appears to be holding a book with highborne carvings on the binding. Surely this reminds you of the book that you saw when you visited the library of Stormwind with your uncle last year. It was after the funeral of your father.
    You approach the guard and ask for directions. He mentions your whearabouts and a inn a few miles away -it is in the village where your father grew up. He also makes mentionings of his youthful adventures in distant lands - of naval battles and a journey to a strange fantasy land filled with eternally young people and night stalking tigers. After what feels like endless hours of ranting, he suggests that there is a nearby cave infested by short ugly kobolds and that the local magistrate will reward a days' coin for an honest days' of work ridding the cave miners of these pests. You hesitantly accept after reminding him of the scary encounter you had with the nearby wolves whom you slew and sold their pelts for some coin. After all you went through this morning you feel weak and hungry. Your stamina needs to be replenished but you have little coin left after repairing your mace. You are young and inexperienced and therefore unable to use much magic, relying on blunt force of the old mace - the very same that your grandfather used when he was guarding against the night thieves in the village. You heard the stories from him and your father regarding the mysterious cult of thieves that permeates much of the roads connecting the village, farms, mines and leading up to the wizard tower and lumbermill. Of course you are not yet of age so you have no ventured past the waterfalls on your own before.
    It is strictly business for the highwaymen they say- and it takes much wit to deal with the strangers from the cities, and you feel like you never were part of the politics that surrounded the citizens of this land. Especially when it comes to dealing with the proper way to handle crimes. As a child, you recall when your father was tried and sent to the city stockades. You felt so humiliated that you were unable to watch when they sent him down. You father recalls the sudden stench of common criminals - the echos of brutes unknown to man, and strange foreign talk of short stout men with dark faces and long long beards. He was kept in the same room with a few grave robbers. One was a ruddy beared dwarf with reddish hair that stank of rum and garlic. He told tales of a distant city nestled in the mountains - a refuge for men and eagles alike, with breathtaking sunsets in the east, and long winding rivers leading down to miles and miles of marshes. He even told tales of big creatures roaming these distant lands, and of large prehistoric footprints, and long nosed uncivilized men with hunches, living in caves and unable to make any

    sounds aside from growls and high pitched squeaks. It is got a little annoying at the end, your fther could barely sleep most of the years because this man would never keep quiet, and his odour was so pungnant that it was unbearable - luckily your father had been working with sulfurs and alkalines much of his youth, and he knew smells "through and through" as he would say. Some men have bravery, I guess for him this was what it meant - for he had a strong tolerance of smells and darkness. "This world is one big place - and wherever the path leads you, make sure to follow your nose - for it tells you foul paths when eyes deceive." These were his words of parting, before closing his eyes. [1]
    Your father had spent most of your childhood in the cellars of the stocks, and when he came out he was a changed man. His once gleaming smile and blue eyes and bright velvet robe made way to an ailing man with gray hair and washed out rags. Yet his stories remained so full of life that you were instantly in rapture whenever he was in the mood to speak. But your father became more and more quiet as the days worsened. Strange folk came from lands beyond the borders, bringing tales of war in the north, of a bone chilling plague that made even corpses shiver. The thieves were multiplying, and it was unsafe to take even the highway to the city now. The cat lady was ever more ominous to children and grown folk alike. She kept saying that at night she would hear rumblings of a gigantic beast, moving against the hill south of the river in the dark forest. Several years ago, you heard distant gallops at early dawn, and you saw mounted men. Excited you ran out of bed and looking at the window you caught glimpse of a large banner and shield embellished with the figure of a C and a large line cutting through. The warhorses were quick that before you knew it they were all gone.
    "Who are these people? and what land are they from?" <They are raiders and they carry the Royal Crest of King Terenas. It is said that they are escaping a large slaughter to the north and are seeking refuge in the south, they are to go on quests to fulfill their oaths and to purge the world of undead. They are going to hunt dragons, they are going to the other continent to form a larger army - something is beginning to take place there...> "Dragons!? That is so cool man! Where do you know all this? Uncle and father never talk openly of these things, and you are just finished your apprenticeship at the lumbermill - we are almost the same age, but everytime you talk theres so much interesting stuff! " <Why I read silly, and I go around the inn a lot - that's where you gather all the news. And recently I met a cute girl who says can do magic. She showed me how she can make little fireballs and also make small critters into sheep. She goes to an old mage living in the tower to the east for lessons. I will go with her tomorrow."

    Some years passed. Your first signs of a beard are beginning to show, but it is four midsummers until you will be of age. Your cousin has became quite acquintated with the world of magic, and is planning to go next fall to study in the city and profess as an enchanter for the king's 7th legion.
    You are not quite sure yet what you are to follow, but today you felt like you had enough - you want to go beyong the NOrthshire and live a life of A-D-V-E-N-T-U-R-E. You left home just before the thrid hour with a small satchel, stormwind brie, a spare white shirt, and mail chest and leggings from your grandfather's closet along with his old mace.

    You accept the quest from the guard, and move forward, passing through the woods where you slayed a dozen wolves earlier this morning. suddenly you come across a clearing. In the distance lies a firepit and in the middle lie half a dozen little vermin. You make way towards them but sudenly are taken by surprise. You hear behind you a creaky yell "you no take candle!.Tht is all you remember, after which you wake up in your bed with your right hand bandagged.

    As you open your eyes, you see a bunch of sheep circling aroudn your bed and your pillow frozen solid while your blanket is ignited by fire. You hear a familiar laughter "hahaha" and by know you know its your mischievous cousin, who is putting his magic at work. You limp to the door, pick up your mace and throw a judgement at one of the sheep but you miss and instead it hits a nearby vase and cracks it wide open spilling all the water on the floor. Suddenly the sheep all turn back to children and they run out of the room laughing and return to the woods playing. Your cousin chuckles, while playing with his moustache and casting a pyroblast at the tree outside your window.

    "Lucky I found you on my way back from the tower of Azora. I have come to return to Marshall Mc.Bride with some books. He told me you want to help rid the mines of vermin - I wouldnt espect any less from a young fighter like you. Now enough of baby stuff, lets get up and finish the quest. It is time for some fun!" And letting go of the cast he sundenly unleashes a bigger than usual ball of fire that hits the tree right in the middle leaving a huge round hole. The critters scared all run away.

    You feel a rush of excitment run down your spine. This could be a time of adventure with your cousin. He is barely of age to leave his hovel but he already traveled as far as Lakeshire - the place where your grandfather got married. It was romoured that people there stank of fish, and they were hunting some strange little fish men that yelled RwlRwlRwlRwl all the time. You feel like your adventure is about to turn real. At next level your cousin says you will be able to learn to heal yourself and others so that you wont die so quickly anymore...
    Last edited by BodosPaladin2007; 2015-05-12 at 02:53 AM.

  2. #2
    I actually considered doing this with one of my chars, but I ended up on a roleplay server and did that with other people. xP

  3. #3
    Moved this thread to the Role-playing sub forum, as this is the more appropriate home for it.

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